Monday, June 20, 2016

UKIPT6 Marbella Day 1A: Live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

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* CLICK TO REFRESH FOR UP TO DATE UPDATES* Day 1A is over* Click for end of day chip counts

10:20pm: Done for the dayLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

That's your lot! A wrap of the day's play can also be read here. --NW

9:55pm: Last six handsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Each table will play six more hands before bagging up for the day. --MC

9:50pm: Late bustoutsLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Around 81 players remain here on Day 1A. The next didn't quite make it to Day 2: Per Wikstrom, Ivan Macias Espada, Michele Amato, Karolis Ananevas, Adrian Benitez Narvaez, Gabin Louis Andre Feriolo, Gintaras Simaitis, Samuel Meeuse, Jose Antonio Gonzalez Zaragoza, Hani Antonio Ouatfeh Ramirez, Koray Suler, Lukasz Winski, Jorge Antonio Juste Menchaca, Jaroslaw Jerzy Balcerek, Juan Oliver Paredes Sanchez, Tommaso Briotti, Diego Soto Benitez, Kamil Jacek Wiercinski, Jan CombesEnrique Santiago Cambarao Calvo and Nikolay Baryshnikov. --MC

9:45pm: Could Voytko have won more?Level 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Alexander Voytko is as much as 270,000 after winning a large pot against Jose Salazar but it's possible he could've won more. Pre-flop Voytko opened to 4,500, Salazar three-bet to 14,000, Voytko made it 28,000 straight and Salazar smooth called.

The T♠A♦7♣ flop checked through and the K♦ fell at the turn, Voytko checked, Salazar bet 24,000 and Voytko smooth called. The J♣ completed the board and both players checked it down. Salazar opened pocket kings for a turned set, but Voytko had flopped a suite and a greater one at that as he had pocket aces! 

Salazar couldn't believe he did not have the most efficient hand but he was second best in this occasion and drops to 65,000. --NW

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Voytko has vaulted up the chip charts

9:35pm: Pole position for GrzegorzLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Grzegorz Idziak is as much as 275,000 that appears like it's good for the chip lead as we go into the general 20 minutes of play. --NW

9:25pm: Taylor doublesLevel 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Guy Taylor, who won two flipout tournaments at this year's PCA, has bought that kind of form with him to Marbella as he just scored a fortunate double as much as stay by and large event.

He three-bet to 12,500 with A♦K♥ and called all-in for 49,000 after his opponent, who had pocket kings, had four-bet jammed. An ace at the flop meant Taylor doubled to over 100,000. --NW

9:15pm: Gonna need to get there at the second attempt...Level 12 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Stick a flake in Enrique Santiago Cambarao, Samuel Fraile, Jospeh Chattaway, Guillaume Lichiere, Khalil Youssafi, Kjell Hoiseth, Juan Evangelista Arana, Mikel Angulo, Jaroslaw Lipien, Nikola Ristivojevic, Paul Fontan, Michael Nicholls, Oscar Ingelmo, Andre Morath, John Bagnall, Patrice Brandt, Kamel Bekhaled (the primary ever player from New Caledonia to play a UKIPT!), Manuel Cortada, Jose Antonio Rouco, Richard Cashman, Georgios Papadopoulos, Antonio Jesus Diaz, Tuomas Jalonen and Tomasz Cichocki because they're all out.

99 players remain as the final level gets underway. --NW

9:05pm: A whole lot of chips on table fiveLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Table five is de facto stacked as it is very possible the 3 biggest stacks within the room are all sitting across the same oval. What's more they're all in a row too!

