Tuesday, July 5, 2016

LAPT9 Panama: Main Event final table coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43


11:08pm: It's over! Andres Carrillo is LAPT9 Panama champion ($138,225); Ruben Suarez runner-up ($86,880)!Level 34 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (ante 30,000)

Whoa... what a finish! The stacks had gotten shallower and shallower, and after several more hands were ended preflop, Andres Carrillo and Ruben Suarez got to a flop, then got all of it in... after which it was over!

The final hand began with a button raise to 500,000 by Suarez, with Carrillo calling. The flop came K♣4♦2♦, and Carrillo quietly checked. With similarly stoic reserve, Suarez announced he was all-in. 

That's when the thrill began.

Carrillo called and dramatically stood from his chair, slamming down his cards -- 8♦6♦ for a diamond flush draw. Suarez showed his 9♥9♠, revealing he was good for the time being, and his considerable rail began shouting encouragement that the board would run out clean for him.

The 8♠ turn got them going even more, the shouts of "neh-grow, neh-grow, neh-grow" getting louder and louder as they called for an additional black card. It was raucous enough for Tournament Director Fernando Obando to name for calm, adding slightly more suspense-building delay before the river card was dealt.

Then it came... the K♦! The flush came in for the Colombian, and the victory was his!

Carrillo pumped his fist excitedly and was soon mobbed by friends supporting him, and shortly he extracted himself to present Suarez a hug after what turned out to be an emotional ending.

Back in a little bit with a recap of today's exciting final day in Panama! --MH

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Carrillo's fans mobbing their man

10:53pm: I see your bluff and lift you, another bluffLevel 34 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (ante 30,000)

These two players has been very creative throughout this LAPT9 Panama Main Event final table and a quarter-hour into Level 34, they each showed that creativeness with some interesting bluffs. The primary was within the type of a shove, as Ruben Suarez opened the button to 500,000 after which called Andres Carrillo's three-bet from the massive blind. 

The price to peer the A♠6♠3♣ flop was 1,225,000 however the price to make it past those three cards was Suarez's 3,400,000 chip stack. That's because Carrillo checked and Suarez shoved, bringing a sigh fold from Carrillo. We were at the opposite side of the table but Carrillo flashed his cards to the rail before he folded, with the gang telling us and everybody opposite them that he had "rey, rey" or pocket kings. 

Suarez showed K♥Q♦ and once his rail heard what Carrillo folded, they set free another loud roar. That brought the stacks nearly even however the Columbian was unlikely to be outdone. A COUPLE OF hands later, he ran a bluff of his own, check-calling 500,000 on a A♠K♣6♥ flop after which leading the 8♥ turn for 1,180,000. 

Suarez folded and Carrillo showed 6♠4♠, getting slightly of his chips and mojo back with a bluff of his own. -- WOC

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Heads-up continues


10:45pm: New level, Suarez narrows Carrillo's leadLevel 34 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (ante 30,000)

The pair have moved into yet one more level, where the min-raises at the moment are with regards to half a million.

A series of uncalled all-ins by Ruben Suarez has enabled the Venezuelan to near the space a bit, and he now sits with about 4.65 million while Andres Carrillo continues to guide with about 6.35 million. --MH

34 120,000 240,000 30,000

10:36pm: Shoves, shoves, shoves before Suarez dropsLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

Ruben Suarez was just caught bluffing but before that, this final table battle was a backward and forward shoving match. One player would shove, the opposite would fold, then the opposite player would shove, forcing another fold. That continued for the easier a part of a couple of orbits until the players finally saw a flop.

Andres Carrillo limped the button and Suarez checked his option within the big blind. Both players checked the 9♠8♦5♣ flop and after the A♠ fell at the turn, Suarez checked but only to check-raise to 1,000,000. Carrillo had bet 250,000 and after some thought, and a glance at his opponent's stack, he locked eyes with the dealer and announced "all-in". 

Before the words left his lips, Suarez folded and while his rail was loud, there's now a lifeless silence among them, as their man is down near 2,700,000. -- WOC

10:27pm: Carrillo grabs leadLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

In one of the vital first heads-up hands, Ruben Suarez raised to 400,000 from the button and Andres Carrillo called. 

The flop came T♥7♣Q♣, Carrillo checked, Suarez bet 400,000, and Carillo called. The turn was the 6♣ and Carrillo checked again, and this time Suarez bet 1 million. Carillo called right away.

Both then checked the J♥ river, and when Carrillo turned over Q♠9♣, Suarez mucked.

Carrillo seizes the advantage, moving up around 7.2 million while Suarez is now back to 3.8 million. --MH

10:17pm: Aaron Mermelstein eliminated in 3rd place ($62,200)Level 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

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Aaron Mermelstein - 3rd place

Aaron Mermelstein was the fast stack on the final table and while he got two shoves through, he was looked up on his third all-in attempt. The yank shoved 2,260,000 from the button and after a fold, Andres Carrillo called within the big blind. 

Carrillo held A♠Q♦ and he had Mermelstein's Q♠T♣ dominated. The quick stack had to hit to stick alive and while his rail was shouting for a "ten", Carrillo was quietly standing next to his seat. The J♣7♣6♦ flop didn't pair Mermelstein nevertheless it may supply some interesting run outs with the suitable turn. 

The right turn did fall, because the 9♠ increased Mermelstein's equity with a straight draw. Unfortunately for him, that's all he had by the river, a draw, because the 4♦ completed the board and his elimination. He'll make just over $62,000 for his 3rd place finish, a year after notching a podium run within the LAPT8 Panama High Roller, and heads up play is set to begin.

Ruben Suarez could be taking 6,300,000 into heads up, holding a slight lead over Andres Carrillo's 5,690,000. -- WOC

10:13pm: Loads of foldingLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

It's almost all-in-or-fold time for everybody at this point, although we're still seeing preflop opens (but rarely any response).  

The last dozen hands played by the trio only saw a single flop, with the various rest being walks. The exception was a hand wherein Ruben Suarez raised to 550,000 from the button, Aaron Mermelstein called from the large blind, then Mermelstein check-folded to his opponent's bet after a 6♣9♥4♦ flop. Suarez showed the 9♦ as he collected the chips.

Suarez leads in this day and age with 4.95 million, Andres Carrillo is next with 3.4 million, and Mermelstein third with about 3.6 million. --MH

10:03pm: Suarez shoves and shoves and shovesLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

There are a couple of ways you'll build a stack and never letting your opponents breathe is a type of ways. Ruben Suarez hasn't let anyone catch a breath over the past few hands, shoving nearly every chance he's gotten since doubling through Aaron Mermelstein.

He moved all-in in four straight hands, open shoving twice, three-bet shoving once after which capping it off with a button shove with A♣K♣. Suarez showed the general time, likely as it was the most productive hand out of the bunch and the Venezuelan is now behind with regards to 4,500,000.

Aaron Mermelstein is playing 2,800,000 and Andres Carrillo, who was relatively quiet this level, is operating near 3,700,000. -- WOC

9:56pm: Suarez doubles back through MermelsteinLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

The action starting with Ruben Suarez at the button, he looked down at his cards and announced he was all-in for what would later be determined to be 1.765 million. 

