Monday, July 4, 2016

EPT12 Grand Final: Main Event final table live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

10pm: Jan Bendik defeats Adrien Allain to win the EPT Grand FinalLevel 33 - Blinds 125,000/250,000 (50,000 ante)jan bendik ept12 main event holding.jpg 

JanBendik: the 12th EPT Grand Final champion

Jan Bendik has become the primary ever EPT champion from Slovakia after he coolered Adrien Allain within the last pot of Season 12. 

Holding pocket tens he three-bet to 1.6 million after Allain had opened to 525,00 off the button with pocket eights. The flop came A♥8♣4♠ and Bendik led out for 1.6 million. Allain just called after which bet 1.5 million himself at the T♥ turn when Bendik checked to him. Bendik then raised to 4.25 million and Allain smooth called.

The river was the 3♦ and Bendik moved all-in. Allain silently slid over a stack of chips to signify a choice all-in and shortly saw the devastating news. After being dominant for thus long today, he fell on the last hurdle and needs to be content with second place and €577,800. 

For an entire wrap of all today's exciting action, click here. -- MC

9:20pm: Aces for Bendik; Jacks for AllainLevel 33 - Blinds 125,000/250,000 (50,000 ante)

Jan Bendik picked up aces and won a pot with them. It wasn't a large one, nevertheless it was enough to even up their stacks again.

He raised his button for 625,000 holding A♠A♥ and Adrian Allain defended his big blind with 6♠6♥. Both checked the 9♥8♠T♠ flop before Allain check-folded to a 900,000 bet at the 5♠ turn.

The very next hand, Allain picked up jacks at the button and raised. Bendik had 2♣-something (no card shown) and three-bet to 1.85 million. He folded after his French opponent four-bet to 4.715 million and dropped behind within the counts all over again. --MC

9:10pm: Ace high no good for BendikLevel 33 - Blinds 125,000/250,000 (50,000 ante)

Another small pot win for Adrien Allain put him back as much as 17.25 million.

He was within the big blind and called a 625,000 button raise from Jan Bednik holding J♦T♦. Bendik held A♥6♦ and continued on a 9♠T♠7♥ flop. Allain called before both players checked the remainder of the board that ran out 7♣J♠. Allain opened his hand and Bendik mucked. --MC

8:50pm: Skipping dinnerLevel 33 - Blinds 125,000/250,000 (50,000 ante)

The issues with the web connection meant that action froze in Monaco right across the dinner break. We've returned to the action now having skipped out the 45-minute dinner break, and action is now streaming on its more regular 30-minute delay. We're going straight into Level 33, with blinds at 125,000/250,000 (50,000 ante). This level will now last 75 minutes.

The counts are: Bendik 16.720 million; Allain 15.985 million. -- HS

8:45pm: Small ball key for AllainLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

Adrien Allain has gotten himself back into the chip lead with a chain of small pots. Those he can win, it is the big ones he's had trouble with.

He turned a flush attract one had and semi-bluff-raised and to get Jan Bedik off second pair and not using a kicker. Another pot saw him flop top pair and get one street on value with it.

Bendik raised to 450,000 with T♠6♣ and Allain defended with 9♠8♣. Both players checked the 8♦3♠2♦ flop before Allain led for 500,000 and 900,000 at the 4♣7♦ turn and river. Bendik called the primary bet but folded at the river.

Allain - 17.56 millionBendik - 15.145 million--MC

8:30pm: Sixes help Bednik take the chip leadLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

Jan Bendik has won another big flip and moved into the chip lead with 17.7 million.

Adrien Allian had the button and just limped in with A♦K♣. Bendik looked down at 6♠6♥ and shoved for 8.86 million. Not surprisingly Allain made a rapid call but didn't hit at the 5♠2♦J♥Q♥3♠ board. He dropped to 14.94 million. --MC

8:25pm: Allain back in chargeLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

When we picked up the action on EPTLive again, Adrien Allain had extended his chip lead once more, after Jan Bendik doubled to even things up.