Bob Janssens occupies the 3 seat, he's got roughly 230,000. To his direct left is Milos Skrbic, the Serbian player has around 170,000 that's also how much Neil Raine has. The united kingdom player is sat to the left of Skrbic and no less than has position at the two other big stacks on the table. --NW

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Smile Bob, you're chip leader

8:55pm: Chip leadersLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

At the beginning of the level Bob Janssens was the clear chip leader. The Dutchman was sitting with a stack of 245,000 which put him well clear of Alexander Voytko (168,300) and Mihaita Constantin Croitoru (161,600). --NW

8:45pm: Lucky double up for BaryshnikovLevel 11 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Nikolay Baryshnikov open shoved from under-the-gun for 27,300 and Dmitrii Pcheliakov called to position him in danger. It was a Russia vs Russia battle and Pcheliakov had the most efficient of it with A♥Q♠ to Baryshnikov's A♣J♥

But the K♣J♠6♠8♦4♣ board favoured the underdog and he doubled to around 60,000 whilst Pcheliakov slips to 43,000. --NW

8:15pm: End of the levelLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Level 10 has come and gone and the players are actually filing out of the cardboard room into the Spanish sun for his or her final 15 minute break of the day. After they return they'll play two more 45-minute levels before play ends for the day. --NW

8:13pm: Non starter for 10Level 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Just 124 players remain in with a possibility of creating Day 2 of this tournament. Sadly for Nikita Dubrovskii, Rafael Dominguez, Marcin Dziubdziela, Anna Docheva, Jose Antonio Albarran, Daniel Doroteo, Javier Fernandez, Simone Agnoletto, Paulius Katinas, Alfredo Aramendia, Daniel Gomez, Rolf Jauring, Thomas Rolf, Martin Bartos, Daniel Nietrzebka, Philip Butt and Tomasz Wrobel they are not among them as they've all been eliminated during level 10. --NW

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8:10pm: Big slick good for a whole double upLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Antonio Entrena had big slick at the button, flopped top pair with it but needed to wait until the river before he secured a whole double.

His opponent within the hand was Vincent Gabel from Belgium. He was within the big blind and the 2 had amassed a 19,000 pot by the point the board rested as K♦4♣T♣8♦6♥. Entrena had 16,900 left and into the center they went.

"Sixteen-nine?" asked Gabel. "AM I ABLE TO think somewhat first?"

After thinking he made the decision ad then mucked saying nice hand once Entrena opened A♥K♠. Gabel dropped to around 60,000. --MC

7:53pm: Cry me a river, notLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

You know those times you're barrelling with air, trying everything to get an opponent off a hand but you simply can't shake them? They call you preflop, at the flop and at the turn. You think that to yourself; will I NEED TO surrender at the river? Do I'VE what it takes to drain the clip in this station? After which - bink, you hit the river!

This just happened (maybe not the thoughts) to Mihaita Constantin Croitoru. The PokerStars qualifier raised from the hijack, bet the flop, bet 8,000 at the turn and 13,000 at the river. The board rested as 6♠4♦J♣9♥K♦ and Guy Taylor was his opponent within the big blind who called the entire way. When Croitoru opened K♣3♣, Taylor just smiled, flashed the J♦ and mucked. He dropped to 11,000 whereas Croitoru jumped as much as 60,000. --MC

7:45pm: Much more for SkrbicLevel 10 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

When you're hot your hot and Milos Skrbic is on fire at this time. He just took out Cristiano Jorge Ferreira in a single of these hands that simply played itself.

On a K♣Q♣A♦ flop Ferreira was only to happy to commit his final 15,000 with K♦Q♥ and Skrbic snapped him off with A♣Q♠. The J♣ turn and A♥ river meant Skrbic improved to a full-house that he didn't need.

He's as much as 175,000 now and has Neil Raine to his direct left. Raine is possibly second in chips as he's got 160,000. --NW

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The chip boss

7:25pm: Half and halfLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Exactly 50% of the Day 1A field was eliminated now as 142 of 284 players remain. A few of the latest batch of players to lose their chips are: Geoffrey Swan, Jacob Fuller, Manuel Bardon, Miguel Riera, Khazret Nebezhev, Leonid Sidelkovski, Marco Antonio Rivas, Terry Cartier, David Johnson, Andrei Vlassenko, Alvaro Romero, Antonio Entrena, Gregory Campbell, Oscar Villahoz, Keith Littlewood, Jose Enrique Cortina, Joakim Rahmouni, Johan Arne Creutz, Carlos Cabezas, Alvaro Fernando Puchol, Antonio Manuel Galiana, Jose Maria Sanchez, Felix Schlott, Grzegorz Grochulski, Michal Janczarski and Niels Van Der Heyden. --NW

7:27pm: Koleno doesn't mind being dominatedLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Being dominated aint no problem for Stanislav Koleno, especially while you flop your kicker.