It folded over to Aaron Mermelstein within the big blind who said "call," though actually meant to mention "count" (he would explain). That constituted a call, although because it turned out Mermelstein said he'd has been calling, anyway.

Mermelstein tabled Q♦T♣ while Suarez had T♠T♥. The 2♦3♥5♣K♠5♠ board ran clean for Suarez, prompting a large roar from his now much-larger contigent at the rail. Suarez is as much as 3.6 million now while Mermelstein slips back to 3.8 million. --MH

9:50pm: Mermelstein doubles and is "laxxed"Level 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

With with reference to 60 total big blinds in play, we knew the action was going to be fast through Level 33. That action got started at the first hand of the brand new period, with Aaron Mermelstein shoving and doubling through chip leader Ruben Suarez. 

Mermelstein moved all-in from the small blind for 2,535,000 and Suarez snap called within the big, tabling 7♥7♣. Mermelstein had three immediate outs, as he held T♥6♣ and after the gang was pushed back from the rail by the tournament staff, he hit on of them at the J♥T♣5♠ flop. 

Suarez's rail was quieted and after the A♦ and 8♦ completed the board, Mermelstein's small rail began a passionate, but brief, "Team USA!" chant. Mermelstein could only laugh at his rail and the double, taking a sip of water before getting pushed the over 5,000,000 chip pot. 

"I'm laxxed." he said, stacking up his now chip leading inventory. --- WOC

9:47pm: Play resumes; 3 leftLevel 33 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (ante 30,000)

With Ruben Suarez and Andres Carrillo virtually tied for the lead, cards are back within the air. --MH

33 100,000 200,000 30,000

9:42pm: Quick break

They've reached the top of the level, and the players are taking a brief five-minute break before continuing. An update of the counts appears below. --MH 

        Name Country Chips
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 4,130,000
Andres Carrillo Colombia 4,065,000
Aaron Mermelstein USA 2,795,000

9:29pm: Suarez's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts ShovesLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

Earlier today, we introduced Martin Harris' beta-version Badugi varient 'Sgt. Pepper' and while Ruben Suarez won't know anything about that game, yet, he's show the nut-low twice within the last orbit. Those shows came after shoves, that forced folds and the primary was against Aaron Mermelstein.

The American opened the button to 320,000 and Suarez shoved from the small blind for just shy of 3,400,000. Mermelstein asked for a count after which flipped over the A♣ before folding. Suarez answered with essentially the most prized card in 'Sgt. Pepper' the A♥ and he took down the pot. 

A few hands later, Andres Carrillo opened the button to 400,000 and really quickly, Suarez announced himself "all-in". That shoved weighed in at 4,000,000 and after some thought, Carrillo flashed 5♣5♦. Again, Suarez showed the A♥

These shoves was getting into and out of favor at this final table but they're sure to raise a grin. So may I introduce to you, the player you have known for the last three days, chip leader Ruben Suarez. -- WOC

9:21pm: Carrillo has the hearts, grabs leadLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

Ruben Suarez opened with a raise to 355,000 from the small blind, and Andres Carrillo called from the big.

The pair both checked the single-suited flop of T♥5♥Q♥, then Suarez led for 250,000 following the 2♠ turn and Carrillo called.

The river brought the 6♣ and a check from Suarez. Carrillo hesitated about 10 seconds, then set out one big stack and one shorter one -- a raffle of 700,000. Suarez, leaned back in his chair, plucked a chip off his stack and tossed it forward to signify a call.

Soon Suarez was leaning forward to peer the bad news -- Carrillo had flopped a flush with K♥9♥ -- and Suarez mucked. Carrillo leads now, having moved up around 4.4 million. Suarez has 3.425 million and Aaron Mermelstein 3.15 million. --MH

9:04pm: Comeback on for Carrillo?Level 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

The last orbit was all Andres Carrillo, and the Columbian might now be working a slight chip lead after winning a pot from Aaron Mermelstein. The yankee opened the button to 320,000 and Carrillo called within the big ignorant of see the Q♣J♣T♥ flop. 

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Comeback for Carrillo?

Both players checked and Carrillo led the A♥ turn for 250,000. Mermelstein called and the A♠ paired the board at the river. Carrillo took a handful of chips, looking like 820,000, and went to position them over the road but before they may touch the felt, Mermelstein's hand was within the muck. 

Both players are playing very similar stacks, with Carrillo holding a minimal advantage on the top of the leaderboard. -- WOC

8:59pm: Back-to-back for CarrilloLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

Taking down the blinds and antes in a given pot award the victor of said pot 270,000 chips and when a player opens, after which you are taking it down, you'll win much more. Andres Carrillo is realizing this phenomena and over the past two hands, has added nearly 1,000,000 chips to his stack.

Carrillo shoved from the massive blind after Aaron Mermelstein limped the button after which at the very next hand, he shoved from the small blind after Ruben Suarez opened the button to 325,000. Those shoves have Carrillo playing as regards to 3,300,000, that's near average as these three players find themselves within touching distance heading through Level 32. -- WOC

8:52pm: Mermelstein shoves, collects, back on topLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

Andres Carrillo opened from the small blind with a raise to 400,000, Aaron Mermelstein defended the massive blind with a call, and the flop came 6♠7♦K♣.

Carrillo didn't wait very long before adding up a chance of 490,000, and Mermelstein studied for some time before calling. The turn then brought the J♥, and when Carrillo said he was checking this time, Mermelstein said in no time he was pushing all-in.

Carrillo sat studying the board for only a beat or two, then tossed his hand away.

Mermelstein is leading now with 4.85 million, Carrillo is at 3.25 million, and Suarez has about 2.9 million. --MH

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Aaron is up

8:41pm: New level, same slow paceLevel 32 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (ante 10,000)

The blinds and antes have gone up and while that are meant to force some more action, as everyone's stack is now shallower, it hasn't had that effect at the first few orbits of Level 32. The similar slow pace has played out and during the last ten hands, we've only seen one flop. 

Ruben Suarez took down that pot but instead of that, it has been relative small ball pre flop and three-betting that has ruled the last period of play. -- WOC

32 80,000 160,000 20,000

8:33pm: Small pots, relatively speakingLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 10,000)

As the extent winds down, the 3 players was exchanging several small pots, although by now "small" means pots of a half-million or thereabouts -- i.e., 25 starting stacks.

Andres Carrillo have been the least active of the 3 as he maintains his lead. --MH

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Three-handed action

8:17pm: Jack-high, as a bluff, works for Suarez alsoLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 10,000)

Ruben Suarez is brief but that does not mean he's staying out of the action. He just played a large pot against Andres Carrillo, bluffing at the end to for a fold and increase his stack. Action was picked up with Suarez opening the button to 250,000, with both Carrillo and Aaron Mermelstein coming along within the blinds. 

They checked the K♣6♠4♠ flop, with Suarez continuing for 375,000. Carrillo called and Mermelstein mucked to send two players to the turn. The 7♠ fell and both players checked to look the A♥ complete the board. 

