4:20pm: HalftimeThe halftime whistle have been blown. After a brief break the players will come again and swap ends. You will see level 5 updates here. -- MC
4:10pm: Beach timeThe entrants for Day 1A had risen to 293, with registration open until the start of the following level and around 33 of these have already busted. A few of those off to the beach include:
Carl Croucher, Miguel Monton, Juan Manuel Cubero, Ian Nelson, Ian Murray, Luis Garcia, Pedro Baret, Abdellatif El Afrahi, Tudor Purice, Roberto Vientimilla, Heinz Traut, Mohamed Razab Sekh, Kyrre Dyregrov, Francis Lacken, Fonsi Nieto, Marcos Moreno, Roberto Ruiz, Viktor Leonov, Luis Caballero, Carlos Gonzalez, Alex Norden, Juan Dominguez, Jiri Horak, Richard Pearson, Andre Blanco, Tom Middleton, Marco Pacini, Ismael Benboufares, Peter McLen and Alvaro Amoros
3:55pm: Barrable hoping to circumvent poker car crashOne of the good things about poker is that it's perhaps essentially the most open 'sport' on this planet and attracts people from all walks of life and so long as you have got the buy-in doesn't discriminate against anyone.
One of the more interesting UKIPT regulars is Peter Barrable because his day job is set as far far from the calm serenity of a poker site as is feasible. Since you see Barrable is a rally driver! But he is not too bad at this poker lark either and he's had three deep runs in UKIPT Main Events. At the day England lost to Germany within the 2010 World Cup Barrable was busy finishing fourth at UKIPT Killarney and whilst that's his best result thus far he's also finished 13th and 14th at UKIPT2 Galway and UKIPT2 Machester respectively.
He's one of the most players who've late registered this event and in consequence there isn't been an excessive amount of movement in his stack but he's climbed slightly to 21,000 and he's sat to the direct left of Vlad Lache. The Romanian, who plays mid to high stakes heads-up sit and gos for a living, has a few results at the Eureka Poker Tour but none at the UKIPT as yet. He's still got his starting stack of 20,000. -- NW
3:45pm: Elliot showing disciplineIt takes numerous discipline to fold at the river after flopping a collection; especially when there are just a couple of hands you lose to.
Willie Elliot, star of UKIPT Nottingham a couple of weeks ago, dropped right down to 12,000 after folding with a collection of queens to a river bet from Lee Dixon. Elliot had squeezed pre flop before betting turn and river. Dixon stuck with him before he led at the river with a rested board of A Q 9♥6♥4♥.
Elliot said to Dixon that the one hand he may have is A♥K♥ and folded. Although Dixon's hand was never exposed, he insisted Elliot made the appropriate call. -- MC
3:30pm: Not the Year of Romania?Another player has filled Tudor Purice's seat. Maybe the Romanian busted because he did not want to be on show with the below hat after losing a prop bet to Patrick Leonard. - MC
LEVEL UP: BLINDS 100/200, ante 25
3:20pm: Leonard loses an odd handIf we were to invite you who the top ranked UK player is in online tournaments presently and also you answered Chris Moorman, Toby Lewis or Chris Brammer then, whilst it would be a very good guess, it might be wrong.
Right now that honour belongs to Patrick 'Pleno1' Leonard. He's climbed to number three overall on this planet at the back of consistently excellent results including chopping the Sunday Warm-up and final tabling the PokerStars 8th Anniversary Sunday Million.
He's not got off to the most efficient of starts in Marbella though as he's all the way down to just 6,300 and his latest bump within the road came in an excessively strange hand indeed. I only saw the action from the turn but with around 2,700 within the pot and a K♠9♠K♣4♥ board at the felt his opponent, who was within the small blind, checked and Leonard followed suit.
The Q♠ river was where it got interesting though, his opponent checked it to Leonard who began contemplating his decision. He was twirling a chip in his hand and the dealer thought that he'd checked as he instructed the small ignorant of open his cards which he did showing A♣9♣. At this point Leonard said: "I DID NOT check," and the dealer realised his error and called the floor.
The floor arrived and the location was explained with the dealer admitting his error, the ground ruled that action was frozen because of the error not being at the a part of the player so the small blind shouldn't be put at this kind of disadvantage. This meant that there could be not more betting, Leonard peaked at his cards before pushing them to the muck as he was unable to top A♣9♣. "I USED TO BE going to bet 800," said Leonard to his opponent who intimated he'd have called the bet. So a frustrating end to the hand for Leonard but ultimately one who saved him precious chips. -- NW
3:08pm: Lennaard on the top, Middy on the bottomKen Lennaard and Tom Middleton are having very different days.
Middleton was just seen raise-folding to drop right down to around 4,000 chips, whereas Lennaard made a flush at the river, got paid, and rose to 52,000.