He then moved as much as 21 million once you have Bendik off (potentially the similar hand). Four million had made it into the center by the point the board rested as 5♥4♥5♠Q♣Q♦. Bendik checked to stand a 1.4 million bet.

He only had the A♠ showing and folded it, meaning Allain took the pot with A♦J♥. --MC

7:59pm: One...Two. One-Two. Check. Check. Is that this thing on?

It seems like the fears in Monaco that we had exhausted the world's supply of internet were unfounded. We are, apparently, online again. (It was horrible, people. We needed to consult one another. Someone even got out a b-b-b-book! Urgh. Allow us to pray that this may never happen again.)

Anyhow, so, we have now internet again but we're still looking forward to the EPT Live stream to return into action. We do not specifically know where we are going to pick up action, however the fact is a few action will soon be forthcoming. --HS

7:39pm: Internet down

Our apologies for the dearth of updates within the last 45 minutes. The web on the venue in Monte Carlo has gone down. The employees is operating to mend the issue. Updates and the live stream will resume once possible.

6:50pm: Bendik doublesLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

After a couple of limped pots there has been a sudden all-in and call, ending in a Jan Bendik double up.

Bendik opened from the button after which called all-in for 7.705 million after Adrien Allain three-bet all-in.

Bendik: Q♥J♣Allain: 8♠8♣

The Frenchamn was one flip clear of an EPT title but he couldn't hold because the board ran 2♣4♣A♣9♣2♥ to make the Slovakian a flush. The chips are virtually even now. --MC

33 100,000 200,000 30,000

6:17pm: Allain extends leadLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

After a couple of small pots where Jan Bedik chipped away at Adrien Allain, the latter took the largest pot of heads up up to now and extended his lead.

Bendik called off the button with 9♥7♦ and Allain checked with K♦J♥. The 3♦9♦A♦ flop was checked to the A♦ turn where Allain check-called a 300,000 bet. The board completed with the T♦ and Bendik bet 600,000 when the action was checked to him, followed by a snappy call when raised to fourteen. million.

Allain showed him the bad news and he mucked to drop to 9 million. Allain moved as much as 23 million. --MC

6pm: Heads up play underwayLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Stay tuned to look who turns into the 12th ever EPT Grand Final champion. --MC

5:37pm: Early breakLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

There wasn't long left at the level so the players has been sent on their 20-minute break somewhat early. The heads up battle will start after that and be stacked as follows:

Adrien Allian - 22 millionJan Bendik - 10.6 million--MC

5:35pm: Main event heads up after Jimmy Guerrero goes in third for €406,850Level 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

A huge race played out between Jimmy Guerrero and Adrien Allian that led to the previous busting and the latter taking a two-to-one lead into heads up.

Guerrero was within the small blind and opened to 425,000 before Allain three-bet to 1.15 million out of the large blind. Guerrero asked how much Allain was playing and when he discovered it was around 16 million, he shoved all-in for 4.65 million. Call.

Guerrero: 2♥2♣Allain: A♣J♦

The board ran 3♥A♦J♥6♦T♣ to make Allain two pair. He and Guerrero embraced after which the 2 remaining players went on a break. --MC

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A tough day is now over for Jimmy Guerrero

5:20pm: Bendik cracks aces to doubleLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

It's been an awesome day to this point for Jan Bendik, and it's just got better after he doubled through Jimmy Guerrero to transport in to second place.

Guerrero opened to 350,000 from the button and Bendik defended his big ignorant of see a 4♥K♣7♦ flop appear. Guerrero continued for 375,000 only to be check-raised as much as 925,000 by Bendik. He came back with a three-bet to 1.850 million and a choice after Bendik shoved for 3.555 million.

Guererro: A♦A♣Bendik: K♦7♥

The Slovakian was ahead with two pair and stayed that way because the board ran out 2♠3♠.

