Monday, November 24, 2014

Internet Casino Bill Hearing Delayed

The committee hearing on Barney Frank's bill regulating online casinos and Internet gambling have been moved from Friday to a date to be determined.

Play Now at Las Vegas USA Casino! The Congressional hearing see you later awaited for Barney Frank's bill proposing a regulatory structure for Internet casinos and online gambling have been postponed. The hearing before the home Financial Services Committee scheduled for Friday, April 16th will now be moved to a later time and date.

According to an announcement by the committee, Barney Frank, committee chairman, has a conflict forcing an adjustment of the hearing time. No announcement was made as to when the hearing can be rescheduled.

The measure, which sets up licensing, taxation, and oversight of online casinos and Internet poker, was introduced by Frank a year ago. However, the bill has missed several potential dates for advancement, as Congressional attention has fascinated with health care and monetary reform.

Frank faces a deadline of June 1st, as that date marks the looming implementation of the UIGEA. The Treasury granted an appeal by a bipartisan Congressional group asking the UIGEA online gambling ban be held back until Frank's legislation may well be considered.

However, an extra delay in implementation is very unlikely, as Senator Jon Kyl responded to the UIGEA postponement by refusing to approve Treasury job appointments, leaving the dep. to run exceedingly short-staffed. Kyl worked a maintain Treasury officials to permit the appointments so long as the UIGEA date isn't moved again.

Published on April 13, 2010 by A.J.Maldonado

Read More... [Source: UIGEA News]

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