Tuesday, April 19, 2016

FPS Monaco: Final table; Level 29-32 updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

Watch cards-up coverage of the FPS Monaco Main Event final table on EPT Live by clicking here. Time stamps of the updates below reflect the one-hour delay.

6:06pm: Break time; updated chip counts

The last three are taking another 20-minute break. Click here for continuing updates starting with Level 33. Listed here are the counts on the break:

Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 14,645,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 7,875,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 2,105,000

6:02pm: Martinez collects after Silbernagel mucks

With only a few minutes left within the level, Gilles Silbernagel opened with a raise to 375,000 from the small blind with one in all his two cards showing -- the T♦. Manuel Martinez called from the large blind, and neither of his cards were picked up.

Both checked the 2♥Q♥J♣ flop, then Silbernagel bet 375,000 at the 7♦ turn. The river was the K♣. Silbernagel stacked plaques and pushed out a gamble of 700,000, and Martinez called. Silbernagel tapped the table and said "good call," and in reality mucked his hand, meaning nobody got to peer Martinez's hand.

5:51pm: Pablo Gordillo eliminated in 4th (€56,600)

After Gilles Silbernagel opened with a raise from the small blind with J♥J♠, Pablo Gordillo pushed all in for 2.15 million from the large blind with K♦Q♦ and Silbernagel called.

The flop came 6♠A♦8♥, then the T♠ turn provided a pair more outs to Gordillo within the type of the 2 remaining jacks. However the turn was the T♣, and after Silbernagel shook his hand and gave him a hug, Gordillo hit the rail in fourth.

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Pablo Gordillo (right) - 4th place

5:42pm: Updated chip counts

Manuel Martinez is back on top, while Pablo Gordillo is now the fast stack.

Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 11,040,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 8,305,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 3,410,000Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 1,870,000

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Pablo Gordillo

5:41pm: Martinez retakes lead from Supper

On next hand after being bluffed by Gilles Silbernagel, Sebastian Supper opened for 325,000 with A♣8♠ from UTG and Manuel Martinez called from the large blind with 6♦3♣. The 3♥5♣9♥ hit Martinez's hand, and he led with of venture which Supper called. Both checked the 6♣ turn that gave Martinez a second pair.

The river was the T♠ and Martinez bet 575,000. Supper thought some time then called together with his ace-high, and Martinez collected the pot. Martinez pushes sooner than Supper on that hand to retake the lead.

5:37pm: Silbernagel bluffs Supper

Sebastian Supper raised to 325,000 from the button with the T♦ and an unseen second card, and Gilles Silbernagel called from the small blind with J♥8♥. The flop came Q♥Q♣A♥, Silbernagel checked, Supper bet 350,000, and Silbernagel called. The turn was the 4♣ and both checked.

The river was the K♠. Silbernagel carved out 600,000, and after Supper let his hand go, Silbernagel showed his bluff as he was shipped the chips.

5:28pm: Updated chip counts

Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 10,450,000Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 9,450,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 2,555,000Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 2,170,000

5:19pm: Joseph Mouawad eliminated in 5th (€43,800)

It folded around to Sebastian Supper within the small blind who raised to 400,000 with 9♣9♦, then Joseph Mouawad reraised all in for 3,755,000 total with A♥Q♦. Supper hemmed and hawed a little, then made the decision to create a 7.6 million pot and put Mouawad at risk.

The flop came 2♠4♣Q♣, giving Mouwad a couple and the lead, however the J♣ brought a club flush draw for Supper. Then came the river... the 9♥! A SUITE for Supper, and Mouwad is out in fifth. Meanwhile, that pot appears to have carried Supper sooner than Martinez into the chip lead.

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Joseph Mouawad - 5th place

5:07pm: Some for Silbernagel

In the primary hand of the brand new level, Gilles Silbernagel raised the minimum to 320,000 from UTG with Q♣J♠ and it folded to Joseph Mouawad within the big blind who called (his hand not being shown). Both checked the T♦5♣9♦ flop, then after the J♣ turn Mouawad check-folded to a big gamble of 300,000 from Silbernagel.