Carrillo checked for a 3rd time and after some thought, Suarez bet 450,000. He left himself slightly below 1,500,000 behind and a near quarter of his stack was good to force Carrillo out. His supporters' section liked the win but they liked Suarez's swagger even more, erupting with a mix of laughter and cheers after he showed J♣9♣

Carrillo could only shake his head and after a perfectly-timed river bluff Suarez moved up near 3,200,000, Suarez leaned back in his chair to respire a sigh of relief. -- WOC

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Ruben climbs back

8:12pm: Nines work for SuarezLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 10,000)

Ruben Suarez raised to 265,000 from the button, Aaron Mermelstein called from the large blind, and the pair saw a flop come Q♠6♠4♦. Mermelstein check-called a chance of 125,000 from Suarez, then both checked the 2♦ turn.

The river brought the 3♠ and another check from Mermelstein, and Suarez pushed out of venture of 200,000. Mermelstein thought a brief while, grabbing calling chips and never appearing too pleased concerning the situation. Finally he called, though, then patted the felt as Suarez showed 9♦9♥ and Mermelstein mucked.

A small group of Suarez supporters cheered at their man earning the pot, and he's back to about 2.3 million now while Mermelstein has 3.85 million. --MH

7:59pm: No "trebol" means Corrilla doubles through SuarezLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 10,000)

Andres Carrillo have been probably the most active player since getting back from the dinner break and while he came back because the short stack, he's now the chip leader. Carrillo just doubled in a huge blind versus blind encounter, spiking the turn and holding in the course of the river to transport over 5,000,000. 

The hand was picked up with Raul Suarez limping the small blind and after some thought, Carrillo raised to 620,000 from the large. Immediately, Suarez announced himself "all-in" and Carrillo called, shooting from the table while flipping over A♠K♦. Suarez held K♣T♦ and he needed to hit to attain the knockout, something he did because the T♣4♣4♠ flop fell. 

The roar from Suarez's rail was deafening, making it clear who the favourite is among those watching the action. That group wasn't even done celebrating before Suarez's fate changed though, because the A♣ fell at the turn, matched with less fanfare. 

Carrillo gave a fist pump and his few friends at the rail cheered but they weren't home free just yet, because the short stack still needed to fade the river. Suarez's supporters were soliciting for a "trebol", Spanish for "club" but they did not get one, because the 7♥ completed the board.

When Carrillo's stack was cut down, it weighed in at 2,625,000. He's now playing over half the chips in play midway through Level 31, while Suarez is playing 1,850,000. -- WOC

7:54pm: Mermelstein takes from SuarezLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 10,000)

The flop was intriguing, and the turn made things much more curious. But that's where the betting resulted in a hand between Aaron Mermelstein and Ruben Suarez. 

After Mermelstein raised to 240,000 from the button, Suarez three-bet to 600,000 and Mermelstein called. The primary three community cards were J♥Q♣8♣, prompting a number one bet of 335,000 from Suarez. Mermelstein took a couple of half-minute, then called.

The turn then brought the T♣, a card that may have completed several draws. Suarez checked this time, and after Mermelstein bet 600,000, Suarez took his time before folding.

Mermelstein has about 4.05 million now and is simply sooner than Suarez with 3.9 million. --MH

7:46pm: Carrillo shoves from the smallLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 20,000)

Short-handed play is a tactical game, with position and aggression ruling the land. Andres Carrillo did not have the primary but he had quite a few the second, as a shove from the small blind increased his stack. 

The hand was picked up with Carrillo just calling the blinds from the small and, within the big, Mermelstein raised to 300,000. The Columbian thought for a couple of moments and did a snappy inventory of his stack before verbalizing "all-in". 

Mermelstein took his headphones off and confirmed his opponent's declaration. He then re-checked his cards and sent them into the muck, conceding the pot to Carrillo. Carrillo is as much as 2,700,000, while Mermelstein takes a small hit to fall near 3,200,000. -- WOC

7:41pm: Play resumes; 3 remainLevel 31 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 20,000)

The final trio are back of their seats and the LAPT9 Panama Main Event final table is back in action. --MH

31 60,000 120,000 20,000

6:23pm: Dinner break

The final three players within the LAPT9 Panama Main Event have reached the tip of Level 30, and now they're off to enjoy a 75-minute dinner break. Below find the present counts. --MH

        Name Country Chips
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 4,355,000
Aaron Mermelstein USA 3,820,000
Andres Carrillo Colombia 2,815,000

6:17pm: The ol' limp-shoveLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Just now Aaron Mermelstein limped in from the small blind, watched Ruben Suarez make it 300,000 to head from the massive blind, then pushed all-in, getting a comparatively quick fold from the Venezuelan.

The three players are pretty even on the moment, with Suarez in front with about 4.2 million, Mermelstein next with 3.65 million, and Andres Carrillo third with about 3.2 million. --MH

6:06pm: Austin Peck eliminated in 4th place ($48,500)Level 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

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Austin Peck - 4th place

After getting crippled by Aaron Mermelstein, Austin Peck was left with just over one big blind. That one big blind had a possibility to triple up, after Peck was all-in at the very next hand. Peck's stack took some time to get in though, as he just called the 100,000 big blind from under the gun, leaving himself just 5,000 behind. 

Ruben Suarez, next to behave at the button, raised to 200,000 and while Mermelstein thought within the big blind, Peck joked, "I'VE some fold equity." Mermelstein called and Peck elected not to use the fold option, putting his final chip into the pot. 

After the dealer discovered the numbers and split the chips, Mermelstein and Suarez checked down the T♠9♣6♣Q♣T♥ board. Mermelstein tabled 6♠4♠ and Suarez folded, before Peck checked out his cards to sweat his tournament fate. 

The 5♦ was the first, no help, and the 8♠ was the other, meaning he was officially eliminated in 4th place. The 20 year old will make $48,500 for his near podium finish and Aaron Mermelstein is now playing just shy of 4,800,000 heading towards the general quarter-hour of Level 30. -- WOC

5:58pm: Peck crippled after Mermelstein doubleLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Aaron Mermelstein open-raised all-in from the cutoff for his last 2.13 million, and after thinking for some time Austin Peck chose to reraise all-in himself for just over 2.2 million.

It folded over to Andres Carrillo who appeared in agony, putting his face within the crook of his arm after which rising up and covering it together with his hand. After some time he folded, and Mermelstein showed his K♥Q♦ while Peck tabled T♥T♠.

The 6♥7♠4♦ flop was okay for Peck, however the K♠ fell at the turn to position Mermelstein in front. The river then brought the A♣, and suddenly Mermelstein is up around 4.4 million while Peck has just 100,000.

"Hey, I'VE one big blind," Peck said with a shrug. Meanwhile Carrillo gave the look to be telling the others he'd folded a couple of queens. --MH

5:44pm: Raul Paez eliminated in 5th place ($38,040)Level 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

After over two hours without an elimination, two players have fallen within the last two hands. Raul "El Toro" Paez was the following to go, with Ruben Suarez scoring another knockout. That hand was picked up with Paez open shoving 1,100,000 from under the gun and Suarez calling within the big blind. 

