Wednesday, July 6, 2016

UKIPT6 Marbella Day 1B: Live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

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10:12pm: Play ends for Day 1BThat's all she wrote for Day 1B. Kevin Monroe (321,000) just pipped Albert Sapiano (319,400) for the top of day chip lead. AN ENTIRE wrap of the day's play may be up at the blog shortly. Day 1C is set to get underway and we'll bring you details of the way that went tomorrow. --MC

10pm: Last six handsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Each table will play six more hands before play concludes. --MC

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9:45pm: Sapiano vs RuivoLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Albert Sapiano and Manuel Ruivo played out two pots and both scored a win each.

First of all there has been a board that read 6♣9♦A♣J♠ and Ruvio led into Sapiano for 3,500 just for the latter to shove for an efficient 115,000. Ruvio took his time before folding and Sapiano told him he was behind while opening J♥6♥ for 2 pair.

A couple of hands later, Sapiano limped from the button and called after Ruvio raised to 7,500 from the massive blind. The board rolled out 4♥A♥7♣2♣9♥ with both players checking until the river where Ruvio bet 3,000. Sapiano open folded 5♦6♦ and set free a couple of expletives about missing his straight. --MC

9:25pm: All-in or pass, sirLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Albert Sapiano has a large stack and confusing opponents. Standard.

He and Valeriano Toledano were heads as much as a J♦2♣9♥ flop with a pile of chips within the middle. Sapiano check-called 6,000 before leading for 13,500 at the 9♣ turn. Toledano looked confused and peered across the dealer to have a look at at his opponent's stack. Sapiano helped his cause by pushing forward a large pile of 5k chips and adding, "All-in or pass, sir!"

Toledano opted to do the latter and Sapiano dragged within the pot. --MC

9:05pm: It's that point of the nightLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Normally, at this stage of an afternoon 1, you notice the kind of individuals who can't bear to return with a brief stack and can shove light in an try to double. Then there's the opposite camp that just need to make an afternoon 2 and spot what happens from there. There appears to be much more of the previous across the room at the moment as numerous shoving is going down. Maybe that's got something to do with the Day 1C turbo that's happening from 10pm tonight.

Lam Van Trinh opened to 3,600 from under the gun before Francisco Manuel Esteban three-bet all-in for 9,500 from the following seat, and Alen Bakovic did likewise for 18,500 from the cutoff. Trinh folded.

Esteban: A♣K♥Bakovic: A♥J♣

The board ran K♦3♦3♥J♦2♥ and Esteban gave a bit of fist pump. --MC

8:45pm: Curto gets a doubleLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Fernando Curto really had to start making waves to circumvent being washed up on busted beach. He did and but he can't rest on his laurels as he still has fewer than starting stack.

Jose Antonio Valbuena opened to 3,400 and called after Curto three-bet all-in for 11,500.

Curto: A♦J♥Valbuena: A♥9♥

The board ran 7♣3♥4♦A♣T♣ to peer Curto's hand delay. -- MC

8:10pm: Last break of the nightLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

The players are taking their last break of the day. Two more levels when they return. --MC

You can play poker without cost on PokerStars. Simply click here to open an account. 7:55pm: Navarro busts to BurgerLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

From under-the-gun Janina Burger opened to 3,000 and Mario Navarro then moved all-in for 11,000 total. When it folded back to Burger she quickly called and it was time for showdown:

Burger: A♠K♣Navarro: 7♠7♦

The Spaniard was in front together with his pair however the 8♥A♥Q♣9♦2♦ board favoured the overpair and Burger is now as much as 70,000 in consequence. --NW

7:47pm: Dowling's killer downedLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Andreas Losche took out Chris Dowling some time back, but couldn't use the Irishman's chips to make Day 2.

According to some of players on the table, Dowling flopped two-pair with A-J and got it in versus Losche who had a dominating ace with A-Q but just one pair. One pair until the river that was, where a queen seemed to hand him the pot and the scalp.

Losche's exit hand was almost identical, minus the rescue river card. A player at the button raised to 2,500 before Rui Manuel Esteves three-bet to 5,600 from the small blind. Losche called from the large blind however the players at the button didn't fancy it and folded.