5:06pm: Level 32 begins (80,000/160,000/20,000)

5:05pm: Mouawad wins last hand of level

In the last hand of Level 31, Joseph Mouawad raised to 275,000 from UTG with A♦4♠, and it folded to Manuel Martinez within the small blind with 9♣8♣. He thought a moment, then slid out a three-bet to 900,000. It folded back to Mouawad who immediately shoved all in, and Martinez folded.

4:57pm: Silbernagel flops flush, shoves turn

Pablo Gordillo raised to 250,000 from UTG with A♦2♥ and Gilles Silbernagel defended his big blind by calling with Q♠6♠. The flop came 3♠A♠T♠ -- a flush for Silbernagel, and a couple of aces for Gordillo -- and Silbernagel led for 375,000. Gordillo called.

The turn then brought the T♥ to pair the board, and Silbernagel shoved all in for 2,955,000 or about twice what was within the pot.

Gordillo thought for over a minute, then finally let his hand visit. Silbernagel is up as regards to 4.4 million after that one.

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Gilles Silbernagel

4:52pm: Updated chip counts

Manuel Martinez is currently enjoying an enormous lead with greater than twice the chips of his nearest challenger, Sebastian Supper.

Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 10,205,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 4,430,00Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 3,675,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 3,360,000Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 2,955,000

4:50pm: Silbernagel makes straight, survives

It folded around to Gilles Silbernagel at the button who checked out his hand -- Q♣T♣ -- then raised all in for 1.6 million. The action reached Manuel Martinez within the big blind with K♦J♣, and he called to place .

The flop came K♥3♥J♦ to offer Martinez two pair and Silbernagel an open-ender, then the 9♣ fell at the turn to fill Silbernagel's straight. The river was the 9♠, and Silbernagel survives.

4:46pm: Jacks work for Mouawad

Joseph Mouawad raised to 265,000 from the button with J♣T♦, then Gilles Silbernagel three-bet from the small ignorant of 385,000 with 8♣8♥. It got back to Mouawad who called, then the flop came J♥Q♥J♠ to offer Mouawad trip jacks. Both checked. The turn was the 9♦. Silbernagel checked, Mouawad bet, and Silbernagel called. The Q♣ river bought two checks, and Mouawad won the pot with jacks stuffed with queens.

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Joseph Mouawad

4:38pm: Fives provide a feast for Supper

Joseph Mouawad raised to 275,000 from under the gun with A♥Q♦ and it folded around to Sebastian Supper within the big blind who shoved all in for 2,205,000 with 5♦5♥. Taking his time deciding, Mouawad finally made the call.

The flop came 9♦9♠5♠, giving Supper a whole house and causing Mouawad to grimace. A jack at the turn sealed it, and Supper now has about 4.6 million while Mouawad slips to 2.3 million.

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Sebastian Supper

4:34pm: More for Martinez

Pablo Gordillo completed from the small blind with Q♠7♦ and Manuel Martinez checked the BB with 6♠3♣. The flop came an enchanting 5♣6♦3♥ -- a gutshot for Gordillo and two pair for Martinez -- and both players checked. The 9♦ fell at the turn, giving Gordillo a double belly-buster draw, and he led for 385,000. Martinez called.

The river was the 9♣, pairing the board. Gordillo thought a little then checked, and Martinez checked behind, collecting the pot.

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Manuel Martinez

4:29pm: Martinez over Mouawad

Contrasting somewhat with the primary two hours of Day 4, we're seeing a large number of raise-and-takes and comparatively small pots to this point during Level 31. We just had an exception to that, however, in a hand between Manuel Martinez and Joseph Mouawad.