Current chip counts:

Allain - 17.915 millionBendik - 7.97 millionGuerrero - 6.83 million--MC

5pm: Umarov's epic run results in fourth for €305,660Level 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

It begun with a €10 Spin & Go and it ended with a fourth-place finish and a cheque for over €300k in a single of the world's premiere poker tournamnets. Asan Umarov has a narrative for all times to tell, an immiedte poker hero for Kazakhstan.

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Asam Umarov: Spin & Gone

His end was, in isolation, a chilly one. Jan Bendik opened to 325,000 from the button before Umarov three-bet all-in from the following seat with A♦9♦. Jimmy Guerrero was within the big blind and shoved after waking up with K♣K♠. Bendik folded.

The board ran Q♠Q♦J♠6♥J♦ and Guerrero moved back as much as 12.26 million. Umarov won't have won, but he's the tale of this main event evidently. Brilliant stuff. --MC

4:50pm: Calamusa out in fifthLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

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Calamusa out

Pierre Calamusa is heading home with €233,800. He's now out in fifth place.

After hitting a two-outer at the river to outlive in a hand against Jan Bendik (see 3pm update), he drifted back to a brief stack. Calamusa three-bet shoved with 3♥3♦ and got that one through after Jimmy Guerrero folded 2♥2♣. But a couple of hands later, he found A♥4♣ within the small blind and moved in for 3.175 million.

Adrien Allain, with A♦J♦, snapped him off within the big blind--and there has been a jack at the flop. That's that for Calamusa, the primary of 3 Frenchman from the overall six to perish. -- HS

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It's time to mention goodbye for Pierre Calamusa

4:38pm: Guerrero folds to Bendik river shoveLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

Jimmy Guerrero's been in some tricky spots today and he found himself in another one in a hand versus Jan Bendik.

He opened from under the gun with A♦7♦ and Bendik was the one caller, from the small blind with J♥9♥. The flop came 8♦T♥9♦ and both players checked the the Q♠ turn where Guerrero's delayed 450,000 c-bet was check-raised as much as 1.175m by Bendik, who'd turned a straight. Guerrero called while saying, "Gimme a jack!"

It was the 7♠ though and he folded after Bendik moved all-in for 1.155 million. Guerrero dropped to 8.66 million and Bendik leapt as much as 4.66 million. --MC

4:25pm: Fantastic five back at itLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

Off they go again.

32 80,000 160,000 20,000

4:02pm: Break timeLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

That's the top of Level 31 and the rest five players are heading to their first 20-minute break. Listed below are the stacks:

Adrien Allain - 13.545 million (84 BBs)Jimmy Guerrerro - 10.245 million (64)Pierre Calamusa - 3.455 million (21)Jan Bendik - 2.9 million (18)Asan Umarov - 2.560 million (16)

3:55pm: More for AllainLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

The poker gods tried to present us a present at present by giving Adrien Allain and Jimmy Guerrero two huge hands to battle with, just moments after that other crazy hand. Guerrero showed his class, though, even if he lost the hand.

He opened to 250,000 with Q♦Q♣ from under the gun before Allain three-bet to 675,000 off the button with A♦K♠. The flop came K♥8♣7♥ and Guerrero check-called 500,000 before he check-folded to a 1 million bet at the 7♥ turn. He dropped to 9.93 million and Allain rose to nearly 14 million. --MC

3:47pm: Move of the day from AllainLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Adrien Allain had no fear at present when he took on and bluffed chip leader, Jimmy Guerrero. It was especially brave considering the fast stacks still in, and he had to risk all his chips to get the move through.

Allain, with 9♦6♦, opened to 300,000 before Guerrero three-bet to 850,000 with A♦Q♥. Allain came back with a four-bet to 1.8 million and Guerrero called. The flop fanned T♥4♥J♥ and Guerrero check-called 1.5 million. The 4♣ was checked through before Allain moved all-in for 5.650 million when the 4♦ river was checked over to him.

