Saturday, July 30, 2016

APPT10 Seoul: Day 2 coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

Day 2 is finished and dusted. The lucky few who bagged up chips on the conclusion of play can have the night off from the tables before returning at midday tomorrow to battle it out at the penultimate day.

That bunch contains the 22 players who survived through six levels of play today, after being whittled down from Day 2's starting group of 61. Six levels as opposed to the standard eight because play was cut short today. With only 61 remaining and still two days left before the general table, an executive decision was made as play started to finish two levels sooner than expected.

Only 18 places are paying dividends on this Main Event so things started to get interesting as we approached the bubble within the dying stages tonight. That bubble still hasn't burst with four more who will fail to see a payday tomorrow before the highest 18 lock up ₩5,099,000 (~$4,350).

It was Chan Tsuh Ming who started the day as chip boss with 169,800 in chips and he did well to take care of that lead for several levels. That was until Poland's Daniel Demicki emerged to usurp his title. Demicki had a stellar showing here, spinning the 93,000 he started with as much as 292,000 by the belief of play.

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Leading the way in which - Daniel Demicki

Some of the others joining Demicki back here tomorrow include Liam O'Rourke(191,000), Michael Egan (107,500) and Day 1a chip leader - and second place going into Day 3 - Albert Paik (287,000).

As for the Team PokerStars Pros, Chen An Lin, Celina Lin and Bryan Huang returned today, but unfortunately for the 3 of them they were unable to carry directly to Day 3. Chen An Lin was first to go, running ace-king into the pocket kings of Romain Dours. Following him to the rail was Celina Lin who found herself all in at the flop with top pair against her opponent's bottom set. Huang managed to outlive until the overall level but his suited ace-six couldn't overcome the chances versus Satsuki Ochiai's suited ace-queen.

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Team PokerStars Pro Celina Lin enjoying herself on the table today

And now we're only 13 places clear of the overall table and potentially another short day tomorrow. Play picks back up at 12pm local time as 22 try to edge towards the ₩119,097,600 (~$101,600) first place prize and the coveted APPT trophy.

As always we'll have all of the action from the felt here at the PokerStars Blog. Until then you definately can read up on how today transpired below. We are hoping you'll be able to join us tomorrow! -- BK

6:15pm: Four more handsLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

Tournament official Rex Cheong just asked the present chip boss Daniel Demicki to attract for a way many hands can be left here on Day 2.

Demicki drew four. We aren't long from wrapping up another day here at APPT Seoul.

Stay with us! -- BK

6pm: Chip leadersLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

Right now it's Poland's Daniel Demicki who leads the pack. With 20 minutes to move he has 290,000, having seemingly won so much from former chip leader Shenghua Qian.

Closely following Demicki is Day 1A end-of-play chip leader Albert Paik with 280,000. --JS

5:50pm: Slowroll for O'RourkeLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

Eechi Mizuno is beginning to become Liam O'Rourke's nemesis. After that hand we told you about not way back (where the Aussie paid 100 won), Mizuno has now slowrolled him!

It started with an under-the-gun open by Mizuno to 8,000, and folded right around to O'Rourke within the small blind. He made the decision and the 2 saw a 6♥9♦7♥ flop, which they'd both check. That took us to the 4♥ turn, on which O'Rourke led for 7,500. Mizuno just called.

The river came the 3♦ and now the bet from O'Rourke was 11,500. Mizuno didn't look happy about it but made the call, and O'Rourke turned over the T♥T♣ confidently. Mizuno paused for a moment, but then turned over his hand - the K♠K♥!