Georgios Papadopoulos raised to 2,300 from under the gun and called after Koleno three-bet him to 5,400 from two seats along. The flop fell 4♦4♠T♣ and both players checked to the J♣ turn. Koleno delayed 5,000 c-bet was check-called by Papadopoulos before both players checked the J♦ river.

Papadopoulos dropped to 27,000 in chips when he saw his A♣9♣ was no good against Koleno's T♥9♥. The latter's stack rose to 105,000. -- MC

7:10pm: Soto going great gunsLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Diego Soto is as much as 90,000 after winning a pot against Juan Evangelista Arana. The latter opened to 2,300 from the button and Soto defended his big blind. Neither player bet the 4♣J♣J♠ flop but at the Q♣ turn Arana fired out a gamble of 2,800. 

A few seconds later Soto made his move, check-raising to 8,500 total. Arana had a think - either to avoid wasting face or because he had a real decision - and after about 45 seconds within the tank he released his hand. 

Pot to Soto. --NW

7pm: Butt gets EvenLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

Down to only 3,000 in chips, Philip Butt moved all-in, he was called in a single spot just for Even Mikkelsen to boost to 8,500 which was enough to get the pot heads-up.

Mikkelsen showed Q♥Q♦ and Butt said: "I've only checked out one," and flipped the A♥. His other card was the 4♥ meaning he needed some help from the community cards to outlive. He got it, as he hit the turn of a T♠8♥7♠A♦3♥ board to all but quadruple up. --NW

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6:50pm: Top 5 countsLevel 9 - Blinds 500/1,000 (100 ante)

Level 9 (of 12) is underway, Milos Skrbic appears to be the chip leader with 157,000 and is closely followed by Alexander Voytko on 150,500. --MC

6:25pm: Break timeLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

That's the tip of level eight and the players at the moment are on a 20-minute break. --NW

6:20pm: More bustoutsLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

The fallers are coming thick and fast now because the blinds and antes really begin to bite. Jesus Moreno, Jose Luis Puente, Jose Ignacio Aguilera, Jamie O'Connor, Carmine Cantone, Steven Cuevas, Leith Rashid, Brendan Keenan, Eduard Munoz, Carlos Sarria, Armin Voss, Patrick Rasmussen, Stefano Terziani, Guillermo Sanchez, Carsten Joh, Erik Sturkenboom, Thomas Pedersen, Gary McGinty, Colm Tuite, Moises Parilla and Dominique Terzian are all out. --NW

6:16pm: Carter races awayLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

Golf, footgolf, beach, bars, Euro 2016? All this options can be found for Dan Carter today, the principle Event isn't anymore though. He busted after losing a race to Dominik Hinzmann. The chips went in preflop with Cater right down to his last 10,000 or so chips.

Carter: 3♦3♣Hinzmann: A♠Q♥

The board ran T♦A♥6♠Q♠6♦ to make the German two pair. Carter wished the table good luck and walked off into the sun. --MC

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Not Carter's day

6:12pm: Finn it to win itLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

Tapio Vihakas isn't a normal at the UKIPT, but he's an accomplished tournament player who's had a variety of deep runs in events like this. His deepest run on a PokerStars tour was at EPT10 Prague, where he finished 16th in December 2013. 

