Friday, December 5, 2014

Eureka4 Rozvadov: Level 20-23 updates (12,000/24,000 ante 3,000)

6.07pm: Break timePlayers are actually on a 15-minute break. The remainder of the tournament updates will appear in a brand new post here.

6.05pm: Petr Subik eliminated in 12th place (€6,050)There could be no Czech winner of this Eureka Poker Tour event. Petr Subik was all in with 6♥6♠ against Michael Passy's A♠Q♦ at the feature table however the board came J♠A♣9♥2♣8♥ to make Passy the most productive hand.

5.52pm: Meciar freerolls, Wolfsberfer triples upBeatrix Wolfsberger moved all in for 128,000 from the cutoff. Dawid Mysiewicz min-reraised at the button before Martin Meciar moved all in from the small blind. Mysiewicz folded.

Wolfsberger: K♦K♣Meciar: J♥J♦

The board was 6♣Q♣8♣9♣5♠ and Wolfsberger tripled up, moving to nearly 400,000. Meciar freerolled by virtue of the truth he picked up Mysiewicz min-reraise amount.

5.43pm: Grigore Boroica eliminated in 13th place (€6,050)Grigore Boroica was knocked out, in fact it might be his bogeyman Dawid Mysiewicz that was the assassin. Boroica pushed excessive of a Mysiewicz raise with A♦T♥ however the chip leader held Q♠Q♦ and the board came 8♦4♣8♥2♠T♣.

5.39pm: Josef Gulas eliminated in 14th place (€5,250)PokerStars Qualifier Sascha Ranzinger opened to 61,000 from the button, Josef Gulas moved all in from the massive blind for 127,000 and Ranzinger made the obligatory call.

Gulas: A♥9♥Ranzinger: A♠7♠

The board came 2♣7♥Q♠4♥Q♣ and Ranzinger spiked his three-outer to eliminate the Czech player.

5.29pm: Mysiewicz finds the ace from spacePokerStars Qualifier Dawid Mysiewicz has won the most important pot of the tournament to this point. Grigore Boroica opened preflop to 48,000 and was called by PokerStars Qualifier Sascha Ranzinger. Mysiewicz then squeezed to 168,000 out of the blinds, Boroica tanked for 2 minutes before moving in and Ranzinger folded. Mysiewicz thought for a minute then called off the remainder of his stack.

"Go one time!" said Boroica, turning over K♦K♣, Mysiewicz flipped A♣K♠.

The flop came A♦9♣8♦ and the Pole jumped into the chip lead, the Q♦ teased Boroica with the nut flush draw however the 6♠ at the river meant Mysiewicz doubled as much as 1.4 million in chips. Boroica was left with 200,000.

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PokerStars Qualifier Dawid Mysiewicz is the brand new chip leader

5.15pm: Stay of executionBeatrix Wolfsberger moved all in for her last 63,000 with A♦J♥ and was called by Christian Jambor's A♥Q♣. Wolfsberger seemed to be heading out of the door but she spiked at the river of a 6♠8♣7♣7♠J♣ board to stick alive.

5.08pm: Level upBlinds are actually 12,000/24,000 with a 3,000 ante.

5.06pm: Oliver Bosch eliminated in 15th place (€5,250)Oliver Bosch moved all in from the button and it was passed to PokerStars Qualifier Martin Meciar who made a rapid call within the big blind.

Bosch: A♣5♥Meciar: 9♥9♠

The board came 6♠4♠K♠9♠K♦, Meciar made an entire house and Bosch was knocked out in 15th place.

4.53pm: Anna Karatassiou eliminated in 16th place (€4,650)Anna Karatassiou moved all in for her last 107,000, Christian Jambor called and everybody else folded.

Karatassiou: A♥7♦Jambor: A♣K♠

The board came J♣J♦A♦9♥4♥ and Jambor's king kicker was enough to finish the dream for the Greek lady.