Bit of a slowroll Mizuno! --JS

5:45pm: Last woman standing fallsLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

Jia Yu was the last remaining female player on this event following Celina Lin's departure, but sadly she's left us now too. Yasuyuki Tsuji opened to 6,500 and Yu three-bet to 15,500 at the button. After Tsuji called the flop fell K♣A♠5♥ and it checked to Yu, who continued with a 15,000 bet. Tsuji then insta-shoved and Yu type of shrugged - as though she needed to call her last 50,000 - and did just that. She had the K♠Q♠ for middle pair but was trailing Tsuji's A♣5♣ for prime pair. Tsuji had her covered too, and when no help came at the turn or river she hit the rail. Tsuji now has 188,000. --JS

5:40pm: Lin's exitLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

Celina Lin has now shared how she busted, so over to her:

5:35pm: Huang out to dryLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (500 ante)

The last hope for Team PokerStars has just been extinguished as Bryan Huang leaves us within the final level of the day. Huang had caught a lucky run of cards in a few spots to bypass elimination earlier but he couldn't do it this time against Satsuki Ochiai.

It folded to Huang in middle position and he moved all in for his last 35,500. Ochiai on his direct left called to place the Team Pro at risk, and with the remainder of the table out of the way, the cards went on their backs.

Huang: A♣6♣Ochiai: A♠Q♠

Huang was dominated and couldn't turn things around with the cards falling 4♠Q♦3♦T♣3♠.

He finished 2nd place on this event last year but unfortunately for Huang he won't be making back-to-back deep runs. -- BK

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Team PokerStars Pro Bryan Huang

Level Small Blind Big Blind Ante
14 1500 3000 500

5:25pm: Seven awayLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (400 ante)

With 25 players remaining we're just seven eliminations from the money. Will the bubble burst before the top of Level 14 when play is because of end? Stick around to peer. --JS

5:20pm: O'Rourke folds but still paysLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (400 ante)

There was a bit commotion on Liam O'Rourke's table so I went over to look what was up. On a Q♣4♠4♣9♠8♦ board O'Rourke had bet 28,000 into Eechi Mizuno, just for Mizuno to transport all-in excessive. The pot was already substantial previous to the river.

O'Rourke got a count and learnt that it was 72,900 to name. While he was thinking, Mizuno stood up and put his rucksack on.

"Why are you putting your bag on mate?" asked O'Rourke. "Are you going home?"

Mizuno smiled.

"Will you show?"

Mizuno nodded. "For 100 won!" and everybody on the table started laughing.

O'Rourke threw his hand away, and Mizuno jokingly gestured for the cash before giving the dealer permission to show his hand: Q♠Q♥ for the nuts.

O'Rourke let loose a sigh of relief, and true to his word he reached into his wallet and tossed over a 100 won coin.

"Ahhh thanks"! said Mizuno because the table fell about themselves laughing. He's as much as 180,000 now, while O'Rourke slips to 117,000. --JS

5:05pm: No back-to-back final table for LinLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (400 ante)

It appears last year's fourth place finisher, Team PokerStars Pro Celina Lin, won't be making another final table appearance. Her seat is empty and there's no sign of her within the poker room.

We missed how she was eliminated but we'll keep you posted if the Team Pro takes to Twitter to fill her followers in. -- BK

4:45pm: Dours does his dashLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (400 ante)

Romain Dours got the last of his chips in preflop with pocket aces but unfortunately for the Frenchman the hand couldn't hold up.

The action began with Ken Hirosawa opening to 6,700 from under the gun, and after he was called in two spots, Dours moved all in from the large blind for 48,200. Hirosawa didn't wait long to announce he was all in excessive and with the 2 callers out of the way, Dours and Hirosawa's cards were turned face up.

Dours: A♣A♦Hirosawa: T♣T♦

Dours had the lead until a 10 within the window at the 9♦9♥T♥ flop hurt his possibilities of survival. He had to find an ace or running nines to stick alive however the 3♦ turn and 2♠ river meant it was everywhere. -- BK

4:45pm: Huge pot gives Qian the chipleadLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (400 ante)

Daniel Demecki opened it to 5,500 and got a choice from the player to his left, Yasuyuki Tsuji. It then folded to Shenghua Qian at the button and he raised it as much as 16,500, just for Noriko Suzuki to install a four-bet from the massive blind worth 33,000. It folded back to Qian and he made the call.

The pot was already huge by this point and it was about to get bigger. The 6♦5♠K♦ flop saw Suzuki continue for 32,500 and Qian went nowhere. The 2♣ hit the turn though, and despite being a seemingly innocent card it killed the action. Both checked.

