Monday, February 2, 2015

Danny Latten wins Belgian Poker Series Blankenberge

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Thumbnail image for ps_news_thn.jpgThe PokerStars Belgian Poker Series main event in Blankenberge has been won by Dutchman Danny Latten, who collected €70,000 for his first major title.

Victory came on a flop of J♠T♥3♥, when Latten moved all-in and Christiaan Vanzieleghem, with few chips behind, made the call. Vanzielghem had 4♣3♠ for a pair, but Latten had K♥9♥ for the flush draw and gutshot straight draw. The turn was 8♣, changing nothing, but the river was 9♣ giving Latten the higher pair.

Vanzieleghem received €45,500 for being runner-up.

The €630 + €70 event on the Belgian coast was a great success, with 404 runners, including Team PokerStars Pro and former WSOP main event winner Chris Moneymaker, generating a €294,920 prize pool.


Danny Latten

The next event is the Grand Final in Namur, running December 10 through 18. See the Belgian Poker Series website for more info.

Final table results:
1 Danny Latten, Holland, €70,000
2 Christiaan Vanzieleghem, Belgium, €45,500
3 Dimitri Juchtmans, Belgium, €31,000
4 Peter de Troyer, Belgium, €21,000
5 Samiyel Duzgun, Switzerland, €16,000
6 Mark Coppes , Holland, €11,300
7 Michiel Jonker, Holland, €8,800
8 Vincent de Rhoter, Holland, €5,872
9 Kamal Vercauteren, Belgium, €4,200

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