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Raul "El Toro" Paez - 5th place

It was a flip, with Paez and his K♥J♠ needing to hit to stick alive. Suarez held 9♥9♠ and after the A♦5♥2♥2♦8♠ runout, "El Toro" was bounced in 5th place. He'll make $38,000 for his final table run and suddenly, Ruben Suarez is playing with regards to half the chips in play with 4,800,000. --  WOC

5:41pm: Paul Cukier eliminated in 6th place ($29,880)Level 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Paul Cukier open-raised all in for just over 600,000 from under the gun, and it folded around to Ruben Suarez within the big blind. Suarez took a moment to double-check the quantity of the raise then called, turning over Q♠T♦ to Cukier's J♥T♠.

The board ran out a boring 4♠8♠K♣K♥9♣, and Cukier is out in sixth. Suarez is as much as 3.45 million and appears to have grabbed the lead with five left. --MH

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Paul Cukier - 6th place

5:33pm: Four shoves, no callsLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Yes, we just titled a post with this exact wording but this time, there have been not three shoves but four. Three of these came from the low man at the final tcapable oftem pole, as Raul "El Toro" Paez has dropped back below the 1,000,000 chip mark. 

He's been able to slightly increase his stack, enough in order that he's now longer bottom. That's where Paul Cukier is playing 750,000, after folding to Ruben Suarez's shove from the small blind. Cukier couldn't discover a call within the big and he's now working just seven big blinds. -- WOC

5:28pm: Carrillo folds overpairLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Very few hands have got to a flop during the last half hour or even fewer have got to the turn. Three players just saw a flop but a shove from Ruben Suarez ended proceedings and dropped Andres Carrillo under 2,000,000. 

Action was picked up with Suarez opening within the hijack to 225,000 and after some folds, Carrillo and Aaron Mermelstein called within the blinds. The Columbian led the 7♣7♠2♦ flop for 240,000 and after the chip leader folded, Suarez shoved. He had his opponent slightly covered and after some thought, Carrillo folded 8♣8♠ face up. 

Mermelstein looked surprised, Suarez looked relieved and we continue on six-handed. -- WOC

5:23pm: New level, Mermelstein leading final sixLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

With six players still a part of the mix, the blinds and antes have gone up again. A HANDY GUIDE A ROUGH have a look at the counts shows how much shallower the quick stacks are becoming. --MH

             Name Country Chips
Aaron Mermelstein USA 3,350,000
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 2,100,000
Andres Carrillo Colombia 1,770,000
Austin Peck USA 1,495,000
Paul Cukier Costa Rica 1,050,000
Raul Paez Spain 950,000
30 50,000 100,000 10,000

5:12pm: Three shoves, no callsLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

The last quarter-hour of Level 29 have been relatively uneventful. With a handful of short stacks, the action was tight or even when those short stacks move in, there hasn't been any calls. Three of these shoves have occurred over the past few hands, with Raul Paez doing it twice. 

The first of these shoves came from chip leader Aaron Mermelstein though, after Andres Carrillo limped the small blind. Mermelstein moved in from the massive and Carrillo folded to take a small hit down near 1,500,000. 

Paez is now over the 1,000,000 chip mark, the primary time he can say that since doubling with aces. He's likely going to wish another a type of doubles though, because the blinds and antes are set to move up again and people high costs are going to make it tough for him to stick afloat. -- WOC

5:03pm: Mermelstein moves aheadLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Andres Currillo opened for 230,000 from the cutoff, and after just a little deliberation Aaron Mermelstein called from the button. The blinds stepped aside, and following the 6♣5♦5♠ flop, Currillo bet 200,000 and Mermelstein called.

The turn was the 3♦, and after Currillo checked the pace slowed somewhat as Mermelstein took a half-minute before betting 450,000, and Currillo took in regards to the same period of time before calling.

The dealer burned a card and completed the board with the 4♠, and Currillo checked again. Mermelstein didn't take too long before setting a large column of white 25,000 chips out in front of him, signaling a raffle of 500,000, and Currillo went deep into the tank for roughly three minutes before finally letting his hand go.

Mermelstein bumps as much as 2.82 million on that one, having followed Currillo's earlier path and gone from worst to first to take over the chip lead. Meanwhile Currillo has about 1.95 million now. --MH

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Mermelstein moves into first position

4:50pm: Another double within the big blindLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

With the stacks short, we cannot be surprised if most of our updates over the following level or so involve strictly pre flop encounters. One just occurred in a blind versus blind encounter, with Aaron Mermelstein doubling to come again to average. 

The table folded to Andres Carrillo, who asked for a count of Mermelstein's stack within the big blind. The chip leader was within the small blind and after he declared "all-in", Mermelstein snap called. His 990,000 was in peril and he had to hold to double, as he had A♦8♣ to Carrillo's Q♥T♥.

The Columbian picked up lots of outs at the turn but after the J♥7♣5♦5♥5♣ board ran out, Mermelstein was confirmed the double. He's now playing just about 2,100,000 while Carrillo continues to be leading along with his 3,000,000 chip stack. -- WOC

4:46pm: Suarez straightens out PeckLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Compared to a couple other players at this final table, Austin Peck has yet to turn much emotion. Win, lose or draw, he's kept a straight face and remained level but after Ruben Suarez rivered a straight and got paid off by Peck, we have seen the primary break in that unbreakable face. 

Action was picked up on a board of 9♣6♥2♣3♦4♥, with Peck leading out for 110,000. He was within the small blind and Suarez, within the big, counted his chips before pushing out a raise. It was sized at 330,000 and after some thought, Peck called. 

"Good call." Aaron Mermelstein said, peaking his head across the dealer. It will was good in the end but on this spot, it was incorrect, as Suarez tabled Q♥5♠ for a rivered straight. Peck looked confused by all of it, flashing his opponent a glare before rolling his eyes.

His cards were within the muck and a tight element of his stack was now with Suarez, with both players now near the chip average heading through Level 29. -- WOC

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Ruben there, done that

4:40pm: All-in and no callLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

The average stack at the moment is somewhat over 22 big blinds, because of this players under that mark are anxious to switch their circumstances quickly.

We just watched three straight hands involving all-in opening shoves before the flop, and in all three cases nobody chose to challenge the at-risk players.

In fact, the pushes came from three different ones -- first Raul Paez, then Ruben Suarez, then Aaron Mermelstein -- and every of these three won the blinds and antes because of this. --MH

4:31pm: The easiest spot for acesLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

A few hands after Austin Peck doubled, another short stack was multiplying his chips by two. Raul "El Toro" Paez was trending downwards and while he's still under seven figures, he has slightly more space to work after picking up pocket aces in a really perfect spot against Paul Cukier. 

The tabled folded to Cukier and the Costa Rican shoved from the small blind. Paez, who was behind 460,000 within the big blind checked his cards after which snap called, turning over A♦A♥. Cukier rolled his eyes and threw over Q♣2♣ and while he hit a couple at the Q♥6♠4♦ flop, the 9♠ turn and K♠ river didn't bring him anything else. 

