Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Canadian Province Ends Gambling Subsidies for humanities and Culture

Representatives of the British Columbia government told organizers of artistic and cultural events they might now not be eligible for grants funded by the casino and gambling revenue the province collects.

Play Now at English Harbour! Officials in British Columbia announced support for the humanities and cultural events would now not be funded by revenue from gambling. In keeping with an announcement by Housing and Social Development Minister Rich Coleman, gamin g taxes can be used primarily for children's programs.

Over $120 million in annual grants have been funded by gambling resources, including online gambling operated by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation. But a March decision to narrow the scope of the awards to exclude environmental groups, the arts, and culture and sports groups was adjusted to also bar grants to arts and music festivals, in addition to non-profit events and museums.

Coleman asserted that among the excluded events charge the general public for participation, and do not need government backing.

But backers of the snubbed programs say the subsidies were some way for casinos and gaming to pay back debts created by the side effect social ills of gambling.

"The arts are a correct tonic to the social ill of gambling," said David Jordan of the Vancouver International Fringe Festival to the Vancouver Sun. The festival stands to l,ose over $70,000 in gambling money under the brand new policy.

Gaming resources within the Canadian province have seen revenues decline in the course of the global recession, however the introduction of online casino games and the chance of a unified Canadian Internet gambling network seem prone to greater than offset losses at land casinos.

Published on May 29, 2010 by PrestonLewis

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