Saturday, December 20, 2014

Vyna comes from behind to say Sunday Warm-Up Victory!

sunday-warmup.jpgWith the live action drawing to a finale down on the Atlantis resort for the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure, the numbers within the Sunday Warm-Up were massive this week, with 4,701 entrants building a prize pool of $940,200.00. On the end of the night, it was Vyna outlasting the opposite 4,700 competitors to take down the title and the $98,695 because of a four-way deal.

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The final table kicked off after nine grueling hours of tournament play, and the action kicked off quickly. It only took a couple of orbits for the primary casualty of the overall table to occur, and it was the short-stacked PaperChump making his exit in 9th place ($7,521.60). Action folded around to PaperChump in middle position, who moved all in preflop with K♣-8♦. Action then passed to the deep stacked flpro157, who aroused from sleep with 5♣-5♠ and made the decision. The board missed PaperChump completely, running out J♣-2♦-T♠-9♣-2♠ to thin the sector by one.

The short stacks kept falling, as teknotom headed to the rail in 8th place ($11,752.50). Teknotom moved all in preflop from late position with A♦-8♦, and wreidthansen re-raised out of the small unaware of isolate. The massive blind folded, and wriedthansen's A♣-K♥ was revealed. The flop was interesting because it came down K♦-9♥-9♦, giving teknotom a flush draw to move up against wriedthansen's top pair, top kicker. The 4♠ at the turn was no help to either player, and when the 8♠ hit the river, teknotom was done in 8th.

Another elimination, and again it was the shortest remaining stack that fell by the wayside. After a gap raise from flpro157, Se7enTr3y looked down at 8♥-8♦ at the button. He moved all in over the top, only to look at flpro157 snap-call with A♠-A♣. The board ran out 2♦-J♠-4♠-6♠-9♠ to provide flpro157 the nut flush, and provides Se7enTr3y $21,154.50 for his 7th-place finish.

After losing a huge pot to AJacejackAJ, flpro157 was at the extreme short stack, and at last moved all in preflop with 6♣-9♦. Vyna made the decision with A♦-K♦, and his lead grew only wider when the flop came down Q♥-K♠-7♣. The T♠ at the turn gave flpro157 a gutshot straight draw, however the Q♠ at the river was no help, and flpro157 needed to settle with $30,556.50 for 6th place.

A cruel river sent Joe Hahn home in 5th place ($39,958.50). Joe Hahn raised preflop, and AJacejackAJ flat called to peer a flop of 7♥-3♠-2♦. Joe Hahn fired another bullet on the flop holding A♣-T♥, and AJacejackAJ called with 4♥-5♥ for the double gutshot draw. Joe Hahn checked the 2♣ turn, and AJacejackAJ led out. Joe Hahn called, then check-raised all in when the river showed the A♦. Joe Hahn's two pair was no good against AJacejackAJ's rivered wheel, after which there have been four.

Players took a couple of moments to talk about a deal, and on the end of a short lived discussion, the remainder four players locked up the next amounts. Chip leader AJacejackAJ took down a guaranteed $137,866, with paddy723 locking up $90,381. Vyna took a guaranteed $88,695, and the quick stack, wriedthansen locked up $60,508, with $10,000 left for the eventual winner.

Play loosened up considerable after a deal was made, with three double ups within the first five hands, as wriedthansen doubled up twice and vyna took over the chip lead when he doubled through AJacejackAJ. Wriedthansen's comeback continued as he busted paddy723 in a b ig hand. Paddy723 open-shoved from the button, and wriedthansen called from the small blind. Paddy723 was slightly ahead with A♦-5♥, however the cards were close as wriedthansen showed A♥-4♥. The flop was an innocuous 9♣-8♠-K♥, however the 7♥ at the turn gave wriedthansen the nut flush draw. The 9♥ promptly landed at the river to fill the flush, and paddy723 needed to be content along with his $90,000 payday from the deal.

The three remaining players continued to sling chips back and forth, with an all in seemingly another hand, until finally Vyna took out AJacejackAJ along with his namesake hand. AJ raised preflop with A♠-Q♣, and wriedthansen flat-called. Vyna three-bet from the massive blind with A♥-J♠, and AJ moved all in excessive. Vyna thought for a moment before calling, and was in serious trouble preflop. However the flop changed everything, because it came down 4♠-9♦-J♣. The A♦ at the turn left AJ in search of a queen and just a queen, but if the river rolled over the T♣, his tournament was over in 3rd place. Way to the four-way chop, AJacejackAJ still took down the largest payout, with $137,000 added to his bankroll as wriedthansen and Vyna settled in to play heads up for $10,000.

It only took a couple of hands, or even though he placed on an ideal run on the final table, wriedthansen couldn't quit crawl out of the chip deficit he was within the. final hand started out slow, as both players limped in to peer a 4♦-8♦-9♣ flop, however the bets and raises started flying after the flop. All of the money went in at the 8♠ turn, and wriedthansen showed 6♣-7♥ for a straight draw, as Vyna tabled 7♠-9♦ for 2 pair. The A♦ at the river was no help to wriedthansen, and he needed to accept his $60,500 as a part of the deal.

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Vyna picked up an additional $10,000 to bring his total take for winning to $98,000 and a few change. Congratulations to all our final table players and everybody who cashed on this week's Sunday Warm-Up!

Read More... [Source: :: PokerStars Sunday Tournaments]

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