He shipped 1 / 4 of his stack to his left, leaving himself with 1,300,000 and Paez, who started the day because the final table chip leader, could be starting a comeback after being left for dead only some minutes ago. -- WOC

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Paez fighter, back up off the mat

4:27pm: Peck picks up a doubleLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

In one of the vital first hands of Level 29, one of the most short stacks doubled, as Austin Peck's pair of eights held against Ruben Suarez's lower pocket pair. The hand was picked up with Suarez opening to 260,000 from under the gun after after some folds, Peck shoved from the massive blind. 

His stack weighed in at 1,155,000 but that count wasn't confirmed until after the runout, as Suarez snap called with none more information. Peck tabled 8♥8♠ and Suarez cringed when he saw the pair, as he held 7♥7♦

The A♦J♥6♠2♠A♣ runout confirmed Peck's double and when the dust settled, he was playing over the chip average for the primary time in recent memory. At the other end of the spectrum, Suarez was at his lowest point of the day, working 1,100,000. -- WOC

4:25pm: Play resumes; 6 remainLevel 29 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

The final six are back and play has resumed. Firstly of that last level Raul Paez was the chip leader and Andres Carrillo the fast stack. They've switched positions now with Carrillo on top and Paez returning to a stack of just over six big blinds. --MH

       Name Country Chips
Andres Carrillo Colombia 4,050,000
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 2,105,000
Paul Cukier Costa Rica 1,815,000
Austin Peck USA 1,165,000
Aaron Mermelstein USA 1,005,000
Raul Paez Spain 500,000

Raul Paez-LAPT Panama-2016-9977.jpg

Paez looks to reverse downward trend

29 40,000 80,000 10,000

4:07pm: Break time

The remaining six players have reached the top of another level, and with Andres Carrillo the large stack and Raul Paez having gotten short another 15-minute break has arrived. --MH

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4:03pm: Mermelstein's miracle riverLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Aaron Mermelstein, as we mentioned earlier, was battling throughout this present day 4 session. Most of these battles has been with the yank being the shortest stack on the final table but he's now not bottom, after catching a miracle river to double through Paul Cukier. 

Mermelstein moved all-in for 495,000 from middle position and after some folds, Cukier snap called within the big blind. The Costa Rican held K♠K♦, meaning Mermelstein's 4♥4♣ was drawing to only two immediate outs. The Q♥8♠5♠ flop kept the larger pocket pair within the lead and Mermelstein didn't improve with the turn either. 

The 5♦ paired the board and had Cukier only one card from scoring the knockout but that final card kept Mermelstein alive. The 4♠ spiked at the river, giving him a whole house and a second life on this LAPT9 Panama Main Event. 

After Mermelstein stacked up his nearly 1,100,000 chip stack, a couple of more hands played out before the general table took their second break of the day. Cukier will head on that break below the chip average, as he's playing 1,700,000. An updated have a look at the counts can be posted shortly. -- WOC

3:58pm: Paez tanks, and tanks, and foldsLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Just watched a hand lasting with reference to 10 minutes today. No showdown -- it only reached the turn -- but a good quantity of drama, nonetheless.

Raul Paez opened for 130,000 from middle position, then it folded to Ruben Suarez within the big blind who made it 275,000 to move. Paez thought two full minutes before calling, and the pair watched the flop come 2♣7♠Q♥.

Suarez checked, and after taking another little while Paez bet 190,000, leaving himself about 630,000 behind. Suarez acted immediately, announcing he was all-in, and another tank ensued for Paez.

After several minutes, and with the tournament director counting down the seconds in Spanish because the clock have been called, Paez finally let his hand visit keep that 630,000. Suarez, meanwhile, is as much as 2.56 million. --MH

3:44pm: Anderson Blanco eliminated in 7th place ($22,300)Level 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

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Anderson Blanco - 7th place

It's been nearly two and a half hours for the reason that last elimination and finally, we're right down to our final six. That's because Andres Carrillo just cracked aces not to only extend his chip lead but additionally send Anderson Blanco to the rail in 7th place. 

Action was picked up with Carrillo opening to 155,000 from the cutoff and after two folds, Blanco three-bet to 410,000 from the massive blind. Carrillo got a count after which called, only to peer Blanco, after some thought, shove the T♣9♠7♦ flop for 910,000. 

The all-in was slightly under a pot-sized bet and Carrillo needed a while to decide. Eventually, he called and while he didn't love to see Blanco's A♦A♣, he was in decent shape with 8♣8♦. His pair had flopped an open ended straight draw, a draw that came in very quickly at the turn. 

The 6♣ left Blanco drawing to 2 outs for a chop however the 4♣ wasn't one in every of them, meaning he was officially eliminated. He'll make $22,300 for his final table run and Andres Carrillo is now playing with reference to 4,100,000, good for the chip lead at this LAPT9 Panama final table. -- WOC

3:29pm: Preflop pokerLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

We're amid a straight of raise-and-take hands, with out a flops and comparatively little chip movement. 

An exception to the pattern saw leader Andres Carrillo raise from middle position to 125,000, then Ruben Suarez installed a three-bet to 325,000 from the blinds, eventually forcing a fold from Carrillo. But then came Austin Peck raising from the hijack to 120,000, Paul Cukier reraising from the small unaware of 325,000, and a fold from Peck, thereby starting a brand new pattern.

Carrillo continues to be the leader, while Aaron Mermelstein is the present short stack with about 850,000 -- a bit of over 14 big blinds. --MH

3:17pm: Risotto done, Ruben shovesLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Update at the blogger's lunch, my chicken risotto is finished and Martin is halfway through his. Update at the poker, it has been slow over the past half-hour. 

Ruben Suarez has fallen under the 1,000,000 chip mark early in Level 28 but he's now back over that threshold once you have a shove through. Aaron Mermelstein opened to 130,000 from early position and Suarez, at the button, three-bet all-in for 875,000. Mermelstein thought for a couple of moments before folding, electing not to play for the simpler a part of half his stack. 

Suarez is now playing as regards to 15 big blinds, while Mermelstein is near 20 bigs. -- WOC

3:14pm: Carrillo check-folds, then check-raisesLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

The last two hands has been a battle of opposites. Andres Carrillo is on the top of the leaderboard and Austin Peck is near the ground and they've swapped blows in back to back encounters to lead to a small net win for the Columbian chip leader. 

Action was picked up within the first hand with Carrillo opening to 125,000 from the hijack and after a fold, Peck three-bet to 270,000 from the button. The blinds folded and Carrillo called, only to check-fold the A♠3♠2♦ flop to a Peck continuation bet. 

In the very next hand, Carrillo opened to 125,000 and Peck called within the cutoff. The 2 players saw a J♦4♣3♠ flop and Carrillo checked, with Peck taking the betting lead with a 140,000 chip wager. Carrillo had other plans though, check-raising to 340,000 to position the pressure at the short stack.

