Wednesday, July 6, 2016

UKIPT6 Marbella: Final table updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

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* Largest UKIPT Marbella main event in history with 844 runners* CLICK FOR PRIZE POOL INFORMATION

6pm: Jonathan Schuman wins Marbella Festival for €96,159; Bob Janssens wins €101,238 for second placeLevel 31 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

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Schuman celebrates together with his friends

The closing stages of the PokerStars Marbella Festival was defined by huge hands matching up so it came as no surprise to that the last hand of the tournament was slightly a cooler.

Jonathan Schuman raised to 700,000 from the button and made a right away call after Bob Janssens three-bet all-in for 7.6 million.

Janssens: A♦J♦Schuman: A♥K♥

Schuman's friends at the rail stormed in the course of the barriers to stream the action to family and friends back home, full commentary included, kind of.

The board ran A♣4♥6♠7♦9♣ to look the Schuman's hand hold up.

Congratulation to Schuman for a terrific performance. He got the additional €10,000 from the deal meaning he'll take home €96,159. Hard luck, but in addition congratulations to everyone who made the general table a fun experience today. AN ENTIRE wrap of the day's play can be up at the blog shortly. -- MC

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Janssens - second place

5:48pm: Tit for tatLevel 31 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (30,000 ante)

The players decided to not take the break and went straight into Level 32. Since then neither player has grabbed the advantage.

In one hand, both players had made it to the river where a 5♦J♣7♦T♠Q♦ board rested. Jonathan Schuman bet 1.5 million and opened A♣K♦ for a rivered straight when called. Bob Janssens mucked.

The only big hand within the first 20 minutes of the extent saw Schuman raise to 700,000 before Janssen three-bet to two million straight. Schuman called but flded to a 1.6 million c-bet on an 8♦4♣6♥ flop. --MC

5:20pm: Early momentum with JanssensLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

The early heads-up momentum is with Bob Janssens and the Dutchman now leads 11,300,000 to 9,500,000.

In the one biggest hand of heads-up play Janssens opened to 360,000 and Jonathan Schuman smooth called. At the 4♥T♣4♠ flop Janssens c-bet 325,000 and Schuman stuck around. Neither player bet the 5♦ turn and the Q♠ completed the board.

Schuman slid out a gamble of 1,200,000 but mucked when Janssens made the decision. -- NW

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Heads-up play in Marbella

5:10pm: Rodrigo Strong eliminated in third place (€110,653)Level 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

There was to be no get back for start of day chips leader Rodrigo Strong, and it was another bad beat.

Jonathan Schuman opened to 320,000 from the button and tank called after Strong three-bet all in for around 1.8 million.

Strong: K♥K♣Schuman: A♠5♦

The board ran A♦4♥T♦3♦7♥ at hand the pot and the scalp to Schuman.

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Strong - third place

Heads up chip counts:

Janssens - 9.5 millionSchuman - 11.4 million--MC

4:55pm: Huge double for SchumanLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

This game's a little mad isn't it? Jonathan Schuman was the hot beneficiary of a double up in a cooler.

Bob Janssens limped in from the button and Rodrigo Strong called but Jonathan Schuman shoved for 4,220,000 from the massive blind. Janssens then immediately shoved behind and that folded out Strong.

Schuman: J♠J♣Janssens: A♥A♠

The board ran J♥3♥2♣4♥2♦ to make the Londoner a whole house. Considering Janssens had an 80% chance of getting all but 11 big blinds of the chips in play, he took the beat really well. -- MC

4:40pm: Huge double for JanssensLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

Sometimes a deal can actually make play tighter but not in this occasion. At the first hand after the deal we had a 14,760,000 chip pot.

Rodrigo Strong opened to 400,000, Bob Janssens three-bet to 1,000,000 total and after eyeing up Janssens stack he moved all-in and Janssens snap called, he was the shorter stack of the 2 with 7,310,000.

Janssens: A♣K♦Strong: J♣7♣

The A♠K♥5♥A♦J♦ board meant Janssens made a full-house to double to 14,760,000 whilst Strong is right down to 1,825,000 and suddenly finds himself because the short stack. --NW

4:35pm: A deal was struckLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

The clock was paused after the players said they desired to take a look at numbers. Luca Vivaldi came visiting and gave the players chip chop and ICM numbers, and recommended €10,000 be left to play for. The players agreed at the chip chop numbers with the €10,000 added to whoever finishes first.