The Swede raised to 2,500 at the turn after which bet 7,500 at the river of a 9♥Q♦J♠4♥7♥ board. He was called both times and spread out K♥J♥ for prime pair that become a flush. His opponent mucked. -- MC
2:55pm: Chip countsHere are a smattering of chip counts from across the room:
Dean Hutchison - 21,000Lewis Swift - 26,500Paul Foltyn - 20,500Richard Milne Senior - 24,000Thomas Dunwoodie - 8,000Tomasz Raniszewski - 38,000Willie Elliot - 24,000Patrick Leonard 6,300Vlad Lache - 19,500Michael Kane - 37,000Juan Benito - 13,500
Keep an eye fixed at the chip counts page as we'll be updating it within the day. -- NW
2:40pm: Kane and a pair of ablesMichael Kane, who finished seventh at UKIPT Edinburgh, got sat with two Spanish celebrities today although he didn't understand it.
Fonsi Nieto was a qualified motorcycle rider but now spins wheels on decks as he turned to DJing. He'll must return spinning records though as he's already spun his stack all the way down to dust.
Miguel Abellán is the opposite famous face and he has direct position on Kane. Abellán's day job is to fight bulls no less. Watch out of bluffing him, Mr Kane! -- MC
2:25pm: How Ferguson fellAlex Ferguson popped by media row to tell the blog how he was unfortunate to bust over the past level.
He opened to 250 with pocket kings from in position and was three-bet to 650 by the massive blind. Ferguson came back with a four-bet to 1,850 and called when five-bet to 3,600.
The flop fanned K♣Q♣4♣ and the large blind led for 4,800. Ferguson shoved and was snapped off by his opponent who held 7♣5♣ for a flopped flush. The Scot did not refill and headed off to a cash game to check out and earn the cash back. -- MC
2:05pm: Break it upNo siestas allowed, only a 15-minute break for all and sundry.
1:50pm: Bad beat leaves Mason shortAt most UKIPT events you will find Jen Mason working backstage in her role as Media Coordinator, however she's a skilled player in her own right and has swapped player registration cards for enjoying cards at this event.
Sadly, it sort of feels her day might be a brief one as she is all the way down to 1,000 chips upon getting outdrawn in an enormous pot. Holding pocket twos in a multi-way pot she connected nicely with the 8 8 2 flop, Mason bet 450 only to get check-raised to 2,700 a gamble she just called. At the Q♥ turn her opponent bet 6,000, she shoved for 14,000 and her opponent called with 9 8 . The river though was another queen to present her opponent a larger full-house. -- NW
1:45pm: Foltyn outfoxes BenitoUK tournament titan Paul 'Pab' Foltyn is sharing a table with Juan Benito and the 2 of them just clashed in a pot that went to showdown.
On the turn of a 5♥J♥3♣2♥ board Foltyn bet 1,200 and Benito smooth called. The Q♠ fell at the river and both players declined so as to add any further chips to the pot, Foltyn turned over K♦K♥, Benito looked back at his cards - the universal poker sign for 'I can't beat that - and showed A♦J♣. Pot to Foltyn.
1:35pm: Great start for the champion, not so for FergusonLudovic Geilich took down this title last year and has made a cracking start as he tries to defend his title. The blog noticed he still had a big stack despite folding at the turn in a three-bet pot. He informed the blog that he doubles up the primary hand he played!
In level one, he'd opened to 175 and called in position after an opponent three-bet to 450. The flop fell 7 6 4 and Ludovic bet 600 and called when check-raised as much as 1,200. The turn came as a jack and he raised to 3,600 after he was faced with a 1,450 bet. Call.
The board completed with a four and Ludovic over-shoved for around 14,000 when his opponent checked to him and was called over again. Ludovic had an entire house with pocket jacks, beating out his opponent's A♣J♣. He's sat behind 37,000.
Not having a super start was Alex Ferguson, who has busted already. He was seen leaving the tournament room in a rush and never returning. He's one in all five who've busted out of the 245-player field up to now. -- MC
1:20pm: Back for morePlenty of players are profiting from the power to register anytime up until the beginning of level five. Among those to take their seats recently are two players who final tabled the last UKIPT in Nottingham. Willie Elliot and Juan Benito started that final table first and second in chips respectively, Elliot finished fourth, whilst Benito busted in sixth. And Alex Ferguson, who finished ninth at UKIPT2 Brighton has also just taken his seat. -- NW
1:10pm: No power within the hat for PuriceTudor Purice is also wearing an Angry Birds hat after losing of venture but he didn't harness its obvious powers in a hand and folded at the river to drop to around 15,000.
The Romanian opened from the hijack and was called by both players within the blinds. Purice bet the flop and switch and was called by the large blind both times. The board rested as 9♥2♦A♣5♣9♠ and the massive blind led out for 1,100. Purice gave it a few minutes thought before releasing his hand. -- MC
Blinds up: 50-100
1pm: There's more to the UKIPT than pokerIf ever there has been a UKIPT to bust in level one then it's probably this one as those lucky enough to be in Marbella this week can have plenty to do should the poker not go as planned. There's in fact a large number of side events - including a €2000 + €200 High Roller that starts on Friday - but it's what happening off the felt that had many of the players ultimately night's welcome drinks excited.