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Jimmy Guerrero sent to the tank for 5 minutes

Guerrero tanked for over five minutes, when the clock was called on him, but let the it run all the way down to drop to 11.25 million. Allain's bravery rewarded his a stack worth 12.41 miilion - good for the chip lead again. --MC

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Adrien Allain moves into the chip lead

3:20pm: Disciplined GuerreroLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Jimmy Guerrero folded pre-flop, but in so doing demonstrated that there is a whole lot of skill to his chip-leading game.

Jan Bendik opened from the cutoff, making it 275,000 to play. He had A♥Q♦. Action gone through Asan Umarov to Guerrero within the small blind and he found A♠T♣.

It appeared like it was the type of hand a chip leader would likely play, but he'll surely have noticed how tight Bendik have been opening, particularly with two smaller stacks on the table. And he was thereby capable of finding a fold.

Not with the intention to Pierre Calamusa, within the big blind, who raised to 800,000 with A♣3♣ but was then forced to fold when Bendik shoved. -- HS

3:18pm: Guerrero extends lead as he flushed on AllainLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Jimmy Guerrero has passed 14 million after he battled with the opposite big stack, Adrien Allain.

The latter opened to 275,000 from under the gun and Guerrero was the one caller from the small blind. He check-called a c-bet on a 2♠8♠9♣ flop before both players checked the 7♠ turn. The river was the 3♣ and Guerorro checked to stand a 450,000 bet. It was a cheeky check as he held A♠Q♠ and he raised it to 1.7 million. Allain taned with A♦9♥ but ultimately mucked. -- MC

3:12pm: AA beats AA holding Chinese AALevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Don't worry, we did not have an aces beating aces cooler; our €10 Spin & Go qualifier Asan Umarov found aces and used them to double up through Adrien Allain holding pocket eights.

The Frenchman opened to 275,000 with 8♣8♠ and called after Umarov mved all-in for 1.030 million from the small blind. He held A♥A♦ and made an entire house because the board ran 5♥A♣5♦K♦5♣. Allain dropped to 9.98 million and Umarov doubled to 2.28 million. --MC

3pm: Another escape for Calamusa; doubles after two-outerLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Pierre Calamusa is not going to die. He was just in a desperate spot, again against Jan Bendik, but this time he miraculously did be capable to double up, even after he was a 98 percent underdog.

This one started when Calamusa found K♦K♣ and opened to 240,000. Jan Bendik found A♦6♦ within the small blind and was in a position to call. It persuaded Asan Umarov in from the massive blind with 8♦7♥.

But Bendik looked set to get his revenge when the flop came 6♠6♥J♠ and, after a few checks, Calamusa bet 300,000. Only Bendik called. The turn brought the 5♠ and Bendik led for 500,000. Calamusa shoved excessive and Bendik called, of course.

Calausa then learnt the bad news. He had two outs. After an agreeable pause for drama, the dealer burned and turned...the K♠! Calamusa hit it to double as much as 3.9 million and put Bendik right down to 3.4 million. -- HS

2:58pm: Calamusa chops to stick aliveLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Pierre Calamusa's tournament life was hanging by a thread. But he's going to also consider himself unfortunate to not double up. Here's why:

He open shoved for 1.7 million from the button with Q♥J♥ and Jan Bendik called from the small blind with A♦K♠. So that's when it looked bleak for Calamusa. But at the flop, he got quite a few outs: 7♥4♥3♣.

However he missed all those outs. Yet he also wasn't knocked out. Because after the J♠ bricked the turn, the 6♦ at the river chopped it. -- HS

2:54pm: Rosen first player downed, takes home €170,950 for sixth placeLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)EPT12MON Oren Rosen FT.jpg

Oren Rosen: went in sixth place

Any one of the most four short stacks could've been the primary to go, the cards decided it was going to be Oren Rosen though.

He moved all-in from the button with K♠J♠ and got no callers, that wasn't the case the very next hand. He moved all-in for 1.65 million and Jan Bendik did likewise, for 3.23 million, from the following seat. The blinds folded.