Strong now guaranteed €110,653.Janssens now guaranteed €101,238Schuman now guaranteed €86,159

The players signed the paperwork and play resumed. --MC

4:12pm: Chip countsLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

Here's how the overall three stack up:

Name Country Status Chips
Rodrigo Strong Brazil   9,000,000
Bob Janssens Netherlands PokerStars Player 7,900,000
Jonathan Schuman United Kingdom   4,200,000

4:10pm: Schuman shovesLevel 31 - Blinds 80,000/160,000 (20,000 ante)

Jonathan Schuman limped the button - a tactic we'd not yet seen at this final table - Bob Janssens folded the small blind and Rodrigo Strong checked his option.

On the T♦8♠5♣ flop Schuman fired out a chance of 350,000 and robust stuck across the. 9♣ fell at the turn and robust elected to lead, betting 550,000. Schuman reduce his chips after which announced he was all-in, his shove totalled 3,735,000.

Strong got a count but decided to release his hand. Pot to Schuman. --NW

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Schuman's getting busy

4:05pm: Family potsLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

There has been quite a lot of family pots. Within the just one that went to showdown Rodrigo Strong was the pre-flop aggressor, making it 300,000 to head at the button. It checked all of the option to the river of a T♣9♠8♦3♣6♥ board at which point Strong bet 400,000. Bob Janssens looked him up with 4♦3♦ and bested the Brazilian's A♠4♣.

3:55pm: Alexander Voytko eliminated in fourth place (€48,610)Level 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

And then there have been three.

The action folded around to Rodrigo Strong within the small blind and he checked out Alexander Voytko's stack, then to the clock, back to his opponent before he moved all-in. Voytko took one have a look at his cards and called all-in for roughly 1.8million.

Strong: K♥Q♥Voytko: 9♥9♠

The board ran Q♣T♣4♥2♦A♦ to make the Brazilian a couple and put him back as much as 9.7 million. Voytko didn't say a word as he got up from his seat and shook the rest players' hands. It was a bit of eerie but respectful, like an individual leaving a wake where nothing more can also be said to the relatives. -- MC

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Voytko - fourth place

3:35pm: Jonathan Schuman doubles through Rodrigo StrongLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Jonathan Schuman was reasonably passive at this final table but he just played his biggest pot of the general table so far.

Rodrigo Strong opened to 275,000 from the button, Schuman shoved for 1,935,000 from the large blind and robust instantly called.

Strong: A♦Q♠Schuman: J♥J♣

The 5♣J♠2♣8♠A♥ board kept Schuman in front and he's as much as 4,000,000 now whilst Strong slips to about 8,000,000. --NW

3:30pm: Strong using his chips wellLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Rodrigo Strong is utilising his position as chip leader to perfection by forcing the shorter stacks to make tough decisions. Jonathan Schuman opened to 260,000 from the button and was flat called by Bob Janssens. 

Strong took a glance at their stacks after which raised it as much as 780,000. Both players folded. Schuman is right down to about 1,950,000 now and is the shortest of the four stacks. Strong has roughly 10,000,000, Janssens around 6,800,000 and Alexander Voytko about 2,200,000. --NW

3:20pm: Milos Skrbic eliminated in fifth place (€38,320)Level 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

Oh how a tournament can change over the process two hands.

Milos Skrbic, who was the player who changed his mind over the deal, doubled up in a single hand after which busted the very next hand. Bob Janssens, lost the chip lead and Rodrigo Strong reclaimed the dominant position he had before.

The action folded around to Janssens within the small blind and he set Skrbic all-in for his last 2,190,000. Call.

Janssens: K♣J♥Skrbic: A♠T♣

The board ran 9♥J♦A♥4♦5♠. Skrbic offered to have a look at numbers after that but all his opponents ignored his request.

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Skrbic - fifth place

Moments later that did not matter. Skrbic limped in from the small blind after which moved all-in after Rodrigo Strong raised to 400,000 from the massive blind. Snap call. Skrbic had aces the last time these two battled like this within the blinds; the shoe was at the other foot this time though.

Skrbic: A♠7♠Strong: A♣A♦

The board ran 5♥4♥Q♦T♥T♣ and after a count of the stacks, Skrbic was confirmed out and powerful rose to 9.7 million. --MC

3:05pm: No dealLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

No deal for now. Some of the players changed his mind. Cards are back within the air. --NW

3pm: Deal talkLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (20,000 ante)

The players are back but they've paused the clock to have a look at numbers for a possible deal. --NW

2:40pm: Break timeThe players are on a break, here's how they stack up:

Name Country Status Chips
Bob Janssens Netherlands PokerStars Player 8,530,000
Rodrigo Strong Brazil   4,750,000
Jonathan Schuman United Kingdom   2,815,000
Milos Skrbic Serbia PokerStars Qualifier 2,740,000
Alexander Voytko Israel   2,025,000

2:35pm: Janssens stretches his leadLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Big hands, big pot.