Martinez raised to 250,000 from the button with A♣3♠ and Mouawad decided to defend his big blind by reraising to 380,000 with 7♣5♠. Martinez then four-bet to 750,000, and after a short lived pause Mouawad called.

The flop came 4♣5♣A♠. Mouawad led for 600,000 together with his pair of fives, and Martinez called with top pair of aces. The turn brought the 4♦, and this time both checked. The river was the 8♣. Mouawad fired 800,000 this time, and after thinking some time Martinez called to win the pot.

Leader Martinez is as much as 10.2 million now while Mouawad is solely under 4.6 million.

4:19pm: Mouawad grabs a few

Manuel Martinez raised to 250,000 from under the gun with A♦Q♦ and got one caller in Joseph Mouawad with K♦Q♣ at the button. The flop came 8♠K♠6♥ and Martinez led wiht a raffle of 225,000. Mouawad raised to 500,000, and Martinez pitched his cards away.

4:10pm: Stacks of plaques

With the rise in stakes, they've now brought out the 100,000-chip plaques.

Pablo Gordillo raised to 250,000 from under the gun with K♠9♦, and Manuel Martinez pushed out a few of those plaques, reraising to 650,000 from the cutoff with Q♦T♦. It folded back to Gordillo, and he let his hand go.

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The plaques are in play

4:04pm: Level 31 begins (60,000/120,000/20,000)

Players are back of their seats and Level 31 is underway. Both the blinds and the antes have now increased as play resumes.

3:39pm: Break time

The remaining five players at the moment are on a 20-minute break.

3:38pm: Level 30 ends; updated chip counts

Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 8,010,000Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 5,915,000Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 4,680,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 3,355,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 2,665,000

3:29pm: Martinez doubles through Gordillo

Pablo Gordillo raised to 200,000 with K♦Q♠ from the cutoff, then Manuel Martinez reraised to 450,000 from the button holding Q♥Q♣. The blinds stepped aside, and Gordillo called.

The flop came T♥J♥8♦, giving Gordillo an open-ended straight draw while Martinez's queens were still ahead. Gordillo checked, and Martinez bet 550,000 -- about half the pot. The often fast-acting Gordillo took his time responding, eyeing Martinez once or twice while riffling his chips slowly. Then after two minutes Gordillo announced he was all in, and Martinez called right away.

The turn brought the 7♥ and the river the 3♠, and Martinez earned the large double-up. With the day's first break approaching, Martinez is the chip leader with almost 7.3 million while Gordillo falls down around 4 million.

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Pablo Gordillo (left) and Manuel Martinez (right)

3:20pm: Some for Martinez

Martinez raised from under the gun with one among his hole cards showing -- the Q♦ -- and Pablo Gordillo defended his big blind by calling with 4♦3♦. The flop came 7♥8♦4♥, and Gordillo check-called a gamble from Martinez, making the pot 960,000. The turn was the 2♠ and Gordillo checked again. Martinez bet 415,000 this time, and Gordillo folded.

3:08pm: Mouawad shoves flop, collects

Sebastian Supper raised to 200,000 from UTG with the A♣ among his two hole cards, Joseph Mouawad called from the cutoff with 4♣4♠, then Pablo Gordillo three-bet to 805,000 from the small blind after picking up A♠K♥. Supper folded, but Mouawad called and the pair saw a flop come 2♣6♦7♥.

After Gordillo checked, Mouawad shoved all in for 3.745 million and Gordillo didn't take too long to fold.

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Joseph Mouawad

3:02pm: Aggro Gordillo

Joseph Mouawad raised to 225,000 from the button with K♦J♠, Gilles Silbernagel called from the small blind with A♠7♦, and Pablo Gordillo called to boot from the large blind with T♥2♥.

The flop came 2♣8♠7♠, and all three checked. The turn was the J♥, and upon being checked to Mouawad bet 300,000 along with his top pair. Silbernagel called together with his pair of sevens, then Gordillo -- with a couple of deuces and a gutshot draw -- check-raised to 1.1 million.