Rosen: A♦J♦Bendik: A♣K♥

Rosen screwed his nose whe he saw the hands and the scoop never improved for him because the board ran T♦2♥3♥3♠6♦. --MC

2:40pm: Movin' on in and movin' on upLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

The all-in triangle came out for 2 consecutive hands, adding a number of blinds and antes to the stacks of Pierre Calamusa and Asan Umarov, respectively. Calamusa actually got greater than that because he jammed from the small blind after Jimmy Guerrero opened his button with 9♥6♣. Calamusa shoved for 1.215 million and Guerrero folded.

On the following hand, Umarov open-shoved A♥3♠ and everyone folded. He had only 11 bigs at that time and now has 13. -- HS

2:30pm: Much more costlyLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

They're into Level 31 now, where a large blind is 120,000 and an ante is 20,000. We're getting with reference to the time when an ante is equal to a starting stack. -- HS

31 60,000 120,000 20,000

2:28pm: What number of BBs?Level 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

We're still playing Level 30 here, where blinds are 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante) and the stack sizes on the moment, in case you have a look at them within the universal currency of giant blinds, are as follows:

Jimmy Guerrero: 128 BBsAdrien Allain: 112 BBsJan Bendik: 34 BBsOren Rosen: 17 BBsPierre Calamusa: 17 BBsAsan Umarov: 16 BBs

2:25pm: Guerrero back into the leadLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

It didn't take long for Jimmy Guerrero to retake the chip lead with 12.02 million after he won a pot off Oren Rosen.

The latter raised with 9♠8♠ and Guerrero defended his big blind with K♥T♠. Jan Bendik, after three-beting all-in with A-K the hand before, folded A♥T♥ at the button.

The flop fell A♠5♥8♥ and Guerrero check-called 235,000 before the T♣ at the turn and 2♥ at the river were checked down. Guerrero opened his hand and took the pot after Rosen mucked. He dropped to 1.78 million. I PONDER what Bendik thought on the end of the hand. --MC

2.10pm: First hand for BendikLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Our Spin & Go qualifier Asan Umarov got involved straight away, opening to 225,000 from under the gun with 9♣9♠. It folded to Jan Bendik within the big blind and he defended with A♥2♠. The flop came 7♣A♠6♠ and Bendik check-called Umarov's bet. They then went check-check-check-check in the course of the 3♥ turn and Q♥ river and Bendik's ace won the day. -- HS

2pm: Off they goLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

The stream has started, and therefore so have we. We'll play all of the approach to a champion today. -- HS

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EPT12 Grand Final last six: (standing l-r): Asan Usamov, Oren Rosen, Jimmy Guerrero, Pierre Calamusa. (Seated): Jan Bendik, Adrien Allain

11:30am: The race to first

Good morning everybody and welcome back to Monaco for the general day of the PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino European Poker Tour Grand Final. We play to a winner in both the €25,000 high roller and the €5,300 main event. Stick here for the latter. Head over there for the former.

When play finished at the main stage last night there have been six players remaining and a pacesetter board topped by two Frenchmen: Adrien Allain and Jimmy Guerrero, who've barely a large ignorant of separate them.

However, our PokerStars Spin & Go qualifier, Asan Umarov, was also still involved. The person from Kazakhstan won a package here in a $10 three-handed shootout and is now a primary prize of nearly €1 million.

Play begins in real life at 1pm but we can pick up coverage in keeping with the EPT Live coverage that starts at 2pm. Listed here are the whole counts of the remainder players:

Name Country Status Chips
Adrien Allain France   11,815,000
Jimmy Guerrero France Live satellite winner 11,480,000
Asan Umarov Kazakhstan PokerStars qualifier 3,770,000
Jan Bendik Slovakia Live satellite winner 2,625,000
Oren Rosen Israel PokerStars player 2,315,000
Pierre Calamusa France   2,235,000

Take a glance on the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news and results.

Also all of the schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the EPT12 Grand Final main event: Marc Convey and Howard Swains. Photography by Neil Stoddart. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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