Bob Janssens opened to 225,000 from under-the-gun and called when Alexander Voytko three-bet to 650,000 from the small blind.

Voytko bet 350,000 and 750,000 respectively at the K♠K♦T♣ flop and 3♦ turn with Janssens calling both bets. Both players then checked the 5♥ river with Voytko showing A♣Q♣ for ace high, whilst Janssens had J♥J♦. He took the pot to climb to 8,520,000 whilst Voytko is right down to 2,025,000. --NW

2:30pm: Strong playLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Bob Janssens opened to 225,000 from the cut off, Milos Skrbic then three-bet to 575,000 from a stack of around 2,200,000 just for Rodrigo Strong to four-bet jam for 4,200,000 total. Both players folded and powerful is as much as 5,000,000. --NW

2:25pm: Michal Ozimek eliminated in sixth place (€28,680)Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Bob Janssens has stretched further clear on the top of the chips by the use of disposing of Michal Ozimek in sixth place.

He opened from the cutoff after which snap called after Ozimek three-bet all-in for 1,320,000 from the large blind.

Ozimek: A♦9♦Janssens: A♣Q♥

"First time I'm behind," commented Ozimek before he almost got out of it on a board that came 5♦Q♦T♣7♠6♥. Janssens' stack rose to around 6.5 million. --MC

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Ozimek - sixth place

2:10pm: Alexander Voytko doubles through Rodrigo StrongLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

For the primary time because the end of Day 2 Rodrigo Strong is not the chip leader of this tournament, he's been toppled because he just doubled up Alexander Voytko.

In the hand in question Strong raised to 200,000 with 9♦9♠, Voytko moved all-in for 2,190,000 with T♦T♠ and powerful quickly called the shove.

A 4♣2♦2♠6♠5♦ board kept Voytko in front and he doubled to 4,550,000, while Strong is all the way down to 4,600,000. Bob Janssens, who has just over 5,000,000 is now the chip leader. --NW

2:05pm: Janssens above five millionLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Bob Janssens is putting some daylight between himself and the remainder as he's comfortably the second one biggest stack now after winning a hand against Alexander Voytko. Pre-flop Janssens opened to 210,000 and Voytko called out of the massive blind.

The 8♦T♦4♠ flop checked through and the 9♠ fell on fourth street. Voytko bet 250,000, call from Janssens. The K♥ completed the board and Voytko fired again, this time 450,000 and again Janssens made the call.

The Israeli tapped the table to suggest Janssens had made a fair call and showed Q♥6♥. Unsurprisingly Janssens could top queen high and he opened K♣J♠ to say the pot. He's as much as 5,100,000 now whilst Voytko drops to 2,200,000. --NW

1:55pm: Armin Zoike eliminated in seventh place (€20,175)Level 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Armin Zoike hoped for the aces his opponents were getting, however the best the poker gods had on offer was kings and so they couldn't hold, so he was sent to the rail in seventh.

Bob Janssens opened to 160,000 from the cutoff after which called after his German opponent shoved for 960,000 from the following seat.

Janssens: Q♦J♦Zoike: K♥K♠

The board ran Q♣4♦7♥Q♥2♣ to make the Dutchman trips. Zoike left to a round of applause whereas Janssens spread himself and his 4.6 million stack out a little bit. --MC

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Zoike - seventh place

1:35pm: Huge hand! Strong gets some backLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Rodrigo Strong is back as much as 7,000,000 after winning a large pot against Michal Ozimek. It was a blind on blind battle with Strong raising to 240,000 and Ozimek calling. At the 6♥3♦9♦ flop Strong checked, Ozimek bet 275,000 and robust went into the tank. He stayed there for therefore long that the clock was called and just about once it was he put out the calling chips.

The 8♣ turn card checked through and the 9♠ completed the board. Again Strong checked and Ozimek counted out a corpulent bet of 1,305,000 and slid it into the center. It was an overbet and powerful took a while to think about his actions. He got eyes on Ozimek's remaining chips (about 1.7m) after which announced all-in.

Ozimek was not expecting that. He leaned back in his chair and started to think in the course of the hand. Much of it was inaudible but I caught snatches of it. "YOU CAN NOT jam don't expect me to fold my hand...all I WILL BE ABLE TO fold is queen high."