He's made the trip to Marbella and has managed to extend his stack slightly, he's playing 27,500 these days. --NW

6pm: Eights great for SidelkovskiLevel 8 - Blinds 400/800 (100 ante)

Down to simply 12,000 Leonid Sidelkovski got his chips within the middle with 8♠8♣ and Marco Antonio Rivas put him in peril with A♠K♣. A jack high board meant the Russian's handheld up and he doubled to around 25,000. Rivas meanwhile is right down to 28,500. --NW

5:50pm: Voytko the person to catchLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

Alexander Voytko seems to be the present chip leader. The Israeli player is as much as 104,000 and is having a really perfect day on the felt. --NW

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Alexander Voytko - chip leader

5:47pm: Registration closed, 284 players make up Day 1ALevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

Registration closed on the end of level six and when all of the slips were counted, 284 players were confirmed to be in. That's down from last year's 349 but an even bigger day is predicted tomorrow and with re-entries available for Day 1C, we're hoping for similar overall numbers as last year (841). --MC

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5:40pm: GoneLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

There's no easy option to say this, but when you are a fan of: Maher Yakob Mahmoud, Dawid Kuliberda, Jose Ruben Zurilla, Rudolf De Boer, Aurelien Didier Arcin, Jose Miguel Martinez, Ignacio Lopez de Maturana Urbina, Damian Neska, Billy Chattaway, John Garrat, Lukasz Lazor, Heinz Traut, Raul Patron Majuelo, Jose Luis Lopez, Thomas Bingham, John Patten, Alex Difelice, Veli-Pekka Penttinen, Matous Houzvicek, Istvan Pilhofer and Carl Lundh then it's bad news as they're all out. --NW

5:34pm: Full houses no good around these parts, amigoLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

Walking past table 18 and all lets hear was sympathy for Thomas Blomberg. He was told there has been little he could do. One player looked up at us and said, "River got him, lured him in!"

Blomber's ace-x hand was already within the muck and the dealer was taking chips from his stack and giving them to Ignacio Barcenas. The board read 2♥Q♥A♥Q♦A♣ and Barcenas' pocket queens for quads were still proudly on display. --MC

5:26pm: May the fours be with youLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

Rafael Dominguez found a place to squeeze all-in and ended up doubling up after winning a race.

Victor Manuel Mateu had opened the pot with a raise to 1,400 from middle position and was called in a single spot before Dominguez made his move, for 10,325, from the massive blind. Mateu was the one caller.

Dominguez: 4♣4♠Mateu: K♦Q♦

The board ran A♠A♥2♦J♥9♦ to look the fours hold. Mateu dropped to around 12,000. -- MC

5:15pm: Sarria's shove gets throughLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

From the small blind Kamil Wiercinski opened to 1,300 just for Carlos Sarria to shove for 10,725 from the large blind. The Pole got a count of the shove and tanked for a while before folding. --NW

5:11pm: Kerrane cannedLevel 7 - Blinds 300/600 (75 ante)

James Kerrane were in shoving mode for some time. Something needed to give, and it was to bust in preference to to double up.

The Irishman was right down to 4,800 when he made his move from the cutoff. He was called by Angel Martinez within the next seat and a player within the small blind. The board ran 8♣4♥A♣7♠Q♦ with out a chips being committed to make an aspect pot. The small blind's 6♠6♥ was enough to overcome Kerrane's K♠J♦ but Martinez scooped after opening a winning K♦Q♣. -- MC

4:57pm: Be quickLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

Late registration for this starting flights slams shut on the end of the extent. Players have about eight minutes in the event that they need to play today. The tournament clock is showing that 275 players has entered today to this point. --NW

4:50pm: Go benefit from the sunLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

There are worse place on this planet to bust a poker tournament than Marbella. The next should go benefit from the sun and the football: Juan Carlos Vecino Duenas, David Borkowski, Remy Bruno Cogno, Carl Olof Stefan Olsson, Allan Greer, Diego Rodriguez Hernandez, Dmitrii Pcheliakov, Patricio Cimiano Perez, Juan Oliver Paredes Sanchez, Andrew Cruickshank, Andrew Ross Laurie, Immo Eeli Juhani Parviainen, Daniel Lopez Lozano, Juan Ramon Casado Fernandez, Carles Ferrer Arnal, Kevin Albright, Lucas Blanco Oliver, Martin Bartos, Oscar Lima Bayo, Alejandro Cuadrado Hernandez and Ashley Locker. --MC

4:34pm: Rico busts with a setLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

Noelia Ivars Rico got off to an excellent start here on Day 1A, passing 40,000 on a table that contributed three of the primary five players to bust. She told the Blog that it was a super table to be at, but unfortunately for her, she's not part of it after a foul beat sent her to the rail.