Peck folded and Carrillo took the pot to extend his final table chip lead. He's as much as 2,750,000 while Peck is down near the 1,100,000 chip mark. -- WOC

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Andres the giant

3:08pm: Carrillo cruises into leadLevel 28 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Sitting to the left of Raul Paez has worked out quite well for Andres Currillo this afternoon. With seven players left he was seventh in chips, but now as a brand new level begins he's ascended the entire way into first position. Updated counts below. --MH

        Name Country Chips
Andres Carrillo Colombia 2,680,000
Paul Cukier Costa Rica 2,050,000
Anderson Blanco Colombia 1,580,000
Raul Paez Spain 1,300,000
Austin Peck USA 1,275,000
Aaron Mermelstein USA 1,225,000
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 985,000
28 30,000 60,000 10,000

2:55pm: Mermelstein flexes his new stackLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Aaron Mermelstein returned from the last break because the shortest stack of the rest seven players but after a double, and a few other vicotries, he's back up near the chip average. He just flexed those newly won chips, shoving over a Paul Cukier open.

Cukier raised to 105,000 from the hijack and after some folds, Mermelstein three-bet shoved for 1,185,000. Cukier thought for a couple of seconds after which peered at his cards a handful of times. We saw them, the tournament staff them, the rail saw them but Mermelstein didn't, so we cannot divulge what he had. 

Eventually, he folded and Mermelstein, as he was taking within the pot, asked, "YOU MAY HAVE a couple"? Curiek answered with a facet to side shake of his head, before saying it was a "flip". Curiek did not want to flip for half his stack, as he's working with reference to 2,200,000 heading towards the top of Level 27. -- WOC

2:42pm: Carrillo collects from PaezLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Raul Paez isn't any longer the chip leader, having lost the result in Paul Crukier following a hand against the hard-charging Andres Carrillo.

It began with Paez opening for 110,000 from the hijack and Carrillo calling from the cutoff. The flop came 5♠9♠5♣, and Paez continued for 120,000. Carrillo called. The turn then brought the T♠ and a check from Paez, and Carrillo took the outlet to fireplace a raffle of 160,000. Paez thought of it, then called.

The river brought the J♦. Paez checked again, and this time Carrillo set out a gamble of 300,000. Paez hemmed and hawed for almost a minute, then finally tossed out chips to name. Carrillo then quickly showed his hand -- K♠J♠ for a flush -- and Paez mucked. 

That one pushes Carrillo as much as 2.09 million, while Paez slips to 1.58 million. --MH

2:34pm: Mermelstein doubles through SuarezLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Ruben Suarez opened with a raise to 105,000 from middle position, and it folded around to Aaron Mermelstein within the big blind who reraise-shoved for 620,000 total. Suarez called the push, showing K♠J♣, while Mermelstein tabled 6♥6♣.

The board ran out 8♣5♦3♦4♥A♠, meaning the sixes held and Mermelstein doubled as much as 1.27 million. Suarez now has 935,000, having tumbled back to 935,000. --MH

2:29pm: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Burn CardLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Martin Harris is lots of items. He's a blogger, some would even consider him a reporter actually, he's a faculty professor, he's a musician but most importantly, he's a poker innovator. While it is not offered at the SCOOP schedule or as a bracelet event on the WSOP, yet, Harris has recently devised a variant of Badugi called 'Sgt. Pepper'.

Where the most productive hand in Badugi is ace to four with all four suits, in 'Sgt. Pepper' the most efficient hand is ace to four with one, less lonely, heart. The remainder of your cards will also be any suit and so far, through the games we've played, I've yet to make a qualifying hand. Martin has, beating me out of a few chocolates earlier this weekend, and when you is also wondering why we're telling you this, this is because the 6♥ was just exposed pre flop.

It wbecause then tabled and kept as the burn card, although we never saw a flop. Austin Peck opened the cutoff to 105,000 and took down the blinds and antes however the lonely burn card was meaningful to us, although it won't has been to the remainder of the tournament. -- WOC

2:26pm: Blanco versus the AmericansLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Anderson Blanco was aggressive at this final table and most of that aggression have been within the type of pre flop raises and re-raises. Most of these re-raises have come against the 2 Americans to his immediate right and Austin Peck was the newest victim. 

Peck opened to 105,000 from the cutoff and Blanco, at the button, three-bet to 235,000. After the blinds folded, Peck counted out his remaining 950,000 and after a snappy trip to the tank, he folded. He's now below seven-figures for the primary time today, while Blanco is over the chip average. -- WOC

2:21pm: Mermelstein versus the worldLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

On one of the crucial first hands back from the break, Aaron Mermelstein open-raised all-in for 625,000 from middle position. It took a while, but eventually the table folded and he secured the blinds and antes.

"You guys aren't making it easy," said Mermelstein with a smile as he collected the pot. "I CANNOT even see a flop with you guys!"

On the following hand Mermelstein watched Raul Paez open from late position, then Mermelstein three-bet and earned the pot.

Then at the one after that, Paul Cukier opened for 105,000 and it folded to Mermelstein who made it 240,000 to move. Cukier then announced he was all-in, and Mermelstein needed to fold again.

The two-time WPT champ is sitting on about 790,000 right now, still seeking to build that stack back up again. --MH

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Mermelstein battling

2:09pm: Play resumes; 7 remainLevel 27 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Players are back and the primary hand of Level 27 is being dealt. Raul Paez held steady during that level to keep up the lead, Paul Cukier is closing in, and Aaron Mermelstein has slipped behind the remainder of the pack. Updated counts below. --MH

        Name Country Chips
Raul Paez Spain 2,510,000
Paul Cukier Costa Rica 2,435,000
Ruben Suarez Venezuela 1,460,000
Anderson Blanco Colombia 1,445,000
Andres Carrillo Colombia 1,385,000
Austin Peck USA 1,365,000
Aaron Mermelstein USA 555,000
27 25,000 50,000 5,000

1:50pm: Break time

Though that last hand continued well into it, players now still have the various 15-minute break. --MH

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1:49pm: Peck folds, Cukier chips up before breakLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

The last hand of Level 26 was likely essentially the most meaningful hand of the level, as Paul Cukier shoved the turn and Austin Peck made potentially, if he was correct, the fold of the tournament. Action was picked up with Peck opening to 85,000 from under the gun and after Anderson Blanco called because the next player to act, Cukier three-bet from the cutoff. 

The raise weighed in at 254,000 and after some folds, Peck called and Blanco folded to send two to the flop. Peck check-called 275,000 at the A♥8♥5♦ flop and after the 8♦ fell at the turn, he checked for a second time. 

Cukier took a while to count out his remaining 1,200,000 chip stack after which verbalized "all-in". With 1,300,000 in front of him, the shove was kind of for Peck's tournament life besides and after on the subject of two minutes of thought, he begrudgingly folded A♥Q♦ face up. 

While the remainder of the overall table shot from their seats to begin break, Peck stayed to access the wear and tear that hand had done to his stack. He's now under the chip average for the primary time today, while Cukier is up near 2,400,000 heading towards the primary 15-minute recess of this present day 4 session. 

An update of the chip counts might be posted shortly. -- WOC

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Cukier collecting

1:44pm: Carrillo calls Suarez's barrelLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Ruben Suarez have been pretty active thus far but that activity just got him in somewhat trouble against Andres Carrillo. The Columbian picked off the Venezuelan's river bluff to continue his climb up the overall table leaderboard. 