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The boys in the midst of their duel

He then apologised to the table for taking goodbye. The 2 players are sat side by side and he turned to Strong and said: "You never shut up normally, you're alleged to be speaking to be right now!"

After slightly more tank time he released his hand. Did Strong have it? We'll never know. After the hand had finished there has been some talk of a €50 bet between a few the players about guessing the 2 hands that the players had. --NW

1:25pm: Every short stack gets aces a minimum of onceLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

The above statement was the quote from Armin Zoike after he witnessed another certainly one of his tablemates doubling up with aces, and again through chip leader Rodrigo Strong.

The action folded to Milos Skrbic within the small blind who completed after which snap called all-in for 1.425 million after Strong shoved from the massive blind.

Skrbic: A♥A♣Strong: K♦9♦

The board ran 2♦A♣Q♠5♦6♣ to look the aces delay. Strong dropped all the way down to 4.6 million. --MC

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The before I got aces look

1:10pm: Voytko continues to assemble chipsLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

It's been a really perfect level up to now for Alexander Voytko as he's won another couple of decent pots to climb to around 2,500,000.

In the primary he re-raised all-in excessive of Armin Zoike's 200,000 chip open. The German had about 1,300,000 back and elected to fold. He's now the quick stack.

A couple of hands later Michal Ozimek made it 160,000 to play but he too folded to aggression from Voytko because the Israeli's three-bet to 500,000 was enough to earn him the pot. --NW

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Voytko is gathering momentum

12:58pm: Shortie got a doubleLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Rodrigo Strong has suffered the primary real setback in a protracted while after he doubled the shortest stacked player on the table, Alexander Voytko.

The Brazilian opened to 160,000 from under the gun and called after Voytko three-bet all-in for 925,000 from two seats along.

Strong: 3♦3♣Voytko: A♠A♦

The board ran 6♥2♥5♦9♣6♦ and powerful dropped to 6.1 million. --MC

12:40pm: Updated chip countsLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

As level 28 gets underway here's how the players stack up:

Name Country Status Chips
Rodrigo Strong Brazil   7,030,000
Bob Janssens Netherlands PokerStars Player 3,845,000
Michal Ozimek Poland   3,280,000
Jonathan Schuman United Kingdom   2,125,000
Milos Skrbic Serbia PokerStars Qualifier 1,855,000
Armin Zoike Germany PokerStars Qualifier 1,760,000
Alexander Voytko Israel   955,000

12:25pm: Take a breakLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

For some reason the players was sent on a fifteen minute break on the end of level 27. They've only been playing 21 minutes! --NW

12:15pm: Nikola Ristivojevic eliminated in eighth place (€14,180)Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

On the fourth hand of ultimate table play we had the primary exit. Alexander Voytko opened to 125,000 from the bring to an end and Nikola Ristivojevic then moved all-in for approximately 800,000 from the button. When action reached Bob Janssens within the big blind the Dutchman didn't even ask for a count before moving all-in and Voytko folded.

Ristivojevic: A♣T♠Janssens: 9♦9♠

The J♣6♠5♣J♦4♣ board kept Janssens in front and he's as much as around 3,800,000 whilst Ristivojevic is now on a watching brief as he tries to rail his buddy (Milos Skrbic) to victory. --NW

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Ristivojevic is out in eighth place

12:03pm: Shuffle up and dealLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Cards are out for the overall day's play. There's still 21 minutes left of level 27 at the clock. Who's your money on? --MC

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The elated eight

11:50am: Final day about to beginLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Can you're feeling the strain within the air? Not really where you might be but there is a little bit here in Marbella where just eight players remain within the biggest Main Event within the four year history of the PokerStars Marbella Festival.

The finalists are here and are having their photos taken before cards will fly into the air around midday. People are now guaranteed €14,180 however the big bucks are up top where the winner will win €151,350 to take home no less than Here is a reminder of how'll they'll line up:

1. Bob Janssens, Netherlands - 2,810,0002. Armin Zoike, Germany - 1,655,0003. Milos Skrbic, Serbia - 2,090,0004. Rodrigo Strong, Brazil - 7,235,0005. Michal Ozimek, Poland - 2,610,0006. Alexander Voytko, Israel - 1,370,0007. Nikola Ristivojevic, Serbia - 850,0008. Jonathan Schuman, Uk - 2,325,000--MC

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Can anyone stop Strong?

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT6 Marbella: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May and Rene Velli. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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