The flop fanned Q♥J♠3♦ and Esteves continued for 8,000 and watched as Losche quickly moved all-in for 41,900. Esteves took his time and made the decision with Q♦J♣ for high two pair. Losche opened K♠Q♠ but couldn't make amends for the 8♣A♠ turn and river. --MC

7:30pm: Sapiano shoves on GomezLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

There are still two tables left in play down in La Caseta and Albert Sapiano is at a type of. I arrived on the table to look him all-in for 51,200 at the turn of a 5♣7♥A♠4♦. There has been about 26,000 within the pot and Diego Gomez was the person with the decision.

He'd stacked up the chips to name and had about 8,000 spare should he call and lose. He tanked and tanked and at last the clock was called at the Spaniard. The clock didn't reach zero as Gomez folded A♥K♣ face-up. "That's a nasty fold," said Sapiano, who showed A♦8♥ as he took the pot. --NW

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...Meet Albert

7:25pm: Check you laterLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

The price of poker goes up and there is no room for the chip-less. Say goodbye to: Martin Ilavsky, Adrian Garcia, Jonas Palsgard Christensen, Piotr Kuszczak, Abdelkader Medjahed, Maria Margarida Duarte de Miranda, Robert Grigore, Antonio Battaglia, Felipe Boianovsky, Bret Gross, Victor Herrezuelo, Francisco Javier Herraez, Angel Luis Lopez, Oscar Garcia, Alejandro Casamajor, Borja Teruel, Gil Thierry, Abraham Serrano, Domenico Laebate, David Clarkson, Ricardo Jimeno Dominguez, Franklin Nurmohamed, Antonio Jimenez Castilla, Manuel Antoni Delgado, Gareth Hamilton, Nuno Moser Mantero, Daniel Garcia, Gerry Lillie, Ivan Dias, Anaras Alekberovas, Michael Sklenicka, David Farkas and Jonas Rodriguez Leiva. --MC

7:20pm: The numbers are inLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

We've just had confirmation of the collection of runners for Day 1B and will inform you that 409 is the magic number. Add them to the 284 who played Day 1A and also you get 693. Tournament staff say they expect somewhere around 100 players to go into the Day 1C turbo flight that starts at 10pm tonight so the full field is usually around 800. --NW

7:15pm: Top 5 counts from the breakLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Javier Monso, 165,000Francisco Javier Minguez, 162,500Simon Perez, 134,000Roberto Alcala, 130,000Mladen Ivanov, 128,500--MC

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Francisco Javier Minguez running like Daniel Sturridge

7:10pm: Mitchell mops up some chipsLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

James Mitchell is without doubt one of the most experienced players within the field and the Irish Open champion is as much as 60,000 after winning a blind on blind hand against Omar Pedro Oyhenart. When the action folded to Mitchell he raised to 2,500 and Oyhenart took a few looks at his cards before calling.

On the Q♠4♠K♦ flop Mitchell gave up the betting lead, check-calling 3,500. The pattern repeated itself at the 2♣ turn. This time Oyhenart fired out 6,800 and again Mitchell called. At the T♣ river both players checked and Mitchell's Q♦8♣ took the pot. After that hand Oyehnart drops to 32,000. --NW

7pm: Only one player to get through...damnLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Alan Grace was short (9,400) and made his move from early position. One-by-one they folded and he only needed to get through one player. Vytautas Aganauskas was within the big blind, looked down at his hand, and made the call.

Grace: K♦J♥Aganauskas: A♣T♣

The board ran 7♠4♣A♥2♠T♦ to make the Lithuanian two-pair and send Mr Grace to the rail. --MC

6:32pm: Break it up in there!Level 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

Everyone take QUARTER-HOUR and are available back for level 9. -- MC

6:30pm: Fatima the thinkerLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

The Thinker is a famous bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin where a nude male sits on a rock with a chin resting on one hand as if deep in thought. Fatima Moreira De Melo mirrored this pose in a hand just now, and may be just a little bronze from her time within the sun, however the Dutch star definitely has more clothes on.

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This pose is known as Second Thoughts

Whether or not the pose helped her think more deeply in a hand versus a Spanish opponent is up for debate but either way, she won the hand with some aggression. He's raised to 1,700 from under the gun and Moreira De Melo was the one caller to a T♠9♠2♦ flop. He continued for 2,600 and called when raised to 7,000. The turn was the T♦ and a 11,500 bet from Moreira De Melo was enough to win the pot. Her stack grew to around 49,000. --MC

6:25pm: OutLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

It's not been an excellent day for: Jorge Alexandre Rodrigues De Oliveira, David Rodriguez, David Gutierrez, Joaquim Cardoso, Angel Manuel Vidal, Lars Moller, Luis Fernandez Pacheco, Vladimir Ovshinov, Robert Grant, Elliot Sorsky, Yeray Mateos and Joan Antoni Sanchez. 