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Anna Karatassiou

4.40pm: Martewicz speaking the truthJosef Gulas had fired a 50,000 bet on a K♦A♥Q♦ flop with Mateusz Martewicz check-calling. Both players checked the T♣ turn before Martewicz bet 120,000 at the river.

Gulas picked up 120,000 and turned to his opponent saying, "WOULD YOU LIKE a call?"

"Yes," replied Martewicz.

Gulas raised his eyebrows just a little but made the decision. Martewicz showed J♥T♦ for the flopped straight and won the pot.

4.31pm: RedrawTable Seat Name Country Status1 1 Michael Passy Belgium 1 2 Martin Meciar Slovakia PokerStars Qualifier1 3 Michael Eiler Germany  PokerStars Qualifier1 4 Ismail Kalkan Germany  1 5 Bert Geens Belgium 1 6 Petr Subik Czech Republic  1 7 Marko Mikovic Serbia 1 8 Oliver Bosch Austria 

2 1 Anna Karatassiou Greece 2 2 Christian Jambor Germany  2 3 Beatrix Wolfsberger Austria  PokerStars Qualifier2 4 Dawid Mysiewicz Poland  PokerStars Qualifier2 5 Grigore Boroica Romania 2 6 Sascha Ranzinger Germany  PokerStars Qualifier2 7 Mateusz Martewicz Poland  2 8 Josef Gulas Czech Republic 

4.20pm: Tomasz Klaczynski eliminated in 17th place (€4,650)PokerStars Qualifier Dawid Mysiewicz opened to 40,000 preflop from the button and Tomasz Klaczynski moved all in from the massive blind, Mysiewicz called instantly.

Mysiewicz: A♣Q♥Klaczynski: A♥T♦

The board came K♠Q♦5♠4♠2♣ and the tournament was right down to its final 16 players. Out of the primary eight exits, five was Polish - only two are left. There's now a two-table redraw.

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Tomasz Klaczynski

4.11pm: Subik doubles upPetr Subik moved all in from the button for 231,000 and Bert Geens called within the big blind with A♣5♦, Subik showed A♥J♣

The flop came Q♦A♦T♣, "THAT ISN'T a fair flop," said Geens, although a 10 now would give him a chop.

The 5♠ came at the turn to place Geens ahead but he remained unconvinced, "IT ISN'T over yet..."

Indeed it was not and the J♥ to make Subik a greater two pair, doubling as much as about 480,000.

4.01pm: Tim Eulenbach eliminated in 18th place (€4,150)A short-stacked Tim Eulenbach shoved all in excessive of Oliver Bosch's raise. Eeulenbach had A♥K♦, Bosch was priced in with 9♣7♣ and managed to flop two pair to win on a K♣9♦7♠J♠4♥ board.

4.00pm: Chip countsGrigore Boroica Romania 1,260,000Bert Geens Belgium 1,083,000Mateusz Martewicz Poland  835,000Ismail Kalkan Germany  794,000Michael Passy Belgium 722,000Martin Meciar Slovakia PokerStars Qualifier 713,000Christian Jambor Germany  693,000Oliver Bosch Austria  523,000Marko Mikovic Serbia 517,000Michael Eiler Germany  PokerStars Qualifier 446,000Sascha Achim Ranzinger Germany  PokerStars Qualifier 442,000Josef Gulas Czech Republic  366,000Dawid Mysiewicz Poland  PokerStars Qualifier 364,000Beatrix Wolfsberger Austria  PokerStars Qualifier 297,000Petr Subik Czech Republic  233,000Tomasz Klaczynski Poland  174,000Anna Karatassiou Greece 172,000Tim Eulenbach Germany  127,000

3.57pm: Level upBlinds are actually 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante.

3.40pm: Break timePlayers are on a fifteen minute break.

3.38pm: Gregorz Wyraz eliminated in 19th place (€4,150)In the last hand before the break, Gregorz Wyraz moved all in for 175,000 from the button and Michael Eiler called within the big blind. Wyraz showed T♥9♣ to Eiler's K♦Q♣ but neither hit the 5♠A♦6♣8♠2♣ board and Eiler moved as much as 430,000.