Holding pocket sixes, she got her stack in with a suite on a 9-6-3 flop. Her opponent called with pocket tens and running clubs made him a flush, and that was that. -- MC

4:25pm: Delgado departs, Wrobel chip leaderLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (50 ante)

A little while ago Vicente Delgado had 80,000, now he's out. I spied him leaving the tournament room and a walk over to where he'd been sat confirmed he was indeed out. At that very same table Tomasz Wrobel is as much as 95,000, it's almost certain that these two factors are linked.

With that stack Wrobel is the present chip leader. --NW

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Tomasz Wrobel

4:05pm: Break timeLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

The players are actually on their second 15 minute break of the day. --NW

4pm: Blomberg flushes LopezLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Daniel Lopez opened to 1,200 from under-the-gun+2 and collected four callers, including Thomas Blomberg, who was within the cut-off. 

On the K♥7♥4♠ flop Lopez bet 3,500, Blomberg moved all-in and when it folded back to Lopez he called all-in for around 15,000 total.

Blomberg: J♥9♥Lopez: A♠K♦

The Q♥ turn compelted Blomberg's flush and meant Lopez was drawing dead. The meaningless 7♦ completed the board. --NW

3:55pm: Carter caught bluffing?Level 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Dan Carter's stack has dipped back below 30,000 (29k) after he mucked after being raised at the river.

The Brit was heads up, and in position, against Dominik Hinzmann of Germany. Cater bet 1,800 on a T♠4♥T♦ flop when his opponent checked to him. Hinzmann called and both players checked the A♠ turn before Carter fired another 3,000 at the 8♦ river. Hinzmann check-raised to 12,000 and Carter snap folded. -- MC

3:40pm: More exitsLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

With the blinds and antes kicking up a notch, so are the pace of departures. Already at the rail are: Philip Langley, Santiago Ramirez, Jose Luis Calvo, Julio Sala Ruiz, Alberto Martinez, Martin Aasen Lunde, Marcus Van Opzeeland, Richard King, Gabriel Barba Godino, Tommaso Briotti, Philip Gregg, Keith Christie, Paul Lozano, Tom Holke, Ammar Naamani and Robin Nielsen.

If they would like to make Day 2 they are going to must get it done within the turbo Day 1C tomorrow night. --NW

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Holke's hopes was dashed (for now)

3:32pm: Sidelkovski aggression doesn't payLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Leonid Sidelkovski threw his hands up within the air when his bluff attempt did not get through at the river. To be fair, his opponent - Michael Ozimek - held two pair and was never going to fold.

Sidelkovski raised from the hijack and collected three callers en path to a 3♣9♦K♠ flop. Sidelkovski continued for 1,500 and two opponents stuck around to look the J♥ turn where Sidelkovski fired another 3,300. Only Ozimek called to the river where he faced a 6,000 bet. He called with K♦J♠, way ok to overcome his Russian opponent's A♦6♦ and saw his stack rise to 43,000. --MC

3:20pm: It is a sick gameLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Oh boy, this one's going to sting for a while.

By the time I arrived on the table Davy de Cooman (small blind) and Mihaita Constantin Croitoru (button) had got all their chips within the middle with Croitoru in danger for 19,700 total.

Croitoru: A♦9♦De Cooman: T♥T♦

The 3♦J♥J♠K♦K♠ board meant the Belgian's pair was counterfeited at the river. He dropped to around 7,000 and was eliminated a short while later. -- NW

3:10pm: Chip countsLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Here's how one of the most names and notables are doing on Day 1A:

Vicente Delgado, 65,000William Davies, 46,000Dan Carter, 39,500Ross Mannion, 35,500Neil Raine, 35,000Nicki Vestergaard, 28,400Tom Holke, 22,000Jan Combes, 21,000Seun Oluwole, 20,325Heinz Traut, 18,500

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Delgado's off to a flier

3:05pm: Sabina gets it in with the nuts, bustsLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Sabina Hiatullah stopped and talked to Blog about her exit from the primary Event. It was pretty brutal however the Italian/German is planning on playing Day 1C and goes to check out tonight's satellite to get in cheap.