It could get well though in the event that they elect to hop into the turbo Day 1C that starts at 10pm. --NW

6:10pm: Margets makes the precise foldLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

From early position Marc Coch shoved for just below 10,000 and it folded to Leo Margets, who was at the button. She asked for a count after which tanked for some time before folding. The blinds followed suit and Coch showed pocket aces as he took the pot. 

Margets has around 32,000 at the present time. --NW

6:03pm: Playing Cody's hand is dangerous when your name isn't CodyLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

"That's what you get for raising with 10-4!" said Alan Horsburgh after he doubled up Said Nadjem.

He raised from middle position and Nadjem defended his big blind before the chips went in on a 3♦T♥4♥ flop. Nadjem was the all-in player with 13,450.

Horsburgh: T♠4♠ for high two pair.Nadjem: 4♥4♣ for middle set.

The board ran out 6♠J♠ and Nadjem secured the double. -MC

5:45pm: Big hand vs big handLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

From late position Alan Horsburgh opened to 1,600, Mohamed Mamouni raised it as much as 5,000 at the button just for Vytautas Pakauskas to shove for 9,800 total. 

Back on Horsburgh he let his hand go but Mamouni called off the additional and showed pocket queens. It was a great hand but he was behind as Pakauskas had A♠A♥. The 7♥A♣6♥9♣J♣ board meant Pakauskas greater than doubled.

"I had two clubs," said Horsburgh after the hand had finished. --NW

5:40pm: Chip leaders from La CasetaLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

There are some big stacks being built all the way down to La Caseta (the booth) and there are still 11 tables filled with players within the overspill room. Those listed below have all had an excellent begin to the tournament:

Manuel Leal Borges, 122,500Rastislav Paleta, 103,000Ambrose Travers, 102,000Jonathan Spaeren, 92,000Gianluca Speranza, 74,000Jesper Rasmussen, 67,000Niko Koop, 61,000

5:33pm: Great spots can result in defeatLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

"What a place"! said Fatima Moreira De Melo after she folded in a hand where Mario Navarro squeezed all-in with kings, and got called by ace-king. He was in great shape to double but ended up busting.

Moreira De Melo opened to 1,600 from middle position and was called in two spots before Navarro squeezed all-in for 10,625 from the massive blind. Moreira De Melo tank folded to permit Jokin Cendoya to transport all-in behind. The opposite player folded.

Navarro: K♦K♥Cendoya: A♠K♣

The board ran 8♦2♣J♥T♠Q♥ to make Cendoya broadway. Navarro took the defeat like a champ, and shook a few of his tablemates' hands before making his exit. --MC

5:20pm: ExitsLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

What goes up must come down and so whilst the blinds go up the choice of players left in goes down. A number of the latest batch of players to feel the hangman's noose around their tournament life are: Jose Pedro Barragan, Ad Beukers, Marius Vik Enebakk, Dmitrii Sukhorukov, Alexander Zeligman, Javier Mauleon, Renee Xie, Fabio Cortes, Ahmad Samir Timuri, Iker Arancegui, David Pollock, Arkaitz Lozano, Abdelmajid Chiboub, David Gonzalez, Edoardo Scimia and Tarek Bouchama. --NW

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Renee Xie

5pm: A victory for England('s Mitchell)Level 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

We needed to get that is the blog somewhere!

James Mitchell raised to 1,100 from the hijack and was called in three spots en path to a 3♦7♠9♥ flop. He continued for 2,800 and was only check-called by the small blind, who gave up at the K♠ turn when Mitchell barrelled for an additional 5,400. He moved as much as rather less than 50,000.

The game's over now, so we'll come again to a couple proper blogging. --MC

4:45pm: Soccer or football the sport is the sameLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

There are a couple of football shirts dotted across the room today. I've noticed no less than one Germany shirt, but there's also a Bayern Munich shirt. Strangely enough it belongs to a Dutchman.