That took us to the 8♠ river and Suzuki checked yet another time. Qian thought for a couple of moments before counting out a raffle of 30,000 and sliding it within the middle. Suzuki hated to surrender at the pot but ended up throwing his hand away. He still has 85,000, while Qian is as much as 225,000. --JS

Level Small Blind Big Blind Ante
13 1200 2400 400

4:20pm: Scheduled break

It's time for an additional break. Coverage resumes in 10 minutes. -- BK

4:15pm: Huang survives way to Barry GreensteinLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Bryan Huang has hit another miracle river card to stick on this event.

After Gu Yu Du made it 4,500, Shenghua Qian three-bet to 11,000. Fellow Team Pro Celina Lin got out the way, then Huang jammed for 19,200 total. Du gave it up and Qian made a rapid call.

Huang had the A♦Q♦ and was up against the 5♦5♣ of Qian. He'd want to hit, but found nothing at the 7♠3♣3♦ flop and J♠ turn. But then, the Barry Greenstein - aka an Ace at the river - hit the felt. Way to the A♠ Huang had hit a larger pair and doubled as much as 43,000. --JS

4:05pm: Team Pro downLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Three Team PokerStars Pros began here today but now only two remain with the departure of Chen An Lin. We've been told that Romain Dours moved all in preflop and Lin did the similar with less chips to position himself at risk.

Lin held a good ace-king but Dours was in front with pocket kings because the board was spread J♠5♣2♣J♦Q♣. Lin couldn't find an ace and exits as our first Team Pro casualty today. -- BK

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Recently eliminated: Team PokerStars Pro Chen An Lin

3:55pm: Zhou exitsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Quan Zhou recently had his stack all but obliterated by Albert Paik and Yen Chen Huang just finished the job.

Huang brought it in for a raise to 5,000 and it folded around to super shortstack Zhou within the big blind. The latter opted simply to flat call and leave himself only 400 behind - a choice that was met with laughs from his tablemates.

The 3♠T♠9♣ flop came and Zhou tossed within the remaining 400. Huang called immediately with J♥T♥ for high pair and Zhou saw his A♠2♥ was behind. The 7♣ turn and 6♦ brought him no help and Zhou was eliminated.

Huang moves as much as 32,000 in chips. -- BK

3:45pm: Paik punishes ZhouLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Day 1a chip leader Albert Paik wasn't having the most productive afternoon on the felt here on Day 2, but he's moving within the right direction again after leaving Quan Zhou's stack crippled.

We arrived on the table to peer the board reading 2♠2♣6♥J♣ and a bloated pot of approximately 40,000. Zhou was first to talk and he bet 19,000 before Paik pushed all in for 36,700. Zhou made the decision and saw his possibilities of winning the hand were slim to mention the least.

Zhou: K♥K♣Paik: 3♦2♠

Zhou had the overpair but Paik had flopped trip twos and would take down the pot if he could avoid a king falling at the river. The 6♦ finished things and Zhou was left with only 5,500 to play with. -- BK

3:40pm: Lin takes a small hitLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Celina Lin kicked off the hand with an open to 4,500 and it folded right around to Yukinori Amano within the big blind. He matched the bet and the pair saw a K♦7♦4♦ flop fall. Amano tapped the table, inviting Lin to c-bet for 3,700. That was called.

To the turn then; it came the 9♣ and now both players checked. The 3♣ landed at the river but there can be not more action. Lin waited to look Amano's hand, and when she saw the K♣5♣ she mucked. --JS

3:35pm: Egan edging upwardsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Australian Michael Egan is steadily climbing this afternoon. He just picked up a pot from the present chip leader Chan Tsuh Ming.

Ming opened the action to 4,200 and Egan next to behave made the decision. The remainder of the table folded an the 2 players saw a flop of 2♦7♦K♥.

They both checked to the 4♦ turn when Ming made it 5,400 to move. Egan called the bet and the K♣ landed at the river. Agawithin the action went check check and Ming tabled A♠9♥ for an air ball while Egan quickly flipped up 6♥6♦ for the win.

