Saturday, November 8, 2014

Homanga comes from behind for win in gigantic Sunday Warm-Up field!

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for sunday-warmup-promo1.jpgThis weekend was an enormous one for PokerStars, with the NAPT Venetian going on, the EPT Copenhagen wrapping up, and more exploded guarantees within the Sunday major tourneys. But it surely was the exceptional 40 Billionth Hand promotion that drove the action online this week. This week's Sunday Warm-Up drew an important field of 5,341 players, making a prize pool of $1,068,200. The highest 765 players took home a work of that prize pool, with the lion's share going to cumicon, who held a dominating chip lead when a four-way deal was struck. Way to his chip lead at that point, cumicon took home over $128,000, while eventually finishing in 3rd place. Our champion homanga, meanwhile, came from one of the most shortest stacks when the general table kicked off to assert a last prize of $111,006.50.

It's rarely that the overall table bubble corresponds to wreck time, but that's exactly what happened this week. The players came back from break for only a couple of hands of bubble, then the general table was set. The chip stacks seemed like this when the general table kicked off -
warmup 2.21.10.jpg

Seat 1: homanga - $3,374,111
Seat 2: intervnton - $3,729,128
Seat 3: ANIMAL5050 - $6,717,841
Seat 4: APerfectGent - $7,338,237
Seat 5: polpolpol - $1,871,264
Seat 6: alexuuus - $944,126
Seat 7: bigbear17 - $6,944,718
Seat 8: Skryll - $3,812,540
Seat 9: cumicon - $18,243,035

After the overall table bubble burst, it took only one hand for the sphere to be reduced to 8. Intervntion opened for a raise from the button with 5♠-5♥, and polpolpol aroused from sleep with K♥-K♣ within the small blind. Polpolpol made the decision for the last of his stack, but watched his huge favorite change into an enormous dog when the flop came down J♥-5♦-8♥. The 4♥ at the turn gave polpolpol a flush draw to stick alive, however the Q♠ at the river was no good, and intervntion sent polpolpol packing in 9th place ($8545.60).

Alexuuus quickly followed polpolpol to the rail, busting in 8th place just moments afterward. the fast stack and in late position, alexuuus shipped all of it in when the action folded around to him within the cutoff with J♣-8♣. Cumicon had a dominating chip lead and the massive blind, so he made the decision with K♦-9♠. The flop was right in cumicon's wheelhouse because it came down K♠-3♦-5♦. The J♥ hit the turn to provide alexuuus a bit hope, nevertheless it wasn't enough, because the 6♠ came at the river. Alexuuus picked up $13,352.50 for his 8th-place finish.

Play continued 7-handed for some time until cumicon decided it was time to send another opponent to the rail. This time it was intervntion, busting in 7th place for $24,034.50. Intervntion raised preflop from early position, then snap-called when cumicon moved all in excessive from the large blind. Intervntion was within the lead when the cards were revealed, with J♣-J♠ to cumicon's K♦-T♥. The players traded places promptly at the flop, though, because it came down 3♣-K♠-Q♥. The 7♥ at the turn was no help to either player, and when the A♣ came at the river, intervntion's run was over.

Skryll was next to fall, finishing a good 6th place way to a coin flip gone the wrong way. ANIMAL5050 raised preflop with 8♦-8♠, and Skryll moved all in excessive with A♣-9♥. ANIMAL5050 made the call, then made a collection at the 9♠-8♣-3♦ flop. Skryll had to catch perfect running cards to stick alive, and when the J♦ hit the turn, he was drawing dead. The river was an irrelevant 4♦, and Skryll headed home with an additional $34,716.50 in his virtual pocket.

Another coin flip, another victim, may be the story of the night as cumicon claimed another victim, busting bigbear17 in 5th place ($45,398.50). The players traded raises backward and forward preflop until the entire money was within the middle, and bigbear17 tabled T♣-T♠ to cumicon's A♣-J♦. The flop just about ended all speculation when it came down 9♦-K♠-J♥. Bigber17 needed a queen or a 10 at the turn or river to stick alive, but if the remainder of the board ran out 5♠-2♦, the sphere was right down to four. The last four players took a temporary break to speak about a chop, and after some wrangling agreed to a deal that guaranteed big payouts to all four players.

Chip leader cumicon locked up $128,006.50, while second-place APerfectGent nabbed a guaranteed $109,006.50. Homanga rounded out the six-figure club at $101,006.50, while fourth-place ANIMAL5050 took down $92,006.50. This deal left $10,000 to play for, so the four survivors took a temporary moment to congratulate each other, after which re-entered the fray.

As often happens once a deal is struck, the all-ins came fast and furious once the main points were hammered out. It was only some hands into four-handed play when homanga raised enough from the small unaware of put ANIMAL5050 all in with a choice. ANIMAL did indeed call, and was slightly ahead with A♣-4♦ to homanga's K♣-J♠. The flop helped neither player because it came down 6♠-8♥-9♣. Homanga was behind ANIMAL's ace-high even if the turn brought the Q♠, however the T♣ at the river made the runner-runner straight, and ANIMAL5050 was done in 4th place ($92,006.50).

The player happiest about creating a four-way deal needed to be cumicon, because after a marathon three-way session, he ended up at the short end and still had the most important payday of anyone. After losing a couple of tough hands to APerfectGent, cumicon's demise came by the hands of homanga. With only fumes left in his tank, cumicon moved all in preflop with Q♥-9♠, and homanga made the decision with A♥-8♣, and promptly flopped trips at the 3♥-A♦-A♠ board. Along with his opponent drawing dead, homanga added insult to injury when he rivered quads on a last board of 3♥-A♦-A♠-6♠-A♣. It was pretty hard for cumicon to be upset, though, as he'd locked up $128K for a third-place finish!
Heads up play then ensued between APerfectGent and homanga, who were both mostly all in favour of the TLB points at stake, even moreso than the $10,000! They battled backward and forward for quite some time, before finally this hand happened.

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APerfectGent opened with a button raise, and homanga made the decision. The flop came down 9♣-9♠-K♥, and homanga led out. APerfectGent raised, and homanga again flat-called. Homanga checked the 7♦ turn, and APerfectGent led out. Homanga called once again, then checked again at the 8♦ river. APerfectGent moved all in, and homanga called. APerfectGent showed 9♥-4♥ for trips, but was crushed to peer homanga table J♠-9♦ for trips with a greater kicker. In spite of everything that heads up play, all of it came all the way down to a kicker as homanga picked up an additional $10,000 and the title of Sunday Warm-Up champion!

Congrats to homanga, APerfectGent, and all our final table players for a game well played. Join us next week for more busted guarantees and gigantic payouts!

Read More... [Source: :: PokerStars Sunday Tournaments]

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