The man in question is Jeffrey Brouwer, who has a tight record in Marbella at this tournament. He finished seventh here last year and is asking to make the overall table again. -- NW

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4:35pm: Double up for WinterbergLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

Wth about 10,000 within the pot Floyd Winterberg open shoved for 8,650 on a Q♣Q♠K♣ flop, his opponent looked him up and was first to show, opening 9♣9♠. Winterberg was ahead with K♠J♠ and hung on the 3♣ turn and 7♥ river. --NW

4:27pm: The 400 club?Level 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

With late registration still open for one more HALF-HOUR we're getting really with reference to 400 runners for the day. Currently 330 of 390 remain and the common stack is 29,545. --NW

4:18pm: Play resumes without the followingLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

Enrique Gonzalez, Fokke Beukers, Javier Baeza, Javier Barabino, Zeljko Adzaga, Jean Baptiste Lagier, Victor Eugenio Gil Den-Houting, Antonis Poulengeris, Monteiro Correia Jelcides Patrick, Jesper Rasmussen, Ana Marquez, Tomas Nasarre, Gonzalo David Louro,Adrian Tivadar, Imanol Cabello and Borja Rilo. -- MC

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Ana Marquez

4:05pm: Break timeLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)Time for a another break. --MC

4pm: Serrano singing a contented tuneLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Abraham Serrano had just called an all-in bet of 10,300 and was busy signing to himself "la,la, la, la, la," was his chosen ditty. The unique raiser had just 1,200 within the pot at this juncture and be it the boldness Serrano was exuding, or his own hand strength, he elected to fold.

The explanation for Serrano's confident exterior was soon clear as he turned over K♠K♦ and was prior to his opponent's A♣J♣. A 6♠3♣K♣ flop was an eventful one, however the set of cowboys held up at the J♠ turn and 2♥ river. 

After that hand Serrano is as much as 56,000. --NW

3:56pm: Chips from the primary roomLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Joe Hindry, 26,000Francisco Javier Herraez, 28,500Gareth De Groot, 34,500Kevin Whelan, 55,000Mateusz Moolhuizen, 23,000Leo Margets, 34,000Fatima Moreira De Melo, 33,000Chris Dowling, 35,000Kjell Lindqvist, 8,000James Mitchell, 41,000David Clarkson, 27,000Anaras Alekberovas, 46,000--MC

3:45pm: Chip counts from La CasetaLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

All the tables in La Caseta - bar one - are in use and there is a few names and notables dotted across the 17 tables, including:

Tudor Purice, 56,000Albert Sapiano, 40,000Diego Gomez, 38,500Ben Warrington, 30,000David Susigan, 24,500Antonis Poulengeris, 7,700

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Purice is setting the pace

3:30pm: Still time to playLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

There's still a number of time to register this tournament as late registration is open until the tip of level six. That's roughly 5pm CET. --NW

3:20pm: Big stacksLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

By this time yesterday Vinente Delgado had amassed a stack of 80,000. No one's reached those heights thus far today - that we have seen anyway - but there are some impressive stacks being built.

Mladen Ivanov is as much as 59,000, Andrew Wool has 48,000 and Oyvind Lundby is as much as 52,000. The Norwegian climbed to that lofty perch after winning a pot against Renee Xie. She bet 2,600 at the river of a 5♣K♥7♣6♣8♠ board and Lundby tank called. Xie mucked her hand and Lundby took the pot without showdown. --NW

3:10pm: Baby flush works for MargetsLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Leo Margets' stack has grown to 39,500 after she made a toddler flush in a three-way pot.

Manuel Coronado opened the pot with a raise to 650 from middle position and was called by both blinds. All three checked the 5♦Q♠6♦ flop before Margets led for 1,400 at the 7♦ turn. Only Coronado called to the 8♦ river where both players checked. Margets opened 3♦2♦ and her opponent mucked. --MC

2:55pm: Free to observe England v Wales gameLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

We're unlikely to lie, the PokerStars Blog could be very jealous of anyone who's reading this whilst they have the opposite eye firmly fixed at the England v Wales match. A COUPLE OF players who'd hoped to be playing poker throughout the big match are, instead, free to observe it as they've busted out early on Day 1B. 

Currently warming the bench looking ahead to Day 1C to begin at 10pm are: Juan Rosello, Andelfo Martinez, Xoan Mourino, Jose Luis Perez, Jorge Ruiz and Kuljinder Sidhu. --NW

2:50pm: Chris "The blogger" DowlingLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

"Where are you watching the sport"? asked Chris Dowling while we were by his table. We responded by saying on a laptop or a close-by screen after which apologised if the blog was a bit of light on content for a few hours.

