Friday, April 22, 2016

Sunday Warm-Up: Jenny has the solution as m8675309a wins $58K after chopNO Deposit bonus $43

The weather on this neck-of-the-woods is finally showing its true season. AN AFTERNOON of sunshine, freshly raked lawn, and ten lots of pollen-induced allergies on my nose while settling in along side 2,365 runners for this week's $425,000 guarantee Sunday Warm-Up.

Someone not suffering from a stuffy head and consistently dripping nose? Our champ this week, m8675309a, earning the most important slice of a five-way chop, then polished off the rest four players while putting off $58,452.38.

Read on below as m8675309a proves to be greater than a one-hit wonder.

Well into the eighth hour of play Chris "ImDaNuts" Oliver was back again on the lookout for a Sunday Major title. For those who don't remember, Oliver was one player clear of taking home the 2011 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) Main Event title. His road to a victory tonight almost led to the eighth hour after a shoving a short-stack with ace-five and getting looked up by krapcity112's ace-king. A four-flush at the river would keep Oliver's title hopes alive.

Another familiar face in Sasuke234 who has several Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) final tables and a perfect Tuesday one last year banking $17K in seventh place. But, Sasuke234 wouldn't add a Sunday Warm-Up final table this week after pocket fives didn't carry during the river versus m8675309a's ace-seven earning $3,074.50 in 12th place.

A short time later after three-time -COOP champ Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood didn't spin-up a short-stack in 11th place ($3,074.50), with the blinds as much as 50K/100K ante 10K P Force 7 can be all-in pre-flop for 338K as rasulov a and Duraircwb joined within the. paired board 8♣ A♥ 4♥ A♣ 7♠ got Duraircwb to bet the turn and river as rasulov a decided to get out after the 523K river bet. Good call on rasulov a's part as Duraircwb turned over a ship 8♠8♥ which P Force 7's Q♥T♥ couldn't match starting off the general table below:

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Seat 1: krapcity112 (3004421 in chips)Seat 2: Duraircwb (3809426 in chips)Seat 3: pulbier (1138002 in chips)Seat 4: rasulov a (3424024 in chips)Seat 5: tjmosier (2126865 in chips)Seat 6: ibotown (1104706 in chips)Seat 7: INGA951 (1105930 in chips)Seat 8: m8675309a (3878437 in chips)Seat 9: ImDaNuts (4058189 in chips)

Nine hands into the overall table with the blinds holding at 50K/100K ante 10K krapcity112 decided to pressure the short-stacked big blind by shoving 2.77 million from middle position. INGA951 was up for the challenge, calling all-in for 893K holding J♥T♥. A flip against krapcity112's pocket nines 9♣9♠ looked good after flopping a 10 and a straight draw, but a nine at the turn Q♠ T♠ A♦ 9♥ 6♠ would send INGA951 home in ninth place ($4,020.50).

Half-way throughout the ninth hour with the blinds moving as much as 65K/130K ante 13K tjmosier would raise from middle position as krapcity112, unable to realize ground after eliminating INGA951, would shove all-in from the massive blind for 936K as tjmosier called with aces A♣A♥. Bad news for krapcity112's big slick K♣A♦ because the flop gave some hope, 9♥ T♥ J♥ 5♠ 6♣ but by the river krapcity112 was gone in eighth place ($6,858.50).

Ten minutes later heading towards the tenth hour of play with the blinds moving as much as 80K/160K ante 16K ibotown, who already has an ideal Tuesday win, would shove for 790K getting a decision from pulbier within the big blind. Ibotown's 8♥A♦ wouldn't catch against pulbier's treys 3♥3♠ at the 2♠ 9♠ Q♥ 2♦ K♥ board doing away with $11,588.50 in seventh place.

Right before the ninth hourly break with the blinds at 100K/200K ante 20K m8675309a would min-raise as Duraircwb called from the massive unaware of see the 8♦6♦J♠ flop. Duraircwb check-raised all-in for 2 million as m8675309a made the decision holding a flush and straight draw T♦Q♦ facing Duraircwb's pair K♠6♠. The pair wouldn't last past the turn 5♦ making the 3♣ river moot as Duraircwb's demise in sixth place ($16,318.50) would start some unusually early chop talks.

Several times over the 10 minute chat, the overall five were one uncooperative player clear of the cards going back within the air with out a deal, but they managed to kiss and make up while dividing the funds up below (leaving $8K for the champ):

m8675309a $50,452.38rasulov a $42,940.08tjmosier $40,155.23pulbier $39,180.78ImDaNuts $39,060.44

After the five-way deal, things speeded up considerably. Eight hands after the deal pulbier would min-raise as rasulov a isolated with a shove for 4.3 million. Folded around back to pulbier who called all-in for 3.6 million and A♦Q♠. Unfortunately, rasulov a's pocket nines 9♣9♠ would do pulbier no favors at the 7♥ K♥ 8♥ T♦ 5♦ board grabbing $39,180.78 from the chop in fifth place.

Oliver didn't wait long to make a move. Four hands later he would shove 3.77 million from the large blind after m8675309a completed the small blind. A♣3♣ was enough to make the decision as Oliver turned over J♠T♣. Way to the plethora of clubs Q♦ 8♣ 5♣ Q♣ 4♣ both players would make a flush, but m8675309a's ace-high would send Oliver out in fourth place ($39,060.44).

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Chris "ImDaNuts" Oliver - 4th place ($39,060.44)

After dispatching Oliver, m8675309a's sight turned immediately to tjmosier who shoved 2.2 million over m8675309a's min-raise. Still in a gambling mood (and owning over half the chips in play) m867509a made the decision with K♣J♦ looking slightly up at tjmosier's A♥9♠. The ace wouldn't make it to the river as a turned king 6♠ 4♠ 5♥ K♠ 9♦ favored the chip leader thus ending tjmosier's tournament in third place ($40,155.23).

Heads-up play went the similar way because the post-chop hands have.

Fast and in m8675309a's favor.

The chip leader would win all seven hands (well, one chopped) because the final hand played out like this. With the blinds as much as 125K/250K ante 25K and after a J♦K♠4♣ flop rasulov a would three-bet all-in for 4.8 million as m8675309a called with top pair 6♦K♣. Not dead holding an open-ended straight draw Q♠T♣ rasulov a couldn't hook up with the turn 6♣ nor river 3♠.Top stack after the chop, top stack after finish as m8675309a called in a large win earning $58,452.38 as this week's Sunday Warm-Up champion!

PokerStars Sunday Warm-Up (04-17-2016)

Entrants: 2,365Places paid: 342Prize pool: $473,000.00

1. m8675309a (Turks and Caicos Islands) $58,452.38*2. rasulov a (Azerbaijan) $42,940.08*3. tjmosier (Canada) $40,155.23*4. Chris "ImDaNuts" Oliver (Costa Rica) $39,060.44*5. pulbier (Netherlands) $39,180.78*6. Duraircwb (Brazil) $16,318.507. ibotown (Austria) $11,588.508. krapcity112 (Canada) $6,858.509. INGA951 (Norway) $4,020.50

* Reflects the result of a five-way deal that left $8,000 in play for the winner

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