She got her stack in with top set of aces of the turn. It was the nuts at the turn but her opponent called (to make the pot worth 260 big blinds) with flush and straight draws, the latter draw coming in at the river. -- MC

2:50pm: Vives survives scary board with kingsLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Theodore Vives' stack has grown to around 44,000 after his pocket kings survived an overly wet board.

He was up against Diego Rodriguez Hernandez and the pot swelled to over 25,000. The turn had already been dealt so the board read T♣7♣J♦T♠ when Vives checked from the small unaware of face a 7,025 bet. He took his time before he called to the 9♥ river where both players checked. Vives opened K♣K♥ and took the pot after Hernandez tapped the table and mucked to drop to 29,000. -- MC

2:20pm: Break timeLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Three levels down and the players are on their first break of the day. The clock says 260 players have entered up to now with 15 of them failing to make the break. Some recent exits include: Gary Bluston, David Teso do Nascimento, Javier Perez Minaya, Dmitrii Nazarov and Dario Nittolo.

That might not be the last we see of those players though as there is a Day 1C flight happening tomorrow night at 10pm. It is a turbo flight where the degrees has been reduced to twenty minutes, and it is only open for individuals who have already been eliminated on Day 1A or 1B. -- MC

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2:15pm: Delgado dentedLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Vicente Delgado is off to a flying start here in Marbella as despite just losing a pot against Nikita Dubrovskii he's still got 48,000. 

In the hand in question Delgado opened to 525 from the hijack and called after Dubrovskii had three-bet to 1,350 from the cut-off.

Dubrowskii fired twice on the pot, betting 1,050 at the 2♣3♠K♠ flop and 2,500 at the 6♦ turn. Delgado check-called both bets and both players then checked the T♠ river. Delgado opened 9♥9♠ but Dubrovskii had outflopped him with K♦J♣. ---NW

2:05pm: Power poker gone wrongLevel 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Andrey Krupnov made a gigantic play at the flop in a three-way hand. It turned out to be the incorrect move though, and he ended up at the rail.

The flop read T♦4♣3♦ and Krupnov was first to behave and moved all-in for what looked 12,000, around four times the volume of chips within the middle. Noelia Ivars Rico, first cousin of blogger Lina Olofsson, was within the next seat and made a reluctant looking fold. Jorge Carvalho wasn't reluctant at all, and snap called with K♦K♣, sooner than Krupnov's 9♥9♠.

The board ran out T♣2♥ and it made Rico laugh as she said she folded a 10. The Swedish player has already amassed over 40,000 though, so Day 1A life continues to be good for her. -- MC

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A busy room on the PokerStars Marbella Festival

1:35pm: Misclick?Level 3 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Fun and games over on table 23 where Angel Martinez open raised to 2,300. That is not a typo. The 11.5 big blind open raised some eyebrows and no less than two players on the table needed to get confirmation of the raise size before acting. They both folded, as did everyone else. --NW

1:25pm: Good gameLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150The tournament board is showing that 226 of 230 entrants remain. The four fallers are: Jose Manuel Nunez Fernandez, Samvel Oganesyan, Igor Pihela and Joey Lovelady. --NW

1:14pm: Garcia squeezes valueLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

Antonio Entrena Garcia almost got three streets of value with pocket kings but a scary river card shut down the action.

Gary Bluston had opened to 375 from second position, and was called by Remy Bruno Cogno within the next seat, before Garcia squeezed to 1,225 from the cutoff. Both opponents called to look a 9♦3♠8♦ flop where they checked it over to Cogno. He wasted little time in continuing for 1,550, a gamble that was only called by Bluston. He check-called another 2,300 at the 4♥ turn before both players checked the T♦ river. Bluston opened A♣9♣ and lost out to Garcia's K♠K♥. --MC

1pm: Holke limps, winsLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

From early position Tom Holke limped, it folded to Oscar Ingelmo Hernandez, who was at the button, and he bumped it to 375 total. The small blind made the decision and so did Holke. 