The conversation paused while Dowling raised to 725 from the cutoff, an amount called by Sebastian Perez (button) and Ezequiel Macho (big blind). All three checked the 9♦4♦8♦ flop before Macho led for 1,250 at the 8♥ turn. Only Dowling called to the A♠ river where he called another 2,550. Macho mucked and Dowling took the pot with no need to show, to transport as much as around 36,000.

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Dowling praying for an England win? (We'll be alright)

Dowling then said he wouldn't mind sending the blog hand updates while the sport is at the. Day 1C turbo is being trialled later, so trialling a "Do it yourself" blog today is purely staying on trend! -- MC

2:35pm: Curtains for MolloyLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

In a blind on blind battle Rossa Molloy got his final 9,800 within the middle holding A♣Q♦ but was in rough shape against Inaki Barreiro's A♦K♦. The A♥K♥T♣ flop actually gave him more outs as he now had four to make broadway. The 7♥ turn and 2♣ river missed him though and he exited the tournament.

Barreiro is as much as 35,000 after winning that pot. --NW

2:18pm: Break timeLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

The players are on their first break of the day. --MC

2:17pm: Whelan paired with MoolhuizenLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Kevin Whelan has enjoyed a little bit success at the UKIPT with a few cashes at the tour within the last 14 months. That deep run still eludes him but he's as much as 38,000 already today, so maybe that is the development. He's drawn at table one, a couple of seats to the proper of Dutch pro Mateusz Moolhuizen, who's won over $700k in his career and came 27th here last year.

Whelan could be out of position so much to Moolhuizen, except when the latter is within the blinds. Whelan raised from the cutoff and was called by Gioele Maruccia at the button and Moolhuizen within the big blind. The flop fanned 9♠6♦2♥ and a 1,100 c-bet from Whelan was enough to win another pot. Moolhuizen dropped slightly to 22,500. --MC

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The dangerous Dutch player Mateusz Moolhuizen

2:05pm: Early exitsLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

A trio of bustouts to inform you about as Dinh Doat Le, Tomas Kozlovas and Paul Keenan have all lost their stack. They are able to in fact try again in tonight's turbo Day 1C which starts at 10pm. --NW

2pm: Dowling hoping for luck of the IrishLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

There at the moment are an estimated 370 players within the field today and one of the crucial newcomers is tour regular Chris Dowling. The Irishman has played the tour since Season 1 and has three final tables to his name. 

Poker's not the one thing on his mind though, he's got football at the brain too: "I'm heading to France next week to look at Ireland play Italy," he told me. That game occurs Wednesday evening so should he reach the business end of this tournament he'll have a horny tight turnaround to make it to Lille. It will be a pleasant problem to have though. --NW

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1:50pm: Kings for KjellLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Kjell Lindqvist is off to an excellent start here in Marbella because the Swedish player just claimed the scalp of Juan Antonio Maza . The Spaniard was right down to around 9,000 and got the last of his chips in with pocket queens. Unfortunately for him Lindqvist had pocket kings and the cowboys held as much as send Maza tumbling out. --NW

1:40pm: Purice searching for a countrywide Tour full house; Sweden seeking to stop the rotLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Diego Gomez has position on Tudor Purice, and because the two most notable players at their table, that may be key consider their successes today. Gomez just raised Purice's big blind from early position. The latter called but made a frustrated looking check-fold post flop. Purice made a FPS and an IPT final table this year so will add a UKIPT and ESPT to that list of achievements if he makes Sunday's final.

A couple of tables over you will find Craig Sweden. The London-based player had lost a piece of his stack so was happy to win a pot. He and an opponent made the river of a hand with over 3,000 sat within the middle. The board read 9♠A♠8♥T♥A♥ and Sweden led for 1,900 from the large blind. His opponent was within the cutoff and asked about much Sweden had behind, then folded once he heard it was 13,000. --MC

1:20pm: Sapiano ships itLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

Whilst many players don't love playing big pots within the opening levels of a tournament, Albert Sapiano has no such fear. He isn't afraid to get his chips around the line within the early stages and that i just saw him shove on a few players who've clearly never played against him before.

There was a 4♥2♦5♦ flop at the felt and a big gamble and make contact with of 1,200 in front of his two foes. Sapiano wasn't mucking, or indeed mucking about as he shoved his stack of around 28,000 around the line. It did the trick and he's as much as 32,000 now. --NW

1:10pm: Opposites attractLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150UKIPT6 Marbella LeoMargets Day1B.jpg

Margets split watermelon for breakast

Fatima Moreira De Melo and Leo Margets, as we mentioned before, travelled to the PokerStars Marbella Festival together, and are renting an apartment nearby. They have been sat at adjacent tables so can chat away all day.

