Saturday, November 1, 2014

ANZPT Canberra Day 2: Levels 15 & 16 (blinds 2,500-5,000, ante 500)

10:30pm: We're within the money as Moussa bubbles to finish the day

The bubble has burst on George Moussa to depart us with fifteen more than pleased players. After all Moussa wasn't so thrilled especially considering his elimination hand.

Moussa opened from the cutoff to 11,000 before Tristan Bain shipped all of it in from the small ignorant of put maximum pressure at the short stacks. Moussa made the decision for his tournament life with [ad][kh] as Bain held live cards holding [8c][6s].

With the second one table sweating the action and praying for a foul beat, the board delivered [5h][6h][9c][3h][7s]. Bain paired the flop and improved to a straight at the river to go away a distraught Moussa heading for the closest exit.

That wraps up our live coverage. It's difficult to understand our chip leader but Tristan Bain, Khiem Nguyen and Leigh Warne are essentially the most likely suspects. We'll have exact counts and an entire wrap of the day's activities for you shortly.

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George Moussa bubbles the ANZPT Canberra Main Event as Day 2 draws to a close

10:20pm: Swan busts; We're at the bubble!

Oliver Swan have been eliminated to go away ourselves at the money bubble. In a raised pot, Swan moved all in for his last 31,100 from the massive blind on a flop of [2d][5h][9h]. James Broom thought for a moment before folding but Leigh Warne snap-called with [tc][th]. Swan had quite a lot of outs together with his [kh][qh] for flush draw and overcards, but couldn't connect at the [9c] turn or [9s].

The next player eliminated will go home empty-handed while the rest fifteen will bag up their chips with a minimum $4,690 of their back pocket.

10:10pm: Moussa stays alive

George Moussa has collected an overly timely double up when his [qc][qd] held in a preflop clash with Tristan Bain's [jc][js]. The board ran out [4c][kh][9h][3d][9d] as Moussa doubled his stack of 39,800.

Bain wasn't too happy as he tossed out the chips one at a time, to the annoyance of floor staff. Bain slips to 145,000.

10:00pm: Broom stays aggressive

David Gorr opened with a raise to 11,000 at the button before James Broom three-bet to 27,000 within the small blind. Gorr quickly called and so they saw a flop of [qc][9d][4d]. Both players checked and the turn was the [7d]. Again it went check, check, to the free [9s] at the river.

Broom slid out a stack worth 20,000 and Gorr took a moment before making the decision. Broom opened [7c][6h] for nines and sevens which was enough to assemble the pot.

9:55pm: Level up, blinds 2,500-5,000, ante 500

9:50pm: Vandersluis vanquished

Roy Vandersluis is the following to head after he moved his short stack into the center with pocket sixes against the ace-queen of David Gorr.

Another lady spiked at the flop to pair up Gorr and eliminate Vandersluis from the tournament. The Aussie Millions champ is the one player within the ANZ POTY top ten still alive as he's on target for his third cash of the season. He's as much as 180,000 chips.

9:35pm: Slow going

It's been very slow going during the last half an hour, with out a action to report. There are not any real short stacks stressed so it seems like shall we be here for some time yet.

Much of the slow going has come from Toothpick Tony and his antics along with his stacks sitting mixed and unorganized. This led to an excessively slow hand against Khiem Nguyen.

Toothpick opened to 15,500 before Nguyen raised to 43,000. Toothpick stood and declared himself all in, and it took three mathematicians to see his stack size. 169,100 was the tentative amount agreed upon and after the clock was called on Nguyen he let it go. Ninteen players remain.

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Toothpick Tony in the midst of the action in Canberra

9:10pm: Maklouf picked off

Last year's ANZPT Canberra runner up, John Maklouf has installed an excellent repeat performance but fallen just in need of reaching the cash.

He was the fast stack of the sector with just 21,800 in chips which he committed with [as][6c]. Toothpick Tony made the decision with [kd][5s] and connected at the board of [kh][9d][tc][qd][4h].

On a close-by table, Lee Holtzapffel was also eliminated to go away ourselves with 19 players remaining.

8:55pm: Play resumes

The 21 remaining players are back at the felt with six more eliminations required until we reach the cash and the top of the day's play.

At the tip of the last level Khiem Nguyen reclaimed his spot on top of the chip count leaderboard with the elimination of David Steele. Nguyen holds 350,000 to be well out in front.

Read More... [Source: PokerStars Poker Blog :: Tournaments]

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