Yes the UKIPT/ESPT may be throwing not one, not two but three parties through the festival. Two of these are based world wide Cup as both Spain and England play their opening fixtures in this tournament. So on Friday night at 9pm there is a Spain Match Experience party with free food, drink and an incredible screen here on the Hotel H10 Andalucia Plaza.
Then the powers that be are really ramping it up on Saturday because the Official Party - Open Bar and BBQ on the beach bar Chiringuito Los Espigones kicks off at 10pm and runs until 11.30pm. But then the party goes into additional time because the England Match Experience starts at nighttime on the same venue. So the lock of the week is that they will be some sore heads come final table time on Sunday.
Throw within the multiactivity experience, Flipout Freeroll extravaganza and a live stream of the overall two days (Spanish language only) and you have a worldie of a festival. -- NW
12:45pm: 200 and risingThe tournament board is showing that 200 players are currently registered and of their seats for Day 1A action. There's numerous empty tables, each containing a dealer button and cut card but no players, so expect that number to rise before late registration closes firstly of level five.
Some players who're already betting, raising and folding are: Thomas Dunwoodie, Jen Mason, Sonia Padovani, Tomasz Raniszewski and Ken Lennaard. The legendary Swedish player, who with over $1,500,000 in lifetime earnings sits 15th at the all-time Swedish money list, lives out here in Marbella and is an ordinary fixture on the tournaments here. -- NW
12:35pm: Time for changePaul Foltyn and Tom Middleton have made the trip out to Spain for a vacation, sorry, to play some poker. Middleton hasn't made it to the tournament room yet but Foltyn is already in his seat.
He told the blog he'd been to Las Vegas for the WSOP the last eight years and needed a break from it. He and Middleton plan to make a holiday out here in the event that they bust from the principle Event.
It comes as no surprise to look Richard Milne Snr at a UKIPT. What was a surprise was not seeing the Scot on the welcome drinks that were held last night. He must've had a late flight, as this man never misses out on a free bar! -- MC
12:20pm: The plan for todayAt UKIPT2 Nottingham the day ones were ten levels long to house the hundreds that came throughout the door.
This event remains to be expecting a large number this week but, as it is the UKIPT on holiday and there are World Cup games to be played, the plan is to play eight one hour levels on both starting flights. Play have to be wrapped up before 9pm local time then. -- MC
12:10pm: Shuffle up and dealIt doesn't matter where you might be in Europe, if Toby Stone is the tournament director, cards may be within the air bang on time!
Many tables are starting short-handed as players pick up their player bags, register with the casino and find their method to their seats.
Dean Hutchison seemed keen so as to add a second title to UKIPT Edinburgh he won in January and was ready and looking ahead to the primary card to be pitched at his table. Lewis Swift will also be seen sat yet one more table along. He made a deep run at UKIPT2 Nottingham only some weeks ago and been drawn out of position to Patrick Leonard, who's currently ranked primary for the united kingdom in Pocket Fives online MTT rankings.
Leonard is worked up after winning a prop bet against Tudor Purice. The latter's sat another table along and is sporting a silly hat (pictures to return) after losing the bet against his friend and rival. -- MC
12pm: Fun within the sun about to beginLet's get on tour! Yes the UKIPT has packed its bags and sun cream (factor 52 obviously) and popped back over to Marbella for one more Season 4 summer holiday. We're again ensconced on the wonderful Casino Marbella within the Costa del Sol and prepared for 5 action packed days of poker.
If you include the entire UKIPT Series events and the EPT London/UKIPT grand finals, then that is the 40th UKIPT event. We've had four double winners (Nick Abou Risk, Joeri Zandvliet, Duncan McLellan and Wojtek Barzantny) but, despite Max Silver coming close twice, never a double champion of the similar event. That might finally happen here though as Ludovic Geilich - who won this event a year ago - is here and playing today.
We also anticipate the likes of EPT10 Grand Final runner-up Jack Salter, UKIPT3 leader board runner-up Neil Raine, UKIPT4 leader board winner Tom Hall and Team PokerStars Pro Leo Margets to take to the felt today.
It's approaching kick off, cards can be within the air soon.
Key UKIPT4 Marbella2 facts:
- 20,000 starting stack- Blinds starting at 25/50 for 400 big blinds- One hour levels and we'll play eight today.- Two Day 1s then the Day 1 survivors will merge for Days 2, 3 and four until a winner is crowned (cue winner's photo, trophy swinging around, celebrations by the pool).- There is a live satellite here at Casino Marbella tonight. It is a €150 +€15 freezeout and it starts at 6pm local time.- The whole festival schedule will also be seen here.
PokerStars Blog reporting team at PokerStars UKIPT4 Marbella2: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Danny Maxwell and Rene Velli.

Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: UKIPT]
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