When this was mentioned to Moreira De Melo she said, "NOT REALLY actually, as she (points to Margets) loves to stay quiet and focus, whereas I REALLY LIKE to chat!"

That response sparked a talk about how they're opposites who fill in each other's gaps. One is light, the opposite is dark; one is chatty, the opposite is quiet; you'll be cheeky, the opposite polite; and one loves to run whereas the opposite one did enough of that once she was a qualified athlete.

"I get people to run around for me nowadays"! said a laughing Moreira De Melo. "And make breakfast for me, like Leo did this morning, after her run in fact". --MCUKIPT6 Marbella FatimaMoreiraDeMelo Day1A.jpg

Queens get breakfast made for them

12:50pm: Hindry hunting a trophyLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

If Joe Hindry remains to be on this tournament on Sunday then they young Englishman can have made back to back UKIPT final tables. In April he finished third in London, which was good for £37,110. Whilst he may need missed out on a trophy there he have to be leaving Marbella with a 'spadie' without reference to what happens on the poker tables.

In Season 5 we held a lager pong tournament in Bristol and Hindry, who was partnered by Neil Raine, shot their technique to victory. Raine, who's an accomplished table tennis player, may be in Marbella and the pair are hoping to receive their trophies here. Raine is safely through to Day 2 having played yesterday. --NW

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12:35pm: Main room sightingsLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Dave Clarkson took down the Win the Button tournament the opposite night and he's hoping to hold on that good form usually Event. He got off to an even start by winning a small pot off an opponent.

He was within the big blind and called a raise to 250 to go to a 2♠2♣7♣ flop. He check-called 500 before both players checked the A♥ turn. The board completed with the 4♦ and Clarskon led for 2,500. Fold.

Clarkson's by and large tournament room with the aforementioned Fatima Moreira De Melo and Leo Margets. They're sat very with regards to one another so expect quite a lot of chatter in that corner of the room!

Other players spotted thus far include: James Mitchell, Kjell Lindqvist, Renee Xsie, and native pro Ana Marquez. -- MC

12:20pm: Down within the boothLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Today play is spread over two rooms with 'La Caseta' aka The Booth, that's normally used for side events, pressed into use for the principle event. There's currently 15 tables in use down there with another three able to go should they be needed. 

There's a soothing feel to La Caseta, it feels rather like you're playing poker in a large Spanish villa. Among those looking to feel at home on this tournament in that environ are: Rasmus Agerskov, Tudor Purice, Albert Sapiano, Craig Sweden, Diego Gomez and Asif Warris.

12:03pm: Shuffle up and dealLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Cards are within the air for Day 1B. --MC

11:50am: Welcome back for Day 1BLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Yesterday was such a lot fun, let's do all of it all over again. Actually, let's do it twice today. It was trailed at the Eureka Poker Tour and now it's come to the UKIPT/ESPT. There's a Day 1C Turbo flight going down later tonight that gives players a second chance to make Day 2, only open to players who busted on Day 1A yesterday, or Day 1B today. That's for later though, there's the little matter of Day 1B to deal with first.

Cards could be within the air at midday CET and greater than 300 players are expected to throughout the doors of Casino Marbella. It can be the Spanish summer but no shorts in here please. Don't worry, they have you covered with air conditioning.

One of the players taking centre stage today might be Team PokerStars SportStar Fatima Moreira De Melo. It certainly one of her favorite stops of the year and she's dragged Leo Margets together with her. We'll bring you news of the entire other notables once play is underway. --MC

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Key UKIPT6 Marbella Facts:- 25,000 starting stack- Blinds starting at 50/100 for 250 big blinds- Levels are 45 minutes on Day 1 and they will be 12 of them. From Day 2 onwards levels increase to 60 minutes. - Day 1A was yesterday (examine it here), Day 1B happens today and there is also a turbo Day 1C at 10pm tonight. That opening flight is solely open to players who've busted on Day 1A or Day 1B.- The sphere will then combine for the primary time on Friday. We'll reach the cash in the course of the eight levels of play on Day 2 after which play all the way down to a last table on Saturday. Sunday is all concerning the final. Cue mad celebrations and swigging of sangria from the trophy (possibly). - Full UKIPT5 Marbella schedule here.

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT6 Marbella: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May and Rene Velli. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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