Egan lifts his stack to 72,000 and Ming remains in the chip lead but is knocked back to 169,000. -- BK

3:25pm: Nakamura takes one from O'RourkeLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Yutaka Nakamura - the fellow within the Charlie Brown and Snoopy t shirt on Day 1A - made it 4,500 to head from middle position. That got one call before Liam O'rouke popped it as much as 11,400 at the button. Only Nakamura called taking us to the flop.

The 3♠T♦5♣ hit the board and Nakamura checked to the last aggressor. O'Rourke continued, this time betting slightly less with 11,000, just for Nakamura to jam for 41,300 total. O'Rourke was interested and got a chip count, but in any case it was an excessive amount of and he let his hand go. --JS

Level Small Blind Big Blind Ante
12 1000 2000 300

3:15pm: Paik's still aroundLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

As we just told you about Chan Tsuh Ming, let's come up with an update of our other end-of-day chip leader. Albert Paik topped the Day 1A field, but has seen his stack head within the wrong direction to this point today. He started with 116,800 but now has 75,000. --JS

3:05pm: Yang continues to buildLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

Not way back we reported on Renjun Yang winning a pot from Quan Zhou and he has continued the trend, this time taking from Alvin Zheng.

The hand began with Zheng opening to 4,000 before Masanori Ishihara called at the button, Yang called from the small blind and Romain Dours came along from the massive blind.

The flop landed 5♣A♣J♠ and it was checked back to Zheng who fired for 7,500. Ishihara let it go but Yang made the decision. Dours folded his hand and the 6♠ arrived at the turn.

The two remaining players checked through to the 4♠ river where Yang led for 13,000. Zheng tanked for over a minute but after all he tossed in a choice to look he was beat by Yang's A♦6♦ for 2 pair.

That hand sees Zheng drop to 58,000 in chips. -- BK

3pm: Bullying the large stackLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

Spare a thought for Chan Tsuh Ming. He could also be a number of the chip leaders, but at the moment he can't raise a hand without someone shoving on him.

First it was Australia's Michael Egan. Chan opened to 4,300 at the button and Egan jammed for around 30,000 out of the small blind. That got the massive stack to fold.

An almost identical thing happened at the next hand. Chan opened to the similar 4,300, and this time it was Siyang Phua's turn to shove for 23,500 total. Again Chan threw his hand away. --JS

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Start of Day 2 chipleader Chan Tsuh Ming

2:50pm: Yang finds a flushLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

Quan Zhou opened the betting with a raise to 4,200. It folded around to Renjun Yang within the big blind and he defended to look the J♠5♣A♣ flop.

Yang checked to Zhou who continued for 4,100. The bet was met with a choice and the dealer turned the 7♣. That arrival of that card prompted both players to test before the 9♦ river completed the board.

Yang deliberated for a moment before flicking in 11,000 in chips. Zhou reached into his stack and cut out a decision but hesitated to decide to it. Ultimately he did put the chips within the middle and saw that Yang had him beat with K♣6♣ for the nut flush.

Zhou dips to 52,400 while Yang jumps as much as hover around 98,000. -- BK

2:40pm: Selected chip countsLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

The player who began Day 2 as chipleader, Chan Tsuh Ming, continues to be out in front as we catch up with to the cash. Listed below are the largest and most notable stacks within the room. --JS

Chan Tsuh Ming - 210,000Jia Yu - 145,000Masanori Ishihara - 140,000Kengo Nishihara - 110,000Liam O'Rourke - 110,000Alvin Zheng - 72,000Michael Egan - 59,000Celina Lin (Team PokerStars Pro) - 47,000Bryan Huang (Team PokerStars Pro) - 42,000Quan Zhou - 35,000Chen An Lin (Team PokerStars Pro) - 23,000

2:30pm: Tsuji stays aliveLevel 11 - Blinds 900/1,800 (200 ante)

Yasuyuki Tsuji's tournament dream remains to be alive after he found himself in danger against Poland's Daniel Demicki.