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South bound Suarez

Action was picked up with Carrillo defending his big blind and check-calling a 55,000 chip bet on a K♥8♦2♦ flop. The 3♥ fell at the turn and both players checked and Carrillo tapped the table for a 3rd time after the 9♦ completed the board. Suarez then reverted back to his aggressive ways, betting 205,000. 

It was a pot sized bet and with on the subject of 850,000 in front of him, it represented nearly 1 / 4 of Carrillo's remaining stack. He thought for a minute after which called, before seeing his opponent table A♦Q♥. Carrillo answered with K♣9♣ and his rivered two pair was good to take the pot and move toward the chip average. -- WOC

1:39pm: Caution is the wordLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

It's been relatively quiet during the last 10 minutes or in order Level 26 continues.

We've seen Ruben Suarez defend his blind versus an Aaron Mermelstein button raise, then check-raise the flop to win a pot, showing second pair as he did. Mermelstein has slipped to around 760,000 now, having become the fast stack.

Raul Paez opened the following hand to win the blinds and antes.  The next hand after that saw the quick stack Andres Carrillo open for 100,000 from middle position, then Ruben Suarez three-bet to 220,000 from the small blind. When the action returned to Carrillo he thought for roughly a minute, then folded to maintain his stack of about 910,000. 

There are about 10 minutes to move until the tip of the extent and the primary break of the day. --MH

1:29pm: Peck picks one up against chip leaderLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Since the elimination of Alcides Gomez, it has been relatively quiet. Tactical play is the secret and while Raul Paez continues to be the chip leader, he was just reduce in a contemporary pot. He opened to 85,000 from the cutoff and Austin Peck defended his big ignorant of see a Q♦7♠4♣ flop. 

Peck check-called 80,000 and after the 3♣ fell at the turn, both players checked. The 2♦ completed the board and Peck then took the betting lead, pushing out 130,000. The chips barely crossed the road before Paez sent his hand into the muck, conceding the pot to his American counterpart. 

As mentioned, Paez remains to be leading, playing with regards to 2,700,000 but Peck has had an even begin to this LAPT9 Panama final table, as he's up near 1,650,000. -- WOC

1:21pm: Carrillo chips up via shoveLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Andres Carrillo came in as one of the vital shortest stacks at this LAPT9 Panama final table and while he's been relatively quiet, he's now up and over the 1,000,000-chip mark once you have a shove through. Action was picked up with Ruben Suarez opening to 80,000 from the cutoff and after chip leader Raul Paez called within the small blind, Carrillo shoved from the big. 

The Columbian's stack weighed in at 877,000 and Suarez appeared like he had a choice to make. He spent with reference to two minutes in tank but couldn't discover a call, electing to fold to the fast stacked shoved. Paez only needed a couple of seconds to fold and Carrillo then stacked over seven figures for the primary time on this tournament. -- WOC

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Carrillo at the comeback trail

1:17pm: Chip leader versus short stackLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Since the elimination of Alcides Gomez earlier, Andres Carrillo have been the fast stack a few of the final seven. 

Carrillo open-raised all-in once a short time ago, but got no callers. On a hand shortly after that one, chip leader Raul Paez (on Carrillo's right) opened for 85,000 from the hijack, and after thinking some time Carrillo called from the cutoff, leaving himself about 550,000 behind.

The flop came 5♠T♠Q♦, and Paez continued for 83,000. Carrillo sat quietly about 20 seconds, then announced he was raising all-in and Paez quickly let his hand go.

Carrillo has about 790,000 now, and remains to be seventh of 7. --MH

1:06pm: Cukier check-raise earns potLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Aaron Mermelstein raised to 90,000 from middle position and it folded around to Paul Cukier who called from the large blind. 

The flop came 4♦3♣K♠ and Cukier checked. Mermelstein continued for 60,000, and Cukier called. The turn brought the T♦ and another check from Cukier, and this time Mermelstein fired 110,000. Cukier took a few half-minute, then check-raised to 270,000. Mermelstein studied the placement for a brief while, then tossed his hand away. 

Cukier is as much as 1.83 million and in second position now behind Raul Paez while Mermelstein slips to 1.19 million. --MH

12:59pm: Introducing the chip leaderLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

The action have been centered across the aggressive Americans and Anderson Blanco but a couple of minutes into Level 26, chip leader Raul "El Toro" Paez announced himself to the sector. That hand was picked up with Blanco opening to 80,000 from under the gun and after a couple of folds, Paez called within the cutoff. 

Austin Peck came along within the big blind and he then checked the 6♣4♦2♠ flop. Blanco continued for 75,000 and Paez called before Peck called to boot. All three saw the board pair at the turn with the 6♥ and after Peck and Blanco checked, Paez took the betting lead with a 180,000 chip wager. 

Both players folded and "El Toro" increased his chip lead with the primary victory of this present day 4 session. He's now playing with regards to 2,700,000. -- WOC

12:51pm: Blanco, Blanco, BlancoLevel 26 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

The blinds and antes have gone up and so has Anderson Blanco's stack. The Columbian has won the previous few pots to extend his standing and announce himself to this final table in a large way. 

The first hand saw Austin Peck open to 65,000 from the hijack and Blanco, within the cutoff, three-bet to 134,000. Peck called after which check-folded at the 6♠3♦2♠ flop to a 223,000 chip bet.  

The next hand didn't make it to a flop, as Aaron Mermelstein opened to 60,000 and Blanco three-bet to 187,000 from the hijack. Mermelstein quickly folded and Blanco showed A♥K♥ before taking within the pot.

He wasn't done picking at the Americans though, taking another pot from Mermelstein after the Philadelphia native check-folded to a 165,000 chip bet on a K♠J♥5♠ flop. Once his run was over, Blanco stacked up just over 1,600,000, pushing himself above the chip average for the primary time since midway through Day 3. -- WOC

26 20,000 40,000 5,000

12:38pm: Alcides Gomez eliminated in 8th place ($15,440)Level 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Short stack Alcides Gomez open-raised all-in once from middle position and got no callers, then did so again at the next hand and it folded around to Austin Peck within the small blind.

Peck paused, then said he was calling the frenzy by Gomez, worth about 555,000. Anderson Blanco quickly tossed his hand clear of the large blind, and the players tabled their hands:

Peck: K♠K♦Gomez: A♥J♣

Bad news for Gomez, and five cards later it was worse, because the 4♠Q♠7♣4♦7♥ runout didn't help him and he exits in eighth place.

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Alcides Gomez - 8th place

Peck is now up around 1.84 million.--MH

12:31pm: Austin powers (again)Level 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Austin Peck raised again to 65,000 from UTG, Raul Paez called from the button, and Aaron Mermelstein also known as from the large blind.

The flop came 4♥8♠A♠ and all three players checked. Then after the 6♣ turn, Mermelstein bet 85,000, then Peck raised to 260,000. Paez quickly folded, and after thinking a little while Mermelstein tossed his hand away also, doing so face up and showing he had A♥J♥.