Mouawad took a sip from his bottle of water as he studied the situation, then pushed his cards away. Silbernagel folded as well, and Gordillo picked up the pot.

Gordillo is up over 8.2 million now, comfortably within the lead.

2:56pm: A morsel for Supper

Pablo Gordillo raised to 200,000 from the button with Q♣4♠, Sebastian Supper three-bet to 550,000 from the large blind with A♥K♥, and Gordillo let his hand go. Supper has about 4.2 million now, Gordillo 7.1 million.

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Sebastian Supper

2:52pm: Martinez plays one

Manuel Martinez -- currently fifth of 5 -- raised from under the gun with A♣Q♠ and only Pablo Gordillo called from the massive blind with 9♠5♠. Both checked down the 4♥T♦4♦K♥9♥ board, and that river nine gave Gordillo the small pot.

Gordillo is as much as about 7.3 million now while Martinez has 3.5 million.

2:41pm: Mouawad moves Silbernagel off hand

Joseph Mouawad raised holding 5♥5♦ within the cutoff, Gilles Silbernagel three-bet with A♣2♣ from the button, and when it folded back to Mouawad he called, making the pot 1.1 million. The flop came 6♠7♠3♠ and Mouawad bet 350,000. Silbernagel made it 850,000 to go, then Mouawad reraised all in. Silbernagel pretended to think a brief while, then folded.

2:36pm: Level 30 begins (50,000/100,000/10,000)

2:32pm: Gordillo living right

Gordillo today managed to flop one more flush in a three-way hand, but unfortuantely for him couldn't get any action from his two opponents.

2:26pm: Kings for Silbernagel; updated chip counts

Following a hand wherein Gilles Silbernagel four-bet with pocket kings to push Pablo Gordillo off his ace-seven, Silbernagel is the brand new chip leader.

Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 6,915,000Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 6,355,000Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 4,615,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 3,515,000Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 3,180,000

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Gilles Silbernagel

2:24pm: Gordillo flops flush, loses

From the small blind, Gilles Silbernagel raised the minimum to 160,000 with K♦J♥ and Pablo Gordillo called within the BB with 9♥3♥. The flop came all hearts -- 2♥Q♥7♥ -- to provide Gordillo a flush, and Silbernagel led with a big gamble of 305,000. Gordillo called.

The turn was the 7♣, and Silbernagel again bet -- 500,000 this time -- and Gordillo just called once more.

The river then brought the 4♥ to provide Silbernagel the easier flush. He checked, and Gordillo checked back. Silbernagel showed his winning hand and Gordillo mucked.

2:19pm: Gordillo flops straight, wins

Pablo Gordillo raised to 200,000 from under the gun and got callers in Joseph Mouawad (SB) with K♣J♦ and Gilles Silbernagel (BB) with T♠8♠. The flop came 5♥9♥8♦, giving Gordillo a straight, and when checked to he bet 375,000. Only Silbernagel called. Both remaining players then checked the 6♣ turn.

The river brought the Q♥. Silbernagel checked, Gordillo bet 1.015 million, and Silbernagel folded, giving Gordillo the pot.

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Gordillo's chips

2:13pm: Gordillo back over 7 million

Pablo Gordillo raised to 160,000 from the cutoff with Q♠8♥ and Sebastian Supper called from the small blind with J♥T♥. Both checked the 7♥Q♦J♣ flop, then the Q♥ fell at the turn to provide Gordillo trips. Supper led with of venture of 200,000, and Gordillo just called.

The river was the 3♦ and when Supper bet 500,000, Gordillo called immediately to win the pot.

Gordillo is back as much as 7.15 million after that one.

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Pablo Gordillo

2:05pm: Luca Moschitta eliminated in 6th (€32,700)

Luca Moschitta open-pushed from under the gun for 1,635,000 with 8♥8♦ and got one caller in Joseph Mouawad from the button with 9♠9♦.