We missed the beginning of the action but Demicki had 9,600 in front of him and Tsuji had moved all in for 31,600. With the verdict back to Demicki he gave it considerable thought before begrudgingly dropping calling chips into the middle.

Tsuji: A♣Q♦Demicki: 9♥6♥

Tsuji was in front however the 8♥2♦4♥ made things interesting. Demicki had picked up a flush draw and will still hit a nine or six to take the lead. The 8♦ turn was safe for Tsuji and so too was the 5♦ river as his ace high held to fasten up the pot.

Demicki takes successful but still sits with 94,000 in chips. -- BK

Level Small Blind Big Blind Ante
11 900 1800 200

2:05pm: Break time

Players are occurring their first break of the day. We'll be back in ten minutes. --JS

1:55pm: Flip outLevel 10 - Blinds 700/1,400 (200 ante)

There's a large queue right in front of the media desk at this time and that's the reason because one of the vital popular flip out tournaments is set to start out. It costs ₩100,000 to go into so if you are on the lookout for some fun action here in Seoul, head on down now. --JS

1:45pm: Larsen leaves usLevel 10 - Blinds 700/1,400 (200 ante)

Denmark's Rasmus Larsen started today with 35,600 but he has just been sent to the rail by Shenghua Qian.

Qian brought it in for a raise to 3,000 from late position, and when it folded to Larsen within the big blind, he moved all in for his last 24,100. The jam was called and players opened their cards.

Larsen: A♠9♠Qian: 7♥7♣

It was an excellent fight but Larsen would have to improve to outlive. The 2♦5♦8♠ flop was no help and while the Q♠ turn brought some flush outs, the J♥ river bricked off to peer Larsen eliminated.

Qian meanwhile builds to an excellent 138,000. -- BK

1:40pm: Huang triples up in crazy handLevel 10 - Blinds 700/1,400 (200 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Bryan Huang remains to be alive on this main event way to a miracle river card. This was a sexy ridiculous hand which had everything.

It started with an under-the-gun limp from Yukinori Amano, followed by another limp from Gu Yu Du who was utg+1. It then folded to Huang and he jammed for 24,100. After all, his limping opponents presumably weren't that strong, right?

Wrong. Amano then made the call, just for Du to then re-shove for around 60,000 total. It was essentially a call for Amano's tournament as Du had him covered. After several minutes spent deep within the tank he decided to offer his hand up, telling the table he had Ace King.

It was an even decision in the beginning as Du had the K♦K♥, which was sooner than Huang's 7♠7♥. But Amano was kicking himself when the Q♣T♣J♦ flop hit the felt, which might have given him a broadway straight for the stone nuts.

Huang needed help and didn't get any at the 6♦ turn. The 7♣ river however was a distinct story, catapulting Huang into the lead and giving him a triple as much as around 77,000. --JS

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Team Pros Bryan Huang and Celina Lin on Day 2

1:25pm: Power poker from MatsuoLevel 10 - Blinds 700/1,400 (200 ante)

Ken Hirosawa opened to 4,100 and Mingken Thoo came along. He wouldn't have the ability to see a flop though as Ryusuke Matsuo squeezed it as much as 16,000 from the large blind and only Hirosawa called.

The dealer fanned a T♥7♦6♠ flop and Matsuo continued for 14,000. Hirosawa didn't take too long to call, and so we saw the K♣ at the turn. Matsuo decided to jam for his remaining 21,800 and Hirosawa went into the tank. After a few minutes he decided to maintain his chips and threw his hand away.

Matsuo then showed the K♦. --JS

1:15pm: No joy for JinLevel 10 - Blinds 700/1,400 (200 ante)

It won't be back to back APPT final tables for Jiayi Jin. He finished 5th in APPT Macau only some weeks ago but was just eliminated by the hands of Kenji Kurashina.

Jin opened to 3,200 before Kurashina next to behave installed a raise to 9,000. The verdict fell back on Jin who counted his own stack and weighed up his options. The raise was for as regards to half his stack but he opted to flat call and leave himself only 13,400 behind.