So three to a flop then and it came 8♦A♣2♦. Holke led for 675 and Hernandez was the one caller. The A♦ turn and 5♦ river were both checked through and Holke turned over Q♠T♦. Hernandez smiled and flashed the 9♦ as he mucked. --NW

12:50pm: Early happenings, in briefLevel 2 - Blinds 75/150

- Tom Holke's stack has dropped to 21,000 after he looked as if it would value bet himself at the river. He bet 3,500 with 4♦4♥ with a board showing 7♠6♦3♦3♠2♠ and was called by a neighbour holding 7♦9♥.- Neil Raine's playing position well early on. Thomas Bingham raised to 325 from the hijack and Raine was the one caller at the button. The flop fanned 9♠6♥7♠ and Raine bet 400 when Bingham checked to him. Fold.- Jan Combes, mother of British pro Charlie Combes and a former ladies champion at the EPT, bumped into aces and lost almost a fifth of her stack. "It happens!" she said. --MC

12:35pm: More namesLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

The collection of runners goes up by the minute and one in every of Spain's finest players has just taken his seat. Vicente 'vicenfish' Delgado has racked up over $2,300,000 in online cashes and is a continuing presence within the online satellites to UKIPT events.

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Traut is about

Heinz Traut could also be within the field, he was the ESPT Player of the Year in Season 5, partially because of a 3rd place finish in ESPT5 Madrid. So no title for Traut, but one man who does have a ESPT main event title to his name is Nicki Vestergaard. The Dane won in Madrid in Season 6 and is playing today. 

He's certainly one of 180 players who've opted to play Day 1A. -- NW

12:30pm: Who's about?Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

The clock says that 150 are registered for Day 1A up to now. With the britain vs Wales game scheduled for tomorrow we're expecting a large number of British players here to go into today. Neil Raine, Joey Lovelady, Dan Carter and Seun Oluwole have all taken their seats.

Germany even have their second game tomorrow and Tom Holke - the Eureka5 Hamburg champion - has the entire German regalia on his person already. To mention he's a proud German is an irony. -- MC

12:15pm: Dinner cancelled!Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

That headline is slightly misleading to be honest. A 60-minute dinner break was within the schedule for the top of Level 8 but that's been taken out and we'll push n through and finally end up around 9:30pm CET. The explanation? Euro 2016 of course!

The France vs Albania game kicks off at 9pm and the powers that be wish to get those excited about the sport out to allow them to watch the second one half. There's four 15-minute breaks within the schedule still and players can order food to the table in addition. -- MC

12:05pm: The clock is runningLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Play has started. --NW

11:55am: It is the UKIPT's annual summer holidayLevel 1 - Blinds 50/100

Ludovic Geilich, Rodrigo Espinosa, Isidoro Barrena, ?.

Once again the UKIPT and Estrellas poker tours have combined as one to bring you the Marbella Poker Festival. Over the following five days we'll add another name to the list of UKIPT Marbella champions. It's 2-1 to Spain on the moment, can the united kingdom and Ireland find the equaliser?

Follow updates every step of how right here, via the @UKIPT and @PokerStarsBlog twitter accounts. If Spanish is your bag then you definitely want to head to the Spanish language PokerStars Blog.

Play is because of start at midday. 

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Key UKIPT6 Marbella Facts:- 25,000 starting stack- Blinds starting at 50/100 for 250 big blinds- Levels are 45 minutes on Day 1 and they will be 12 of them. From Day 2 onwards levels increase to 60 minutes. - Day 1A is today, Day 1B happens tomorrow and there is also a turbo Day 1C at 10pm tomorrow. That opening flight is purely open to players who've busted on Day 1A or Day 1B.- The sphere will then combine for the primary time on Friday. We'll reach the cash throughout the eight levels of play on Day 2 after which play right down to a last table on Saturday. Sunday is all in regards to the final. Cue mad celebrations and swigging of sangria from the trophy (possibly). - Full UKIPT5 Marbella schedule here.

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT6 Marbella: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May and Rene Velli. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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