The lawmakers criticized the UIGEA ban, saying it's disingenuous of the law's supporters to say the prohibition will end US residents' patronizing online casinos. The UIGEA was in comparison to an ostrich-like head-in-the-sand approach to coping with the brand new reality of Internet gambling.
The Congressmen also were a part of the gang of federal lawmakers who successfully appealede to the Treasury to withhold implementation of the UIGEA until Comngress has an opportunity to deal with the situation.
"We shouldn't be so naive to think that we will eliminate gambling by passing that (UIGEA) law," Clay said.
"It's (online gambling) the type of thing that requires clear rules and regulations in order that it functions well," Carnahan added.
John Pappas of the Poker Players Alliance agreed, saying, "INDIVIDUALS ARE playing online by the millions. Whether you prefer it or not, the genie is out of the bottle."
The legislators also want the united states to milk the massive prospects to create revenue by regulating online gambling.
"I think $42 billion is an important sum that the government must fund one of the most programs which are worthy and that Americans benefit from," stated Clay, citing figures estimated by a PriceWaterhouse study to be the opportunity of a decade's taxation of Internet gambling.
Published on February 26, 2010 by A.J.Maldonado
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