When the dealer spread the 4♦4♥9♦ flop Jin quickly moved in and was Kurashina snapped it off.

Jin: A♦K♦Kurashina: Q♠Q♣

Jin was behind but had an international of outs with any ace, king or diamond (not counting the Q♦) making him the most productive hand. He would find none of those, however, because the 9♣ turn and 4♣ arrived to seal his fate.

Kurashina sends Jin home and moves his own stack as much as around 74,000. -- BK

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Eliminated: Jiayi Jin

Level Small Blind Big Blind Ante
10 700 1400 200

1:05pm: Nice call by IshiharaLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

Quan Zhou kicked off proceedings with a 2,600 open which was called by Yen Huang and Masanori Ishihara. The trio went to the flop and it came 9♠8♠6♥, and Zhou decided to not c-bet. It checked to Ishihara who led out for 3,600 which got Zhou out the way in which. Huang made the call.

The 3♥ turn saw Huang check again. Now the bet from Ishihara was 7,600, and again Huang went nowhere. Then the 3♣ completed the board and swiftly Huang bet 10,500. Ishihara looked confused; what could Huang be representing here? A random three?

In the top Ishihara sniffed out what was clearly a bluff as he made the decision. We never saw either in their hands though; Huang insta-mucked meaning Ishihara did not have to turn his cards. Instead he just focused on stacking his newly-acquired chips. He's as much as around 140,000 and has one of the most room's biggest stacks, while Huang drops to 28,000. --JS

12:55pm: Another one goes Zheng's wayLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

Alvin Zheng has well and actually turned his bad start around after scooping another big pot.

He went to a flop of T♦J♦6♠ with Kouichi Shibata and the 2 quickly found the entire money in with Shibata prone to elimination.

Zheng: 6♥6♣Shibata: Q♠Q♣

Zheng had flopped bottom set against Shibata's overpair and held throughout the A♣ turn and A♠ river. Shibata tapped the tabled and exited the tournament area while Zheng moved as much as around 77,000 in chips. -- BK

12:50pm: Out of turn and out the doorLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

Masaya Nakagawa opened it as much as 2,600 and didn't appear to get much respect; four players called they usually were Norihiro Otani, Satsuki Ochiai (button), Xiaoyi He (small blind) and Kwok Chun Yip (big blind).

All five saw the 2♠8♦4♠ flop fall and it checked around to Otani. He took a stab with a 4,500 bet, bringing the action Ochiai. However, He then acted out of turn and announced he was all-in, before quickly realising his mistake and dragging his chips back. "So sorry!" he told the dealer.

It didn't matter much after all as Ochiai would finally end up folding anyway, as did everyone else after He was all-in for 9,200 total. Otani made the decision though and the cards were on their backs:

Otani: 9♣9♠He: Q♣2♣

He had only a pair of deuces and was trying to improve, however the 8♣ and 3♣ at the turn and river didn't help him. He hit the rail and Otani moved as much as a stack of 70,000. --JS

12:40pm: Zheng bounces backLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

We just reported how Alvin Zheng has had a coarse start here today, losing greater than half his stack within the early stages, but it surely seems like he's turning it around after finding a double up.

The hand began with Team PokerStars Pro Chen An Lin raising to 2,800 from late position before Zheng moved all in for his last 16,900. It folded to Masanori Ishihara within the big blind and he came around the highest with an all-in of his own. Lin quickly folded and the cards went at their backs.

Zheng: K♦K♦Ishihara: J♥J♣

Zheng was in front and had a stranglehold on the hand by the point the K♠4♣7♥ flop arrived. Needing to vanish only running jacks he had locked up the pot by the 7♣ turn before the inconsequential 9♦ river rolled off.

Zheng secured the double while Ishihara dropped to a still very healthy 122,000. -- BK

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Busy day to this point for Alvin Zheng

12:25pm: Simply disgustingLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

If you're eating presently I suggest you wait until you've finished before reading this hand. It's pretty darn sick.