Moschitta needed help to survive, however the flop came J♠4♣9♥ to offer Mouawad a set, and after the 2♣ turn Moschitta was drawing dead to complete in sixth.

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Luca Moschitta - 6th place

1:59pm: Silbernagel shoves, collects; updated chip counts

Gilles Silbernagel just earned a large pot versus Manuel Martinez with A♥7♥ versus Martinez's A♦Q♦ after turning trip sevens and pushing all in on fourth street to get a fold from Martinez.

Halfway during the day's first level, listed below are the updated counts:

Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 6,330,000Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 6,205,000Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 4,535,000Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 3,030,000Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 2,825,000Luca Moschitta (Italy) -- 1,655,000

1:52pm: Supper pushes Gordillo off hand with river check-raise

Pablo Gordillo raised to 160,000 from the cutoff with 9♠9♦, Sebastian Supper three-bet to 460,000 from the massive blind with A♥Q♥, and Gordillo called. Both checked the K♣T♠4♠ flop and A♠ turn, then the K♠ fell at the river to make a flush for Gordillo.

When checked to Gordillo made a small bet of 375,000 into the pot of just over 1 million, then Supper made a bold check-raise to one million total -- and Gordillo folded right away.

Gordillo - 6.34 millionSupper - 4.5 million

1:48pm: Sergio Braga eliminated in 7th (€23,500)

Sergio Braga shoved all in again, this time from the cutoff with A♦9♠, and got a caller in Martinez within the big blind with A♠J♦.

The board came 7♥8♦Q♠Q♥4♦, and Braga exited in seventh.

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Sergio Braga - 7th place

1:46pm: Playing pocket pairs

Team PokerStars Online member Luca Moschitta picked up 8♣8♦ sitting UTG, and after raising to 175,000 everyone else folded.

Then it was Manuel Martinez's turn to be dealt a pocket pair UTG with 5♦5♣, and after he raised to 160,000 he watched Sebastian Supper three-bet to 400,000 from a seat over with Q♠J♠. That was enough to push Martinez off his hand.

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Seven remain

1:40pm: Gordillo gets one

On the day's second hand, Pablo Gordillo opened for 160,000 from under the gun with K♠Q♥ and gets one caller in Sebastian Supper playing from the cutoff with 5♦5♠. Everyone else folded, and the pair watched the flop come 8♠A♦T♣. Along with his gutshot to Broadway, Gordillo led for 180,000 and won the pot.

1:37pm: Braga pushes right away

With just one of his hole cards -- the K♠ -- being picked up by sensor, the quick stack Sergio Braga shoved all in at the day's first hand and received no action.

1:36pm: Level 29 begins (40,000/80,000/10,000)

N.B. -- Gilles Silbernagel in truth begins Day 4 with a bit greater than what were reported on the end of play last night. He begins today with 4,390,000.

1:34pm: Cards within the air

They're off! The primary hand of the general day of the FPS Monaco Main Event is being dealt.

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Play begins

1:20pm: Coverage about to begin

We're with reference to the start of our coverage, which begins with seven players left. Read profiles of the general tablists here. Spain's Pablo Gordillo leads tips on how to start today, his stack of just over 7 million putting him greater than 3 million away from the chase pack at present.

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Pablo Gordillo

Here's a reminder of where they're seated and what the stacks are to start out play today:

Seat 1: Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 3,220,000Seat 2: Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 3,890,000Seat 3: Sergio Braga (Brazil) -- 840,000Seat 4: Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 7,005,000Seat 5: emptySeat 6: Luca Moschitta (Italy) -- 1,655,000Seat 7: Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- 3,950,000Seat 8: Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 3,520,000

And another reminder... what they're playing for:

1st: €177,0002nd: €107,5003rd: €75,4004th: €56,6005th: €43,8006th: €32,7007th: €23,500

To get all of the latest news, chip counts and payouts, be sure you download the EPT App on both Android or IOS.

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: France Poker Series]

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