3.23pm: Clash of the large stacks imminent?Bert Geens and Grigore Boroica both have over one million in chips now and are sitting next to each other. Will the 2 play an actual monsterpotten? The nearest to anything resembling action saw a J♣T♠8♥ flop but Boroica folded 3♣3♠ withstand a 50,000 bet from Geens.

3.08pm: Tomasz Gluszko eliminated in 20th place (€4,150)The chips went flying in on an A♥J♥T♣ flop between PokerStars Qualifier Tomasz Gluszko and Grigore Boroica. Gluszko had A♦K♣ but Boroica had flopped the nuts with K♦Q♠. The 9♠ turn and 7♦ river changed nothing and Boroica moved as much as about 800,000.

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Grigore Boroica

3.05pm: Big double for PassyMichael Eiler opened to 32,000 preflop before Michael Passy made it 68,000 behind him. Eiler four-bet to 117,000 and Passy moved all in, Eiler sighed, "Really?" and made the call.

Eiler: Q♥Q♦Passy: A♠A♦

The board came 8♠5♠8♣5♦6♥ and Passy doubled as much as around 700,000. Eiler was left with just over 300,000.

2.56pm: Raf De Wever eliminated in 21st place (€3,650)Raf De Wever had shoved all in for 138,000 on a T♣9♠2♦ board and Tomasz Gluszko tanked for several minutes before deciding to make the call.

De Wever: 8♦7♥Gluszko: K♠J♦

The 4♣ at the turn and T♠ river made no difference and Gluszko won the pot with king-high.

2.50pm: Gulas doubles upJosef Gulas just won a flip for 440,000 after his 7♥7♣ beat Grigore Boroica's A♣K♦ on a 7♦2♦6♥T♠9♣ board. Boroica was left with an analogous amount after the hand.

2.43pm: Level upBlinds at the moment are 8,000/16,000 with a 2,00 ante.

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Always good to have position

2.38pm: Kurt Herrmann eliminated in 22nd place (€3,650)Like buses, the eliminations have are available threes, no sooner had Tryba been knocked out on table 2 than Kurt Herrmann had made a stand at the feature table with pocket jacks. PokerStars Qualifier Beatrix Wolfsberger made the decision with ace-queen and flopped a queen and that was all she wrote for the Swiss player.

2.32pm: Grzegorz Tryba eliminated in 23rd place (€3,650)Grzegorz Tryba had lost a coin flip with ace-ten to Petr Subik's pocket sevens which the Polish player short-stacked. Tryba pushed his remaining chips in with 6♦6♣ but found a caller in PokerStars Qualifier Sascha Achim Ranzinger who held A♣9♠. The board came 8♦7♦K♣9♣4♥ and that spelled the tip for an additional of the Poles.

2.22pm: Milan Tomasz Rabsz eliminated in 24th place (€3,200)Milan Tomasz Rabsz was all in preflop with J♠J♥ against Grigore Boroica's 9♠9♦ and searching good for a double up however the board came 2♥2♦K♦K♠9♥ and Boroica rivered a whole house to eliminate Rabsz and boost his own stack to 650,000.

2.15pm: Klaczynski doubles up

Tomasz Klaczynski moved all in for 78,000 preflop and Mateusz Martewicz made the decision in late position.

Klaczynski: A♣T♣Martewicz: K♥Q♥

The board came J♣2♣9♦3♥3♣ and Klaczynski made a flush to double as much as around 180,000. Martewicz was left with just over 400,000.

2.00pm: Day 3 is underwayThe tournament has begun and can be playing all the way down to the overall table of eight players.

1.55pm: Welcome to Day 3 of Eureka4 RozvadovThe players are only taking their seats here at King's Casino and the tournament must be underway in about five minutes. Bert Geens is the overnight chip leader and is the one player over the 1 million chip mark. There are 37 minutes left of level 20 and the seat draw is here.

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Bert Geens leads the Day 3 field

Read More... [Source: :: Eureka Poker Tour]

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