There was a 6♦T♦7♣ flop showing and Yen Chang Huang led at it for 9,000. He started today with 29,900 and had already lost a few, so this was a vital a part of his chips. His only opponent, Alvin Zheng, then moved all-in excessive. He had Huang covered.

Huang tanked but eventually made an emphatic call, slamming his stack within the middle. Unfortunately for him, though, it was the incorrect decision. Zheng turned over the Q♥Q♦ and the overpair was way prior to Huang's top pair with the A♦T♥.

The dealer then burned and turned the Q♦, and that sealed Huang's fate.

Or did it? Out of nowhere the 8♦ hit the river and Huang had hit a runner-runner flush. There have been gasps all around, and many declarations of "so sick". Indeed it was.

Zheng has now dropped to 13,000, while lucky old Huang has shot as much as 50,000. --JS

12:15pm: Goh'ing homeLevel 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

New Zealand's Gabriel Goh was just sent packing after a foul beat from China's Tong Zhou.

Goh kicked things off with a raise to 2,600 before Zhou moved all in from the small blind. The jam was met by a snappy call from Goh and he saw he was in a great spot to win the pot.

Goh: Q♠Q♦Zhou: A♦9♦

Goh managed to vanish danger through to the activate the J♠3♥6♥K♥ runout however the A♥ river signaled the tip of his tournament.

"Yes!" cried Zhou because the ace arrived at the end.

The pair had similar stacks and Goh wasn't sure if he were eliminated. Zhou started the day with only 14,200 but it surely appears he had spun it up within the first few hands because the dealer reduce 57,000.

"57?" Goh confirmed with the dealer, "he has me covered then."

Goh was up front his seat and headed for the exit as Zhou raked just about 100,000. -- BK

12pm: Let's get this show at the road!Level 9 - Blinds 600/1,200 (100 ante)

Cards are within the air here on Day 2 as we start to play to the bubble, which bursts at 18 players. --JS

11:45am: Welcome to Day 2

Good morning all! We're back on the Paradise Walkerhill Casino, and in QUARTER-HOUR we'll be joined by the 61 remaining players on this APPT10 Seoul main event.

It's Day 2, which sees our Day 1A and 1B survivors merge for the primary time. Our champion can be within the room today, but who will or not it's? Could Team PokerStars Pros Celina Lin and Bryan Huang make the overall table together again like they did last year? Will our other Team Pro Chen An Lin make his first Seoul final table? Can the Aussie contingent (made of talented pros including Michael Egan and Lim O'Rourke) make deep runs? You will have to wait and see.

The man leading the sector at this time is Chan Tsuh Ming. He's bringing an enormous stack of 169,800 into play today, after a late surge last night saw him shoot up the leaderboards. Listed below are the most important stacks within the room today:

Last Name First Name Table Seat Country Chip Count PokerStars Status
1 Chan Tsun Ming 6 8 Hong Kong 169,800  
2 Paik Albert 7 6 USA 116,800  
3 Ishihara Masanori 4 2 Japan 114,000  
4 Nguyen Windsor 3 4 Canada 111,100  
5 Qian Shenghua 2 3 China 100,300  
6 Kim Andrew 3 6 USA 99,000  
7 Demicki Daniel 2 8 Poland 93,000 PokerStars Qualifier
8 O'rourke Liam 1 8 Australia 87,800 PokerStars Qualifier
9 Tsuji Yasuyuki 2 9 Japan 84,900  

Play starts shortly at 12pm local time. The bubble is certain to burst today with 18 players getting paid. You'll be able to take a look at the entire prize pool and payouts here, but know that every one players are aiming for the primary place prize of ₩119,097,600 ($101,399 US).


In terms of the way long we'll play for today, as of at this time we actually have no idea! Stick with us all day to follow the action. --JS

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PokerStars Blog reporting team in Seoul: Brad Kain and Jack Stanton. Photos by Kenneth Lim Photography.

The APPT Seoul festival at Paradise Walkerhill Casino runs until Monday, June 27th. Full details can be found at the official APPT website page.

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