Austin Eric Peck-LAPT Panama-2016-9958.jpg

If Austin Peck picked up a peck of poker pots, what number of poker pots did Austin Peck pick up?

Peck is back as much as 1.26 million while Mermelstein has 1.69 million. --MH

12:28pm: Suarez takes from PeckLevel 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Austin Peck continues to stay active within the early going here on the final table, and again he encountered some resistance from Ruben Suarez.

Peck opened for 65,000 from middle position and got two callers in Suarez (cutoff) and Raul Paez (big blind). The flop came 2♥J♥6♠, and after Paez checked, Peck continued for 71,000. Suarez quickly raised to 155,000, Paez folded, and after just a little thought Peck called.

The turn brought the 7♣ and a check from Peck, and when Suarez fired 225,000, Peck let his hand go. Suarez bumps as much as 1.91 million while Peck has 1.08 million --MH

12:15pm: Peck and Suarez clash againLevel 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Austin Peck and Ruben Suarez are quickly studying one another at this LAPT9 Panama final table. The 2 just got inquisitive about a pre flop leveling war and their next battle made it's solution to the river, starting with an Austin Peck 65,000 chip open from the hijack. 

Suarez called at the button and while Alcides Gomez looked curious about the large blind, he folded to send two players to the flop. Peck led the Q♠T♠7♣ board for 57,000 and Suarez called to look the 2♣ fall at the turn. Both players checked and the 2♥ paired the board at the river, bringing another check from Peck. 

Suarez wasn't going to reflect that action though, as he bet 110,000. Peck thought for a couple of moments after which called, only to be shown Q♥8♦. Suarez's hand was good and after their second battle, Suarez was back up and over the 1,500,000 chip mark, while Peck has dropped slightly under that number. -- WOC

12:13pm: Four-bet alert!Level 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

The first few hands of this restart were relatively uneventful but after a slow start, the primary four-bet on the LAPT9 Panama final table saw Austin Peck pick up a good pot. Action was picked up with Peck opening to 65,000 from the cutoff and after a fold, Ruben Suarez three-bet to 140,000. 

The big blind folded and after some thought, Peck cut out a raise. He pushed 340,000 around the line for a four-bet and while Suarez spent a minute within the tank, he eventually folded to concede the pot to the youngest player at this final table. When the dust settled, Peck was playing with regards to 1,500,000 and Suarez had dropped slightly to 1,350,000. -- WOC

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The LAPT9 Panama Main Event final table begins

12:10pm: Play beginsLevel 25 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

The final table has begun! Again, a reminder of where people are seated and the stacks to start:

         Seat Name Country Chips
1 Austin Peck USA 1,351,000
2 Anderson Blanco Colombia 1,225,000
3 Ruben Suarez Venezuela 1,477,000
4 Paul Cukier Costa Rica 1,341,000
5 Alcides Gomez USA 562,000
6 Raul Paez Spain 2,580,000
7 Andres Carrillo Colombia 659,000
8 Aaron Mermelstein USA 1,802,000

There are about 36 minutes left to move in Level 25. --MH

25 15,000 30,000 4,000

11:30am: Final table player profiles

From 553 entries just eight players remain with a possibility to become the following LAPT Main Event champion. Play gets underway in about half an hour, which supplies you lots of time to get to grasp the general eight with these quick introductions:

Seat 1: Austin Peck, USA -- 1,351,000

Though he won't be turning 21 until this August, Austin Peck has already had quite a lot of experience on the tournament tables where he's been collecting cashes steadily for the last couple of years playing in places where the playing age is eighteen and up. 

In the us he's cashes on several different tours, the highlight coming this February when he won a WSOP Circuit ring in an event at West Palm Beach. A FEW weeks after that he finished 20th on this planet Poker Tour Fallsview Poker Classic Main Event in Niagara Falls, then last month earned a career-high cash of $24,467 by final-tabling the WPT DeepStacks event in Jacksonville, Florida where he finished fifth. Taking sixth or better today will exceed that total. --MH

Seat 2: Anderson Blanco, Colombia -- 1,225,000

One of 2 Colombians at today's final table, Anderson Blanco carried the chip lead into yesterday's Day 3, fell back to short-stacked status for far of the afternoon, then successfully climbed back to have an almost-average stack to begin today's final table. Blanco has already guaranteed himself a career-high score today, wherever he finishes. He also has topped his previous highest finish in an LAPT Main Event, a 19th-place showing at LAPT5 Colombia. --MH

Seat 3: Ruben Suarez, Venezuela -- 1,477,000

Ruben Suarez is the 13th Venezuelan player to make an LAPT Main Event final table, and hopes to be the primary of that group to damage through and claim a title. He has just a couple of cashes on his tournament poker résumé thus far, including a 27th-place finish within the LAPT8 Peru Main Event a year ago. His biggest cash came here in Panama City back in January when he won a $1,000 Jackies Poker Tour event, topping a 235-entry field to earn $48,000. --MH

Seat 4: Paul Cukier, Costa Rica -- 1,341,000

The lone Costa Rican left within the field, Paul Cukier comes from a poker-playing family, as he's the grandson of Max and Maria Stern, the primary husband and wife ever to every win a WSOP bracelet. Cukier has a handful of previous small cashes collected within the USA, on the PCA within the Bahamas, and in San Jose in his native country. His biggest previous cash was for $4,043 for finishing 156th in a WSOP event back in 2012, so he's already assured himself of a career-high payday here in Panama today. --MH

Seat 5: Alcides Gomez, USA -- 562,000

The Miami based pro Alcides Gomez has his fair proportion of ultimate table results and experience including a podium finish from last month's Seminole Hard Rock Poker Challenge Main Event. He'll return today because the low man at the totem pole, playing just over 560,000 and he'll want to spin up a stack if he will notch another podium finish on this LAPT9 Panama Main Event. --WOC

Seat 6: Raul Paez, Spain -- 2,580,000

Raul Paez will return to the overall table because the chip leader. With over $1,800,000 in career earnings, "El Toro" is essentially the most experienced player remaining and he's hoping that the third time can also be the charm at an LAPT final table. The Spaniard finished third on the Main Event final table in Columbia during Season 5, then three years ago bubbled the general table in Panama. --WOC   

Seat 7: Andres Carrillo, Colombia -- 659,000

Andres Carrillo returns as one in all two players under the million-chip mark, meaning that the Columbian is generally active early at this LAPT9 Panama final table. Carrillo's past tournament results are relatively few and much between, but with scores from around the globe -- including EPT final table finishes in Barcelona and Malta -- if he's capable of finding an early double, he'll be a contender. --WOC

Seat 8: Aaron Mermelstein, USA -- 1,802,000

As we said yesterday, if chip leader Raul Paez is the creme, Aaron Mermelstein is what settles just below the creme. He'll get back second in chips and the two-time World Poker Tour champion may be trying to make Sortis Hotel, Spa & Casino history today. He currently sits third at the all-time Sortis money list and a deep run today could earn him his best career LAPT finish and move him up that leaderboard. --WOC   


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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at LAPT9 Chile: Will O'Connor and Martin Harris. Photos by Carlos Monti. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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